Masters Scholarships in Astrophysics

Masters Scholarships in Astrophysics

Masters Scholarships in Astrophysics: Astrophysics (acronym: AstroMundus) is a two-year Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Astronomy and Astrophysics.

This Course is based on the expertise of the Universities of Innsbruck, Padova, Roma, and Göttingen, and the University of Belgrade.

The “Astrophysics” Erasmus Mundus Masters Course is open to students of all nationalities that fulfill these minimum requirements:

  • Hold a Bachelor degree in Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, or Mathematics (or a certified equivalent amount of learning in the same field, quantified as 3 years of previous studies corresponding to at least 180 credits in the European Credit
  • Transfer System) or expect to obtain it latest by August of the starting year of the Masters Course;
  • Have a good and certified knowledge of the English language.

    Full Masters Scholarships in Astrophysics are reserved to third Country students. Scholarships cover the registration fees (including the insurance), include a contribution to travel, installation and any other type of costs of 8000 €, and a monthly allowance of 1000 €/month for the whole duration of the Masters Course (22 months).

    All Erasmus Mundus scholarship holders must spend a period of studies in at least 2 European partner countries different from the country where they have obtained their last degree. This implies that scholarship holders who obtained their last degree either in Austria or in Italy must spend a period of study (at least 1 semester) in Germany.

For more information and application, see: Masters Scholarships in Astrophysics