MSc Scholarships for Public Health in Disasters

MSc Scholarships for Public Health in Disasters

MSc Scholarships for Public Health in Disasters: The Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Public Health in Disasters (EMMPHID) is a joint university educational programme organized by the Emergency and Disaster Research Unit of the Universidad de Oviedo (Spain), the Division of Global Health of the Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) and the Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters of the Université catholique de Louvain designed to deliver high quality education and training in the field of Public Health in disaster situations.

The Programme is sponsored by the European Union and also involves thirteen associated universities and institutions around the world.

MSc Scholarships for Public Health in Disasters – Admission and Selection Criteria

EMMPHID Master shall make available a maximum of 30 places for highly qualified students. Candidates from any country are welcome to apply to the Erasmus Mundus Master in Public Health in Disasters (EMMPHID). The EMMPHID consortium has adopted a single admission procedure, which is administered and managed online.

Student Admission Criteria – Scholarships for Public Health in Disasters

To be eligible for the EMMPHID master programme the applicant must be holder of a recognized primary degree in areas related to Health, Management and Administration or Social Sciences (a minimum of three years’ study at a university and of a minimum of 180 ECTS, or equivalent according to the regulations in the country of origin and to the European regulations).

The applicant academic record will preferably include studies in the following topics:

  • Basic concepts in public health and epidemiological methods
  • Introduction and basic principles in health sociology, psychology or economics
  • Law and bioethicsSpecial topics in public health and population sciences
  • General approaches in public health, health promotion and health systems
  • Principles of statisticsGeneral and financial management
  • Environmental health

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships in Public Health

The EMMPHID will propose best ranked students to be awarded with individual Erasmus Mundus scholarships according to the student selection criteria approved by the EACEA and the Erasmus Mundus programme guidelines.

The number of scholarships will be defined on a yearly basis.The scholarships will amount to:

  • Contribution to travel, installation, visa related costs and any other type of costs € 4.000
  • Contribution to the participation costs (including insurance coverage) € 4.000 per semester
  • Monthly allowance € 1.000 per month

For more information and scholarship application, see: MSc Scholarships for Public Health in Disasters