Maternal & Newborn Providers’ Behavior Change Coordinator Non-profit Jobs – Population Services International

Maternal & Newborn Providers’ Behavior Change Coordinator Non-profit Jobs – Population Services International

Job Title:     Maternal & Newborn Providers’ Behavior Change Coordinator

Organization: Population Services International

Duty Station: Kampala Capital City Authority – City Hall, Kampala, Uganda

Reports to: Learning and Adaptation Lead – Mane Project

About US:

Population Services International (PSI) is the world’s leading non-profit social marketing organization. We work to make it easier for people in the developing world to lead healthy lives and plan the families they desire. We’re reimagining healthcare, developing health market systems where more consumer voices, at all income levels, are shaping the development of increased consumer choices – where technology-driven, affordable, quality drugs, devices, diagnostics and information move closer to peoples’ communities and homes. We believe consumer-powered healthcare is a cost-effective sustainable path toward health for all without financial hardship.

About MANE Project:

Population Services International (PSI) and Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) are implementing a three-year grant for an implementation science project (The MaNe project) funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The project is implemented in the slum communities and informal settlements in the divisions of Rubaga and Makindye in Kampala city. The project initiates and tests innovative interventions/approaches to address the demand and supply side barriers affecting illness recognition, care seeking, effective referral and provision of quality care equitably for better MNH outcomes in urban slum settings in Kampala city.

Job Summary:  We are looking for a suitable candidate to take on the temporary role of Maternal & Newborn Providers’ Behavior Change Coordinator for the MaNe Project. He/She will be responsible for strengthening Respectful Maternal and Newborn care in private and public project facilities. He/she will work with project health facilities (Public and private) and KCCA medical team to test innovations to improve respectful maternal and newborn care and document key lessons and learnt from the process. He/she will support documentation of implementation outcomes in the course strengthening respectful maternal and newborn care. .

Key Duties and Responsibilities:  

  • Rollout Expanded antenatal care in public health facilities in Lubaga and Makindye Division.
  • Liaise with stakeholders to implement client-provider dialogues in public and private health facilities enrolled on the MaNe project.
  • Support the project team to conduct client satisfaction interviews with clients seeking Maternal and newborn services from the public and private health facilities where MaNe activities are rolled out.
  • Implement project facility level, departmental and individual MNH provider rewards and recognition mechanism in public and private health facilities.
  • Solicit for client feedback about quality of MNH services through various mechanism such as the call center, toll-free number among others.
  • Lead sensitization of pregnant mothers about their rights to respectful maternal and newborn care.
  • Conduct customer care mentorships, meetings or workshops (physical and virtual) with public and private providers to maintain and improve respectful maternal and newborn care.
  • Support the knowledge management coordinator to document the key learnings/ lessons while testing/implementing project interventions in RMNC.

Qualifications, Skills and Experience:

  • The applicant must hold a Degree in Medicine and Surgery or Public Health.
  • 3+ years of experience working with public and private health providers.
  • Experience in Maternal & newborn care is an added advantage.

The candidate we hire will embody PSI’s corporate values:

  • Measurement: You use hard evidence to make decisions and guide your work. You set clear goalposts in advance and explain clearly if you need to move them.
  • Pragmatism: You’ll strive to deliver the best possible result with the resources available. You won’t be paralyzed by a need to make things perfect.
  • Honesty: You own your mistakes and are open about your shortcomings – it’s the only way you’ll learn and improve.
  • Collaboration: You’ll quickly establish a mental map of whom you can rely on for what, on your team, at headquarters, and in our country offices – if you try to do it all yourself, you won’t succeed.
  • Trust: You accept limits to your sphere of control and give colleagues the benefit of the doubt.
  • Commitment: You are in it for the long-haul and want to grow with the organization, just like PSI serves its consumers and partners with host-country governments through thick and thin.

How to Apply:

All candidates should Email their cover letters addressed to the Human Resources and Administration Manager, PSIU, and an updated CV ONLY to indicating the Job title in the subject of the email.

NB: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Deadline:  15th July 2020 by 5:00pm

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