Master Scholarships in Food Innovation and Product Design

Master Scholarships in Food Innovation and Product Design

MSc Scholarships in Food Identity: The Master of Science Food Identity covers:

1- A comprehensive curriculum of the Typical Food : « from soil and human community to terroir »

How factors like soil, climate, cultural or technologic know-how and the whole socio-ecological context participate to the construction of the specificity of the typical food products ?

2- Characterisation of the specificity of the typical food products

How demonstrate the authenticity of the quality of the typical food products by reliable analysis and how to control and authentifiy its quality (by physical and chemical analysis, sensory and nutritionnal tools) ?

3- Development, appreciation and marketing of typical food products in the global market

How to value such products and how to construct a product differenciation beside the consumers ?(different strategies from a country to another one: quality label, marketing, communication).

How to market these products (international laws for trading, international regulations and policies, distribution networks, the market participants and thier organisation).

Facts & figures


  • A 4-semester course
  • The course is taught in 5 European countries (See the map in Partnerssection to localise the places)
  • Taught in 2 languages (Français and English) but you keep the possibility to answer the tests in English during the semesters in France.
  • 1 Study trip of 3 weeks + visits of regional food companies
  • 6/8-months of professional project (work placement) in a company
  • 120 ECTS (European Credit transfert system) required.Erasmus Mundus ScholarshipsStudents from countries outside the European Union can apply for Erasmus Mundus scholarships.

    Non-European students receive 40 000 euros for two years in which 16,000 euros are intended for tuition fees

For more information on application, visit: MSc Scholarships in Food Identity