Namibia Institute of Mining and Technology Job Attachments
Being a training institution it is our task to train young Namibians to the highest possible standards of craftsmanship. Once qualified, the trainee should be a valuable / very useable asset to the industrial section of our country as well as a worthy citizen of Namibia.
This is not achievable without the assistance of private companies, our partners-in- training. We therefore request you to please scrutinize the following guidelines, to use them and to comply to them. In this way, both entities involved will be able to ensure that the trainee(s) in your company will be an asset to Namibia, now and in his future
The practical job-attachment period is one of the legal requirements for a trainee to one day be a qualified artisan. After the four-year training-period – theoretical and practical – the trainee has to sit the National Trade Test. Having passed the test – by demonstrating the necessary competencies for the skills required – he has reached artisan-status. As part of his/her training programme, an apprentice has to keep a logbook, which has to be a true reflection and record of his/her industrial training. Only then sufficient documentary proof exists to proof that the apprentice has completed a properly structured training programme.
The apprentice, while being placed in a job-attachment position, is fully responsible to complete and upkeep his/her logbook. This logbook has to be submitted to governmental examiners on request. Therefore proper use and completion of the logbook is essential. It should be regularly subjected to close scrutiny by the foreman/supervisor of a company – the person the trainee reports to directly.
The logbook has to-at least-be submitted to the supervisor/foreman for inspection every month. His/her comments have to be completed monthly in the space provided for and should relate to all aspects of the trainee’s competencies, practical progress, job attitude, co-operation and productivity. If the logbook is not submitted, please ask for it and ensure that you give us a true opinion of your views. Never refuse to complete the logbook. This in itself is an indication that something is wrong. Rather state in writing why you would have preferred not to complete the monthly comments section.
Included in the logbook is a mark sheet. Please help us in evaluating the student by completing this mark-sheet at the end of his/her training period. Be objective, fair, impartial, but very honest in your judgement. Any comments/suggestions regarding the composition of the logbook will be highly appreciated.
The Logbook has to be handed to the Trade Test Officials before the Trade Test starts, is to be signed off by them and is to be handed back to you/to be collected after the Trade Test.
The NIMT is a NOSA 5-star graded training institution. As such, our apprentices are subjected to a high standard of safe working procedures and housekeeping. With your help we would like to keep them working according to these standards. Fully realizing that your company is not a training institution, but a production-profit-orientated establishment, we do however take the opportunity to ask you to ensure that our apprentices adhere to the following basic safety aspects:
2.1Apprentices have to wear their applicable safety apparel at all times.
2.2All basic safety rules are to be adhered to, especially for each and every machine an apprentice is working on i.e. guards, grinding, goggles etc.
2.3No machine, special tool or any piece of equipment is to be used or operated without the necessary authorization and ascertainment that the apprentice has the ability to operate/use the equipment or machinery. A record of the apprentice’s training can be found in the logbook, section 2 under the heading, “Institutional Training Record”.
2.4Driving of a company vehicle without the necessary license should not be allowed.
2.5No horseplay of any kind is to be allowed during working hours.
2.6Unless a company has a standing arrangement, apprentices are fully responsible for the condition (mending and washing) of their overalls. Overalls must be buttoned up/closed up at all times. Safety shoes have to be clean and properly laced.
In order for us to provide industry with an high-quality artisan, not only with the necessary skills and knowledge, but also somebody who is honest, reliable, diligent and not a mere “jobseeker” we ask from you the following:
3.1Unless sanctioned by the relevant authority, all absenteeism should be substantiated by a medical certificate. All such documentation (or a copy thereof) has to be attached to the applicable log sheet in the logbook and the relevant day to be signed off by the artisan/supervisor.
3.2Punctuality is something we value very highly at the NIMT. We therefore ask you not to tolerate any unnecessary habitual late coming of our apprentices. If this becomes a problem to you, please contact the NIMT immediately.
3.3Under no circumstances may an apprentice change from one company to another during his/her job-attachment period. Should such a request from an apprentice be put to you, please contact the NIMT immediately.
3.4Should it happen that you cannot accommodate an apprentice any longer for one reason or the other, please contact the NIMT and we will arrange another placement for him/her. Under no circumstances should an apprentice be allowed to make his/her own arrangements.
3.5A third year apprentice will be at a company for approximately twelve (12) months. In some cases it might even be longer. By this time (in his third year) apprentices normally have gathered enough skills to work fairly independent. To be able to do this-however-he needs his own tools/equipment. Since he will be at your company for approximately 12 months and will be given a reasonable allowance, we would like you to (if at all possible) consider the following:
In consultation with the NIMT, could your company not advance to him/them an amount of ± N$1,200-00 enabling him/her to buy the most needed tools for his/her trade. An agreement can then be reached / signed between yourself and the apprentice(s) according to which he/she pays back an amount of ± N$ 100- 00 monthly, for the duration of his stay at your company. This amount can be deducted from his monthly “salary.” This however is merely a request, but we are of the opinion that by doing this you will contribute to a large extend to having a more efficient and productive apprentice on your premises.
3.6Remember: The NIMT has taught the apprentice(s) the basics of his/her chosen
career: His practical module on a certain aspect is normally only done once – in an environment conducive to training. How to apply his skills in the practical situation – that is the reason why this/these apprentice(s) is/are currently on your premises. Your company is currently contributing to and supporting training in Namibia and therefore an apprentice is never to be seen as a fairly skilled cheap labourer at hand.
At the end of his/her training period i.e. trade test, an apprentice’s competencies will be measured according to what each company (including yours) has done in terms of:
∙Adjustment to pressure situations
∙Trade knowledge
∙Knowledge of tools
∙The ability to work independently etc. to produce and train an excellent artisan.
∙The development of the positive aspects of a young Namibian’s characteristics entrusted to you.
By accepting an apprentice in a job-attachment-position, a company accepts co- responsibility for his/her training. Together we can be successful in our endeavours to supply our country ongoingly with well-trained, useable artisans who will join us in building a prosperous future for all of us.
3.7If a company has any specific needs regarding the training programme of the attached apprentice, please feel free to contact us in this regard. It might be a general need for the country as such and we might be able to solve your
problem. We (the NIMT) want to serve our industry and the trainees and will gladly do so when asked to.
3.8If you have any problems with any of our apprentices regarding his/her behaviour, work performance or productivity, please do not hesitate to inform the NIMT immediately. As partners-in-training we are there to help each other.
Contact persons: Mr H. Verwey Principal: Job-attachments
Telephone 064- 511800
Mrs A. Stephanus: Registrar
Telephone 064-511800
Mr EDG Mueller: Executive Director
Telephone 064-511800
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