NOHA Joint European Master’s in International Humanitarian Action Scholarships

NOHA Joint European Master’s in International Humanitarian Action Scholarships

NOHA Joint European Masters in International Humanitarian Action Scholarships: The European Commission grants NOHA Joint European Master’s in International Humanitarian Action Scholarships to highly qualified third-country graduate students and scholars – to students to follow the NOHA Mundus Masters Course, to scholars to carry out teaching and research assignments and scholarly work in the NOHA universities participating in the Course.

Graduate Student Grants: The amount of the student grant is EUR 35, 600. Each grantee will receive EUR 1,600 each month for living costs during the 16 months duration of the program plus a fixed amount of 10,000 to be paid in two instalments of 5,000 each per year.

Scholar Grants: The amount of the scholar grant is EUR 13, 000. Each scholar will receive EUR 4,000 each month for a period of 3 months and a fixed amount of EUR 1,000.

Entry Requirements and Joint Admission Criteria:

The admission to the NOHA Masters on Humanitarian Action degree programme may be granted to applicants who meet the following common admission criteria:


  • Candidates must have completed a good level first cycle degree in a discipline of relevance to humanitarian action.
  • Candidates are required to have a recognised qualification in the language(s) of instruction of the university that they plan to attend. Knowledge of languages of the place of study is an asset.
  • Practical experience in the area of humanitarian action in governmental, inter-governmental, and/ or nongovernmental organisations and institutions is valued. Selection criteria include;
  • Motivation
  • Academic qualifications
  • Language skills
  • Research experience
  • Professional experience.

Application deadline: 15th December.

For further details, and application materials, contact: NOHA Joint European Masters in International Humanitarian Action Scholarships