MSc Studentships in Epidemiology – London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

MSc Studentships in Epidemiology – London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

MSc Studentships in Epidemiology: The Department of Non-communicable Disease Epidemiology, based within the Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health, is offering two one-year Studentships for full-time students wishing to undertake MSc Epidemiology at the school.

The recipients will be expected to conduct their research project (dissertation) within the Clinical Epidemiology Group and thus an interest in exploiting electronic health records for research in cardiovascular disease is essential.

Opportunities include projects in relating to cardiovascular disease and depression, the patient journey, biomarkers and diabetes and in training in the use of electronic health record data and statistical methods.

Award Application Eligibility Requirements:

Candidates from the UK and Overseas countries may apply but only those who hold an offer of admission for MSc Epidemiology will be considered for the scholarship.

The Award

The award covers full tuition fees at UK/EU rate for MSc Epidemiology.

Overseas applicants from non-EU countries are eligible to apply but will be liable to pay the difference between UK/EU and Overseas tuition fees.

The Studentship cannot be transferred to another institution, nor deferred to a later year.

For more information and application, see: MSc Studentships in Epidemiology

List of International Scholarships