Materials Science and Engineering Scholarships

Materials Science and Engineering Scholarships

Materials Science and Engineering Scholarships; The Joint European Master Programme Advanced Materials Science and Engineering (AMASE) is a full-time Master Programme offered by

  • UdS: Saarland University, Germany
  • LTU: Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
  • UPC: BarcelonaTech, Spain
  • UL: Université de Lorraine, France


The Programme lasts two years, including six months working on the Master thesis.


Students attend courses at two of the universities in the Consortium. They spend the first two semesters at their chosen entrance university.

For the third semester students select one of the other three partner universities. In the 4th semester, students write their Master thesis at one of the two chosen universities.

Materials Science and Engineering Scholarships – Admission Requirements

The admission requirements are a Bachelor of Science or similar degree with thorough training in mathematics, physics, chemistry, physical chemistry and a basic knowledge of the structure and behaviour of materials.


The aim of the Master Programme is to provide:

A well-integrated mulilingual and intercultural experience

Education in close relation to the research activities of the four Consortium members

Education in advanced materials, to enhance the innovation potential of the students in their future activities

Preparation of the students for life-long learning in new places, different cultures and new education/work systems

Enhancement of networking activities within the EU and with third countries in the field of research and education

Materials Science and Engineering Scholarships – Target Group

The AMASE Programme is addressed to BSc graduates in science or engineering.

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for Students

Erasmus Mundus scholarships are available for students accepted to AMASE.

The AMASE universities select candidates in a competitive process from among eligible applicants, and forward the names to the European Commission for approval under the Erasmus Mundus Programme.

Please note that candidates DO NOT apply directly to the Commission for funding.

All applications are to be made directly to the AMASE programme.

The process and basis for a receiving a scholarship is:

1) application
2) acceptance to the programme and then
3) selection for a scholarship.

Candidates who are awarded an Erasmus Mundus scholarship are required to complete the entire 2-year long AMASE program, and will receive their degrees only upon completion of the full program.

Completion of year 1 alone, for instance, will not be recognized with a degree.

Materials Science and Engineering Scholarships – Eligibility for Erasmus Mundus Scholarships

There are two types of scholarship offered by the European Commission. Non EU-students, i.e. students accepted to AMASE who do not come from any of the EU countries, and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in the EU countries, are eligible for “Category A” scholarships.

Financial Conditions

The value of the scholarships is a total of € 48 000 for Category A, and € 20 000 for Category B for the duration of the programme (two academic years).

Applying for Erasmus Mundus Scholarships

Candidates who wish to be considered for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship will need to indicate this in the on-line application form.

Scholarship applicants will however have to provide all relevant information for the consortium to determine scholarship category, particularly information on citizenship and residence in the past five years.

Applicants wishing to be considered for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship may apply for no more than two other Erasmus Mundus programmes in addition to AMASE.

In case a student applies to more than three EM programmes he/she will be excluded from the selection for an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship.

For more information and job application details, see; Materials Science and Engineering Scholarships