Master Scholarships in Tourism Management

Master Scholarships in Tourism Management

Master Scholarships in Tourism Management: Erasmus Mundus European Master in Tourism Management (EMTM) is a two-year world-class integrated programme aimed at qualifying graduates to deal with the huge challenges in contemporary tourism.

Tourism is a total social and economic phenomenon, which calls for a holistic approach to tourism education where broader aims of the industry and society are explicitly addressed in tourism curricula.

The European Master in Tourism Management (EMTM) provides students with a far-reaching and integrated understanding of the multiple disciplines and paradigms concerned with the subject which are bound together through the framework of sustainability.

The EMTM is a fully integrated two-year joint European programme promoted and tailor-made by three university partners:


  • The University of Girona (Spain), known for its research and pursuit of teaching excellence in tourism product innovation and destination management;
  • The University of Southern Denmark (Denmark), internationally recognized for its research and education in the field of sustainable tourism development; and
  • The University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), renowned for its excellence in tourism policy design and tourism environmental management and economics. The medium of instruction is English.Students follow a mandatory mobility scheme, starting the first semester in Esbjerg, Denmark, where they are introduced, at an advanced level, to the conceptualization of tourism development with particular attention to sustainability, strategic communication and economics.Moving next to Ljubljana, Slovenia, for the second semester, students learn about policy instruments, indicators and management tools available for tourism policy and strategy design, with emphasis on environmental issues in tourism development.

    Spending the third semester in Girona, Spain, students become competent in effectively implementing tourism with particular emphasis on the effective management of organizational networks, consumers, innovation processes and new tourism products.

    The fourth semester is exclusively devoted to the completion of the Master thesis.

    EMTM’s main objectives are to:


  • prepare future professionals to strategically manage and make sustainable and effective decisions in placements of high responsibility in tourism institutions;
  • Provide future professionals with an integrated knowledge of the dynamics of tourism development, the principles of sustainable management, environmental issues, the role of cultural diversity and creativity for innovation and the governance of tourism networks the quality management of customer services; and
  • Train future researchers in the field of tourism management.Students from non-EU countries are awarded Category A scholarships.Category A scholarships are considered as “full scholarships” covering all necessary costs incurred by the student during his/her study period in Europe.

    10 Erasmus Mundus Master Scholarships in Tourism Management – Category A scholarships are available.

    Master Scholarships in Tourism Management Include

  • 1,000€ per month for two years (24,000€)
  • 8,000€ for mobility
  • Tuition fees which are paid by the EU to the EMTM coordinating institution.Erasmus Mundus Category A scholarshipThese are awarded to students selected by EMTM consortia, who are nationals of a Third Country (all countries outside the EU Member States, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland), who have not carried out their main activity (studies, research or work) for more than 12 non-consecutive months over the last 5 years in one of the 27 EU Member States, Liechtenstein, Norway or Iceland.

Closing date for application is December 10

For more information and scholarship application materials, visit: Master Scholarships in Tourism Management