MWECAU Student Accommodation

MWECAU Student Accommodation

University Hostels

MWECAU has limited residential accommodation for men and women located on the main campus and at Kiboriloni (Msarikie Campus). These limited numbers of rooms in the hostels are available on application before the beginning of the academic year/semester. Priority for on-campus accommodation will be given to new comers, students with disability, foreign students and female students from up country. Accommodation within the Campus hostels is not guaranteed for every student. Accommodation fees will be determined by the University administration annually.

There will be no accommodation for continuing students (2nd and 3rd yrs) except for the following:
l. President
ll.Vice President
lll. Prime Minister
lV. General secretary
V. Students with physical disabilities
Vl. Special cases

MWECAU Entry Requirements

MWECAU Courses Offered

MWECAU Contact Details

MWECAU Fees Structure

MWECAU Application Forms

MWECAU Prospectus

MWECAU Registration Procedure

MWECAU Joining Instructions

MWECAU September Intake

MWECAU Postgraduate Admissions

MWECAU Undergraduate Admissions

MWECAU Diploma Admissions

MWECAU Certificate Admissions