MSc Scholarships in Ecohydrology

MSc Scholarships in Ecohydrology

MSc Scholarships in Ecohydrology: The ERASMUS MUNDUS Master Course (EMMC) in Ecohydrology ( is a unique international master course focusing on a new vision for aquatic ecosystems restoration and long-term sustainability.

The Ecohydrology approach was developed and have been refined within the International Hydrologic Program (IHP) of UNESCO.

The Ecohydrology EMMSc is supported by a consortium build on highly experienced Higher Education Institution (HEI) in this field, as:


  • The UNESCO Institute for Water Education (Delft, Netherlands),
  • The University of Lodz (Poland),
  • The University of Algarve (Portugal),
  • The Christian Albrecht University of Kiel (Germany) and
  • The National University of La Plata (Argentina).

    Several institutions, as Research and UNESCO Centers, from Europe, Latin America, Asia and Australia are associating to this course, contributing with advanced study courses and promoting students exchange.

    The ERASMUS MUNDUS Master Course (EMCC) in Ecohydrology will create highly specialized professionals in the area of Integrated Management of Aquatic Ecosystems and Resources (IMAER) based on the Ecohydrology approach and principles, able to generate applications, models and tests of the relationships between ecosystem functions and stressful factors impacting on aquatic ecosystems.

    Such professionals will have a profound understanding about the ecological and hydrological processes and their crucial and integrated role in ecosystems functioning, as basis for designing and implementing long-lasting sustainable and restoration solutions for aquatic ecosystems.

    Objectives of the MSc Course

  • Strengthen the exchange of experience between state members in the application of the Ecohydrologic concept .
  • Establish common methodologies towards an integrated management of water in Europe and disseminate those ideas (by means of both lecturers and students) to the state members.
  • Strengthen the connection of Europe to third countries and consolidate the position of Europe as leader in environmental and water issues.
  • Disseminate the European vision of environmental sustainability to third countries, demonstrated by the legislation framework adopted in water a coastal zone matters.
  • Disseminate European Culture to third countries

    Requirements for Admission

  • Proof that the applicant has successfully accomplished a first degree of higher education equivalent to a B.Sc. degree with at least 180 credit points according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and a final mark of 2.5 (according to the German grading scheme) or
  • (in the US-American grading scheme) in one of the following subjects: biology, ecology, geosciences, environmental sciences, limnology, oceanography, marine sciences, aquatic engineering or any similar subject.
  • (Portugal : 13/20 as a minimum)
  • Spain : B : 6.5/10
  • France : B: 12/20; cf.

    NARIC network for equivalence of scoring in the countries.

    All certificates, diplomas and grade certificates must have translation into Portuguese or English or French or Spanish and also recognized by the Embassy of Portugal and/or Hague.

  • Fluency in English language at least according to the C1 level of the European reference scheme for language skills.

    The admission board might abstain from any proof of English language skills, if English was the language of instruction/teaching language for the B.Sc. degree.

    Please provide certificated copies of language tests scores and language certificates (eg. TOEFL or IELTS score).

  • A Letter of Motivation stating the applicants interest in the study programme.
  • Two Letters of Recommendation not older than two years either by two university teachers or by one university teacher and one internationally recognised marine scientist. MSc Scholarships

    Students from all world countries are welcome to apply to this EMMC.

    Deadlines and requirements for applications should be verified at the website below.

    Students selected by the consortium will receive grants from the European Union “Educational, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency”.

    These scholarships, 48.000 Euros for the entire course for category A students (from non-European countries) and, will cover all expenses with fees, traveling and subsistence for the period of the course (24 months).

For more scholarships, see: MSc Scholarships in Ecohydrology Website