Master Scholarships in Mechatronic and Micro-Mechatronic Systems

Master Scholarships in Mechatronic and Micro-Mechatronic Systems

Master Scholarships in Mechatronic and Micro-Mechatronic Systems; The Erasmus Mundus Master in Mechatronic and Micro-Mechatronic Systems (EU4M) is a two year, European Master program, in which three high-rated European universities participate.

As a student, you will familiarize with the development and the maintenance of systems which consist of a very high level of complexity such as cars, airplanes, satellites, space laboratories, pace makers, micro-laboratories, mobile communication systems, self adaptive systems in optics, & in robotics.

During your two years of studies, you will stay at two different universities in two different countries: Karlsruhe (Germany), Besançon (France) and Gijón (Spain) and/or spend parts of the study course at a non-European (associated) partner university

During the First Year identical lessons are given at each institution to bring the students up to the same level of knowledge.

The Second Year is more specialized depending on the second year institiution. The theoretical lessons are combined with practical training from industry and research centers.

Lectures are given in the local languages French, German and/or Spanish. Language learning and integration into the society is supported by our successful TandemPlusSystem, where each third country student will work together with one local/european student and his mentor, a local professor.

Besides earning a world-class qualification, you’ll have the chance to learn new languages and intercultural skills.

During your thesis work you will meet and work with professionals from various backgrounds and gather knowledge on a wide range of issues involved, you will also get a comprehensive EU perspective on mechatronic related technologies.

This will help you develop a coherent and integrated approach that is applicable to a more global perspective as well.

Master Scholarships in Mechatronic and Micro-Mechatronic Systems

Different scholarships are available for non-European scholars and non-European students.

Non-European students can apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship.

The scholarships for Non-european students (Full Scholarship) amounts to 46.800 € and includes:


  • 8.000 € for contribution to travel, installation and any other costs
  • 7.400 € for the tuition fees / year
  • 24.000 € monthly allowance (1.000 € / month)

For more information and application materials, see: Master Scholarships in Mechatronic and Micro-Mechatronic Systems

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