Master Scholarships in System Dynamics

Master Scholarships in System Dynamics

Master Scholarships in System Dynamics; The European Master programme in System Dynamics is specifically designed for students who are interested in learning how to initiate strategic change in organizations.

With the growing interconnectedness of society and increasing turbulence, organisations in the public and private sectors are continuously confronted with the need for improvement in strategy development, policy design and decision making in and across complex, dynamic domains.

History is full of examples where decision makers did not succeed in designing such effective policies: overoptimistic leaders have started wars they were bound to loose, learning-by-doing policies have not been sufficient to prevent overutilisation and depletion of renewable resources, very successful start-up-firms have over-expanded and gone bankrupt, governments have tried in vain to reduce health care costs, and so on.

A common denominator here is a lack of understanding of the systems people control: they ignore or misperceive the nature of stocks and flows, feedback loops, delays, and non-linearities.

Many such dynamic systems are not yet properly understood, confer the recent financial crisis.

Model based policy analysis and design (with the help of System Dynamics) has long been recognized as a way to help people make better decisions when confronted with the complexity of dynamic systems.

Admission Requirements

If you wish to enroll in the European Master programme in System Dynamics, you should meet the following requirements:

You should have a University bachelor degree (BSc), equal to the educational standards set by the European Higher Education Area and higher education partners in the programme and consortium, in ‘social sciences’, ‘management sciences’, ‘natural sciences’ or ‘engineering sciences’.

  • Your grade average must be between an A and B.
  • You must be able to hand over proof of proficiency in English: a legally certified copy of an IELTS, a TOEFL or a CAE/CPE certificate which may at the time of application not be taken longer than two years ago.
  • Your CV, including a short summary of your Bachelor thesis (in English). A letter of motivation, describing why you feel you should be admitted to the programme (in English).
  • 3 letters of recommendation (in English).
  • Legally certified copies of your diplomas and transcripts.
  • Legally certified translations of your diplomas and transcripts by a sworn translator (in English).
  • Legally certified copy of your passport.

Language Requirements

  • TOEFL > 80 (lnternet-based); or
  • IELTS > 6.0 (overall score); or
  • CAE/CPE at least level C (copy of degree required).

If you are a native speaker of English, you will not be required to provide an English language test score. You are considered to be a native speaker of English if you are from Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, the UK, USA or South Africa.

If English was the language in which you gained all your qualifications but you are not a national of one of the above-mentioned countries, we still require a TOEFL/IELTS/CAE/CPE certificate.


In the case that you took a TOEFL test, the TOEFL organization should send your results directly to us by using the institutional code of the Radboud University, 3387.

Please also include a copy of the results or a printout of your score to the documents you send to us yourself. That way, we will not have to contact you if the TOEFL results arrive later than your file does.

Master Scholarships Available

Contribution to the participation costs:

Up to 9.000 € per year per scholarship holder

Travel costs:

2.000 € per year per scholarship holder whose location is less than 4.000 km away from the HEI coordinating the JMD3.000 € per year per scholarship holder whose location is 4.000 km or more away from the HEI coordinating the JMD

Installation Costs: 

1.000 € per scholarship holder

For more scholarship details and application contacts:- Master Scholarships in System Dynamics