NSFAF Awards List 2024-2025 | List of Successful NSFAS Awards

NSFAF Awards List 2024-2025 – NSFAF Successful Loan Applicants

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We congratulate all successful applicants and encourage them to continue working with the Fund until finalization of their award. For those who for some reason are meeting our requirements and are not on the list – NSFAF is validating your application as per individual request. Direct such requests to the following contact detailsawardqueries@nsfaf.na or 061-434 6013/12/83, from 15 – 30 June.

Awarded students who will start their academic year from August/September and are not yet in possession of proof of registration should notify the Fund at this e-mail address: awardqueries@nsfaf.na (please quote your NSFAF ID, Namibian ID, First Name and Surname).

Note: Successful candidates are encouraged to observe deadlines set and as communicated.

Kindly note that your contracts have been uploaded. log onto your NSFAF portal, download, sign and upload it back. Do so promptly to avoid forfeiting your funding opportunity.

Get all information about NSFAF Awards List, NSFAF award list 2024-2025 pdf download.

If you are looking for information about NSFAF Awards List, then you are in the right place. Here, we have shared all the necessary information regarding NSFAF Awards List- Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund. It includes details about the application form, eligibility, reservation, selection list, etc.

Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF)

Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF) is a government student bursary and loan scheme which provides loans for undergraduate students to help pay for the cost of their tertiary education. It was formed in 1995 and is run under the Ministry of Higher Education.

It helps give financial loans to students from the University of Namibia, Namibia University of Science and Technology and International University of Management.


  • The Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF) is pleased to announce the initial Award Results.
  • In regard to students who work, they will be subject to pay their loans with interest (the percentage to be determined by the NSFAF)
  • For more information, you can contact the student desk via the web form or via the live chat.
    Please see the respective Institutes of Higher Education at the bottom. Select the institute you are registered with.
  • The second and final results will be announced soon.
    For students who have applied, meeting the award criteria and their names are not appearing on this list, kindly follow the instruction below:


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818 thoughts on “NSFAF Awards List 2024-2025 | List of Successful NSFAS Awards”

    • Kavetuna, some students have already received their awards. However the full list of the 2017/2018 NSFAF awards is yet to be released. Kindly check back

      • Please NSFAF must send our awards or rejection letters. We want to know where we stand, the exams are approaching. And I don,t understand how some people are getting multiple award letters and I am getting none. Please they should check their system and consider us too, we are living in fear as in we might be forced to drop out of schools.

        • Sylvia, the systems are indeed under examination for errors. The full list of award winners shall be published soon

          • at least. we are hopefully waiting

      • What is the delay with the award letters? Ive already applied in February,and still received nothing.I need the award letter in order for the institution to order and release my study materials.If the nsfaf is taking forever with this,when will I start?The last correspondence from them was to give my login credentials.How are we to know of any developments if it goes like this,now we should just wait for emails that are not coming.

        • Mukena, unfortunately an exact date cannot be specified. But should be before the ending of June

          • The end of june is near, but some of the student their are waiting for their award. how long it will take? it seems that student who did not receive award letter are excluded from loans or grants… please may you tell us what is wrong with the system to be selective?

          • Yes Alter, only students who have been awarded a letter will be eligible for loans and grants.

          • If I am rejected now and gave a complaint that something was wrong through email, will they recheck my application? And is there any award list to come?

      • Can we atleast get feedback althought we are rejected the NSFAF instead of just waiting hoping for the best

        • Asser, feedbacks are being sent. If you haven’t received any, it means your application is being processed.

          • Hi? can i ask please. How possible it is for some students name to be released on the lists that NSFAF have send to their institution but yet those student did not receive their award letters ?

          • Mr Ade, such students will receive their award letter eventually.

      • morning NSFAF team ,,are you done sending award letter? i was there and they told me my application is in level one and i m proved but still i dont receive my award letter.

        • Kleopas, NSFAF is still working on delivering award letters to all students who met the requirements but are yet to receive a letter.

        • Andima, there is no set date for this, although some students have begun receiving payments from NSFAF

        • Stefanus, if you application is successful, you would receive a notification from NSFAF.

      does it mean that am awarded?

        • I did not receive any preliminary award information up until today, When will I receive information from NSFAF regarding my application? although I did sign a contract with terms and conditions in February?I want to know if I will receive an award to be able to continue my studies?

        • some people got rejected after receiving preliminary award letter how is that possible

          • Mariano, after issuing a preliminary letter, NSFAF conducts a thorough verification of documents and validates all records and paperworks. If anything is out of place, the award is withdrawn.

          • I applied for NSFAF assistance but i never receive my award. What is the delay because soon i will sit for my exams?

          • BM, do you meet all the requirements? if you do, then contact NSFAF office for assistance.

        • If I get a preliminary letter subjected to proof of registration and I have 24 point doing a honors degree …will I get an award letter?

          • Ndeshy, according to the NSFAF requirements, you are required to have at least 25 points in order to be eligible for a loan.

        • I received a preliminary award letter a month back but still no award or rejection……..
          I dont understand this preliminary award letter. ..
          What does it really mean?

          • tobi, the preliminary award letter is awarded prior to the final award letter. After issuing a preliminary award letter, NSFAF conducts a thorough validation of documents and paperworks. If any of these is missing, the award letter may be withheld or delayed.

          THANKS ALOT

        • the password you sent me to log in every time I enter it just said its invalid,how can I log in nw?

          • Amukeshe, delete your browser cache and reload the page.

    • we heard that UNAM students who did not pay yet will be denied excess to the portal and it is a threatening to us first years because we hoped NSFAF will pay for us but it did not yet, is the payment going to be done soon? because the exam is starting now and we do not have our timetables yet

        • Is like someone applied me last year with his details now,i can’t get him when i want to login i don’t have his user name an password is there any way out!!he use his e-mail and his portal….

  1. Hello.
    Is there a possibility of getting funded by NSFAF this year if I was at NIMT ( Namibia Institute of Mining and technology) the previous year and I only did my Level 1 of apprenticeship, I am asking this because NIMT students do not get the non-tuition fees which I believe is the loan, in addition, the tuition fee is paid directly to the school account through NTA (Namibia Training Authority).
    I look forward to a prompt response.

  2. Hi!
    How do change my email address when the one I used on the application is no more working? And I don’t see the list of awards for 2017

    • Ginno, the list of awards is yet to be published. And the email address cannot be changed.

        • Ester, the NSFAF final list is not yet available, students who met the requirements and yet didnt receive an award letter are being considered at the moment.

          • when are you starting settling our accounts ?

          • Ester, NSFAF is currently working on settling all students, an exact date can however not be given.

    • if you have an email that is working, you can just go to ‘complete my application’ and and insert it in the email column. to confirm that NSFAF will be using that email, just go back and request a password, it will be directly sent to that email that you just introduced.

  3. Hi there.Will students who are studying in South Africa als see their award result on the list

      • Good day sir/ madam what about those who didn’t receive their refunds since last year nor Their tuition fees were not paid.. we even had a meeting with you guys. How far are you ano mboli? we will not be able see our results now.. student number ; 216074479, cell 0818092075,, bachelor of logistics ans supply chain management. student from NUST

        • Angula, NSFAF intends on settling all outstanding payments. This will be done soon.

          • NSFAF did not yet settle my account since from last year. whats up? my tuition fee and non-tuition fee since from last year. stn 216074479, NUST

          • Angula, NSFAF is working on paying students with unsettled funds

  4. hi
    I received an email to fill in my student number and other information but when I went to my application some documents were missing. .I called the nsfaf office and I was told to upload my documents
    is there a possibility for my loan to be approved?
    because they never sent me an email that they have received my documents
    am worried
    my Id is h_hern1220798001

    • Hertha, if you uploaded the documents, then there is nothing to worry about. You shall be contacted upon successful application.

  5. NSFAF
    Do Those that received preliminary award emails and smses wait to be contacted to sign contracts or something because I don’t understand why have been sent terms and conditions that I have already signed when completing my application. and they say I should return some kinda document with 30 days?? help me understand please.

    • Gaweses, during the application process, documents sometimes need further verification and validation. Kindly do well to submit these documents. You may contact the office for assistance if you have already provided these.

      • Hi, I’ve been asked to reupload my documents for so many times and they are sending me an acknowledgement letter and after a while they ask me to reupload the documents again, why’s that, I seriously don’t get it

  6. Hi i just want to know om what stage my application is becouse the last notification i recieved was only the day i applied for the fund that was march and till now i didnt recieved any text or emai from nsfaf.i want to know where i stand

    • Monica, only shortlisted applicants are contacted. However, you are advised to consult the NSFAF Award list for confirmation of your status. You may also contact the office for assistance.

  7. Hi, I want to know where am standing, the last sms that I received from Nasfaf is the sayed I must login. they send me ID and Password now I don’t know what do please help me.

    • Johanna, kindly login to know the status of your application. The award letters are not out. And email notifications are the only means of knowing whether your application was successful or not.

      • my status is just say my application is successful to proof of documents.

      • Martha, i have applied i i got the acknoledgement letter but from the i never got anything from NSFAF, not even an sms or email asking about my student number etc, like others and when i tried to login on complete my application its say the is any error, now until whn we will be in dillema n the exams are starting?

        • Mwaka, submit the letter at the registrars office or accounts office, you will be instructed on what to do.

          • I don’t know what accounts office or registrars office are.please help me explain to me

          • Where is this registrars office or acçount office? When I got my award letter I had it stamped and went for my NSFAF card.so what account office is this again?

          • Marlon, the account or registrars office referred here, is that of your institution.

  8. hai i m studying here at CTPD swakopmund and i m doing my first year but i did not receive my NSFAF award yet. are we able to get loan? as the institution they are the one who applied for me.

    • Shiweva, currently, emails are the only means of validating a successful loan application. The award letters are not out, and may be delayed further.

        • Mwaka, kindly submit this to the institution of study. At the registrar or academics office

  9. I need a help? I applied forva loan bt i ddnt receive any email if ma documents are received. .so a the opportunity of nat getting a loan?

    • Lukas, this is a common problem. If you are confident that you followed the application procedure correctly then you have nothing to worry about.

  10. Hello,I applied for the special consideration in February and I don’t know my status concerning the award letter…how long can I wait?the exams are starting nxtweek alrdy

    • Ester, if you did not receive an email then its likely your application was unsuccessful.

      • Is it possible to resign a contract if you singed it for one year without knowing but it’s supposed to be 4years in total? As a second year and if yes what are the requirements?

  11. Hi! How wilI logg in to get ma applications status..Am lost, we only belong in loans..

  12. when exactly the award list will be out it almost month end and nothing provided yet.I just wonder why NSFAF system this year its too slow .This new online system is not good at all.

  13. when exactly the award list will be out it almost month end but still nothing provided . I wonder why NSFAF system this year it is too slow is it because of this new online system? I prefer the old system.

    • Yes Rebbeca, flowing the implementation of the new system, NSFAF received thousands of applications in just a few days, and it overwhelmed the system. Much work is being done to process the applications.

  14. When is the due date of reward?
    And when exactly the list will be out?
    It might be possible of not getting an award letter even though I completed that form that had to do with my students number and institutions wer am studying at?

    • Yes Sara, it is possible to not get the award despite filling the form. Unfortunately we still cannot give an exact date for the release of the list.

  15. please what do i do..the password that i got is not going through at all. do i need to visit your office for the new one or what really..?? am very confused, i even heard the deadline for awarding is the 31st of may which is too close

  16. Hi, i’m confused a bit, i’m a first year student
    at CTPD and i received an email from nsfaf help desk that my application was rejected because im doing L3 while NSFAF only fund from NQF L5 upward.

    • Yes Kankondi, as per the NSFAF policies, awards are granted to L5 and above.

      • I am 3rd year student at unam . I ‘ve applied for a loan under the level 5 policy but still now no answer and I am getting worried

  17. I’m a student at CTPD. And i’m a bit confused, i received an email from NSFAF help desk that saying my application is rejected because im doing level 3, while NSFAF only funds from NOF L5 upwards, is that true?

  18. If i am 3rd year student ,do i need to fill the award letter again?Another question is normal our details that say i am beneficial for nsfaf it appearing at my examination timetable , but this year is not showing ?what should i do ?

    • Angula, applicants who have already benefited from the NSFAF loan at a particular level cannot receive additional loans while in that same level. And if you have upgraded to a new level, you will have to reapply. Secondly, since it is not appearing, you will have to submit proof of your award which will be received via email, while pending the full list to be released.

  19. still i did not receive my award letter. does it mean that my application is not successful or are still in the process to award us?

    • Festus, conclusions cannot be drawn at this point. If you applied early, and have still not received your award, then its likely you were unsuccessful. However, we recommend cross checking with the list upon release.

    • i am kind confused……actually i am a second year at UNAM and i heard that there will be no more refunds is this true? and if it is not true when exactly are you planning to dish out refunds especially for second year students?

      • This is yet to be confirmed and currently remains a “rumor” .

        • Lazarus Petrus asked that , when exactly are you going to give the students their allowances for second year loan holder? I am curious ,because have the same Question.

          • Teofelus, an exact date cannot be specified, this is because a lot of factors are considered. However, work is being done towards settlement

  20. was that the final list of the successful candidates or is there still more names to come out? please reply asap my name is not on this list but i have applied and uploaded all my documents. i have 26 points in 5 subjects and an A* symbol in English.

  21. I recently got a password upon request but I am unable to login with my password. My nsfaf ID being impo0250677001 , can you help in this regard?

  22. Realy nsfaf this is end of may arleady and still no news about award letters,
    Please rescue us we depend on you woo!

    • Justy, much work is being put into the release of the list.

      • I just want to know when can I get my award letter and I upload my student number and until now no reply

  23. Ey,I was jus told that my case is on the aplication on those that were not reviewed..What does this mean,and what can I do in this case?

  24. Hi! I am still waiting for the reply i dont know where i stand please contact me with positive information.

  25. Hi, I have send my documents via email then they replied that they have gotten the documents. But now why is the application showing that I didn’t had in my documents? Any say on that?

    • Silva, it is a technical error, but this shouldn’t disturb you. Your application is being processed.

      • Even if you have send them you surely need to upload them it must show a right mark on the document that you have uploaded, I was at their office and they told me the same! Because I have send some of my document via e mail too and when thy check my application it was showing that specific document was not received, thy told me I should upload it for that matter

        • How will I check if I have a pending document or not? Plz help

          • Francina, you can check this by logging in using your name and id.

      • I didn’t get My award letter yet, should I be worried?

        • Mestilde, NSFAF is still considering student who meet the requirements.

  26. Can you provide me with the link to currently released out list, because I can not find it. My ID salk0290895001 ,I have not received my award letter yet but ,my application is seem to be approved cos I Updated my field of study successfully as well as documents, from that day I never received massage from NSFAF, I want to know where I stand, I want the link to the LIST.

    • Katale, the list is currently unavailable online. You will have to consult other news outlets. Or visit any NSFAF center near you.

  27. I’m a 2nd year student, do we also need to submit the award letterso for the second time? Or the NSFAF will just pay as long as im a loan holder?

  28. hi. when is the list name will be released? how can we find the list?

    • Jafeta, the list shall be available at any NSFAF regional center or news outlets. The exact day of release is currently unknown.

  29. Hi, i would like to know if on could still apply for funding (to study through UNISA) for the 2018 academic year?
    Kind regards

  30. Hi! on 13th of this month when I received my password I quickly checked my application, I was surprised to see some of my documents were missing but I sent all my pending document before 31 March..I re-uploaded them again but when I check my current status tells me that I still have pending documents up to now! How come or what should i do? sick worried but then i received that email asking my student number,name of institution for my application to be finalized

    • Yes Samuel, this is a common problem and shouldnt get you worried. Your documents have been received. And is being processed

  31. Hi,I’m the one of those who is not going to write exams because of nsfaf approval. What should I do? Raina Iipumbu at CTDP.pls help me.thnk you

    • If you are a first year applicant and have still not seen your name nor received any email then chances that you were unsuccessful are high. However subsequent lists are to be released

  32. please admin you are just talking about first year students, what about us who did not get anything since last year 2016. we are only told to wait, so my question to you is are going to be paid the same time with the first years or they will settle our last year account first ? please make me understand,.

    • Ndala, settlements for students from 2016 is underway and may be done alongside the first year students

  33. Hi, I understand NUST registration is starting early July, will students who did not receive their award letter be given something to take with to registration? What is NSFAF planning to do to the affected student who need to register but didn’t get their award letter yet?
    Concerned parent.

    • Epifania, the NSFAF is endeavoring to release as many award letters as possible before the registration begins. However, plans are being made should there be any delay. Details shall be communicated to the public.

  34. I’m writing my examination on the 20th of this month but I have not received my award letter and at the same time IUM does not want us to write examination without any award letter and again my name is not on the list u published last week, can you please check my application. my NSFAF id: I_hilt1260593001

      • Hey, when is NSFAF starting to award NUST Senior students, non tutuitio fees?

        • Christina, the awards are currently in procession,however an exact date cannot be given.

    • hi! how did you get to see that your name was never in the list of the previous award letter holders ? I mean how did you do that? I wanna see mine too but I don’t know where to start.plz help.

  35. Hi , it’s the 2nd of June today and very worried. Still no list ?? Or what now

    • Gaseb, some applications are still being processed. And more names shall be published aside the first.

  36. I want to find out whether the list of names of funded and yet to receive award letter students are final or If ther is yet to be released another one.

  37. If I visit or call one of your offices will they be able to advise the status of my application? I tried logging in numerous times but error displays saying contact the administrator.

  38. Hi,I just received a rejection respond from nsfaf sayng that i didn’t meet the nsfaf requirements ..
    the question is how did I go through all those stages if I ddnt meet their requirements?
    And which requirements ‘re thy talking about?
    Im confused please help
    and dones this means that I’m not going to be awarded?

  39. Hi.. when are we gonna be refunded we the loan holders already. we are struggling in paying the accommodation and taxi money.

    • Jacobina, the settlements are currently in procession. Kindly wait a little while.

  40. When are award/rejection letters for international/SADC prospective students being released, as some courses were already starting in march and june, and invitation letters received from universities are expiring in July..

    • Mpambo, the award/rejection letters are currently being released.

  41. Nsfaf first sent me a rejection letter and then later a missing documents email and then i uploaded the missing documents……still waiting for confirmation
    please help what should i do??

  42. Hi, I would like to know when are you settling accounts for this year 2017? I’m a continuing Student at UNAM

    • Loini, an exact date cannot be given however settlements are in procession.

  43. When will the non-tuition fees allocation start for senior students…
    It’s really hard we need some aid…

    • Handura,an exact date cannot be specified, however the refunds are currently in procession.

  44. I want to ask i fail my major modules for last year and my loan was not yet paid now is nsfaf going to pay my 2016 fees non and institutions? As i heard for 2017 i have to pay for my self and do they continue to pay for me 2018& 2019 if i pass this year?

    • Hamalwa, an exact date cannot be given, however refunds for 2017 are currently in procession

  45. Please NSFAF, some of us we are doing distance, but doesn’t mean if someone is doing distance s/he is working. On my side when I registered at UNAM I found my place for full-time was occupied already by another student, because I registered later after the due date. Does NSFAF award distance students or not ? For that I received a email on 7 March 2017 that my application is on final stage I must indicate my Stundent number, name of institution where I’m studying and if I benefited from NSFAF or not or if I’m working or not, yes I provided the required details, but until now I didn’t receive award letter.

    • Alex, NSFAF awards students on distance education. Your award is being processed.

  46. Two weeks ago we were told to wait for the tution fees to be paid and the non tution fees to reflect on the cards….till today there is nothing and some people were paid last week… for how long do we have to wait… this are 2016 fees

    • Anna, the process of payment is still ongoing. Kindly wait a little while.

  47. I would like to know the status of my application . NSFAF ID i_elin1010890001

    • Negongo kindly login to the application portal for your status.

  48. Good morning! I receive my confimation letter,does that mean I’m funded I should just wait for my final award letter. Please help!

    • Yes Andreas, this means you are funded. Kindly await your award letter

  49. Hi, i was funded last year, but this I seems not to be on the list. What happen and is there something I can do?

    • Tuyaku, if you submitted an application then you should wait a little while. If you didnt then contact the student support center

  50. hi….am a 2nd year student at unam…how do i know that my invoices were sent to nsfaf by unam?

    • Suama, if you did not apply directly then you may not be able to determine this, however your invoices will definitely be sent.

  51. Hi!, please help me, i received an email of a preliminary award , telling me to sign the general terms and condition, and again says NSFAF will make payment upon receipt of my general terms and conditions. does this mean that I’m granted or what?
    yet they say pending document to be submitted by 31 march 2017 if i only got the message yesterday

    • Emilie, your award was successful. And if you have already signed the terms and conditions agreement then theres no need to sign it again. The pending documents you are seeing is a technical error, however theyve been processed.

  52. What’s the meaning of preliminary award letter…???

    • Albertina, this means your application was successful, a preliminary letter is issued as a ( temporal letter ) before the actual letter is released

  53. Hello I would like to enquire on the payments for 2016 both tuition and non tuition as some of us still waiting upto today.

    • Cliff, settlements are in procession kindly wait a little while.

  54. Hi, I was awarded a loan last year and this year I changed the course via special consideration form, Wat should I do next year to ensure that my contract is activated?

  55. I would like to know when will the vocational students receive their awards letters.

    • Latoya, actual dates cannot be provided at this time. Payments may be between June to July ( these are estimations, and are subject to change )

  56. Good day NSFAF team.
    I have received a preliminary award letter in February this year. This means I’m awarded, right?
    I am SADC student, studying in South Africa:
    1. When can we expect payment?
    2. Do we need to contact the NSFAF office for refund letters? or do we recieve them automatically after payment has been made? Since we need the remaining fees to pay for accommodation.
    I am a first time loan holder.
    Kindly advise
    Thank you.

    • Yes Ndeyapo, your application was successful. Dates cannot be provided at this time, however payments can be expected within this Month of June to July. Letters will be automatically sent to you.

  57. UGFacts can you please email me the award list all the list you have, so i can share with others who cant go at the main office coz most of use stay far and we are in the village doing SBS , so please email me the list to ndala.petrusk@gmail.com

  58. I applied through mature age but till now I didn’t get any response from NSFAF, how far are you with mature application and one thing I was working but not working anymore, what should I do so that I can get non-tuition fees?

    • Klaudia, if you stated in your application to be a worker, then you will not be given the non-tuition fees. This can be corrected by logging into the application portal and making the necessary corrections. Applications are to be completely processed by 30th June

      • On a application where I indicated my student number and the institution where I registered? Because I was checking on my application ( personal details) but there’s no options where I can make correction?

  59. i was awarded last year, but until now nothing is paid either tuition or non tuition fee for last year and i am hearing they are busy processing 2017 tuition and non tuition fee what is happening? what about us who are not yet paid anything from last year?are we still going to be paid last year tuition? we are worried. every time we call Mr Joseph that deals with Unam students we told to wait how log are we going to wait?…please we need clarity on this.

    • Martin, no specific date can be given as at now, however actions are being taking to address the issue.

  60. Hi,
    I have heard of some lists at different institutions and NSFAF’s office.
    Is there any list for SADC students?
    I haven’t receive my award letter yet.
    I’m doing postgraduate in South Africa.
    When will the payments be made? University is charging us interests monthly.
    Looking toward your prompt reply.
    Thank you.

    • Johannes, NSFAF is endeavoring to conclude all settlements by 30th June. Kindly wait a while.

  61. Hi please help, on the 29th March I got a an email saying rejected application. The next day 30th March I got one that says Preliminary award .. On 5th May I got another email that says Postgraduate provisional approval but the due date to give the information was in February 15 th , but my email has been working perfectly ,, thats why I got the others emails.. Now I’m totally confused ,, I don’t know which to follow. . if I should still wait for NSFAF to get back to me or what’s really going on . tried contacting NSFAF but I didn’t get any help .
    My question is when u reject the application form is not supposed to be written final rejection because mine was not written final rejection , or if awarded final award ? Please do help I’m lost

  62. I have receive the premilinary award letter this means Im going to be awarded ordy? Please help cz IUM doesn’t want us to write n this force me to postpone my exam to July tht is nxt month please Wht mst I do

    • Yes Magdalena, this means you will be awarded although actual funds are yet o be released

  63. Hi.i would like to ask if my name is there(if i awarded a Nsfaf loan)please help i m Unam student.

    • Anna, you can check this in the newspapers. If its not there then you will have to wait a little while

  64. Hi, I am a student at at NUST, in April we were told to provide NSFAF with our bank accounts. The account i submitted was active at the time, but when i went to the bank a few days ago, i was told my account was closed and i was provided with a new account number. Do i need to visit the office to submitt my new bank account details or is it possible to submitt via email? I am concerned how i will get the non-tution fees. Pls help

  65. When can we get our award letters or rejection letters, some of us need do know where we stand. We will soon enter the second semester please

  66. The University of Namibia kindly reminds students, parents, guardians and sponsors about the due date for outstanding fees to be paid.
    Due Date: 30 June 2017
    As per University regulations, UNAM Council may deny defaulters access to examination, registration for second semester modules and other services or facilities.
    Direct Bank Deposit or Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) can be made to the following
    UNAM account:
    Bank: First National Windhoek
    Account number: 62246793451
    Branch code: 281872
    Reference: Your Student number
    Swift Code: FIRNNANX
    Email Proof of Payment to: bankandcash@unam.na
    For further information on outstanding fee balances, please contact: +264 (0)61 206 3370 / 3191 by Student Debtors Department.please let us know when are you finish sending emails, otherwise we will be on the street.

    • Nelago, it is NSFAFs aim to validate all applications by 30th June

  67. Is it true that there will be No loan (Non-tuition fees) for students this year?

  68. Hy… does it mean if your name is on the list you will receive an award letter (you are funded) ?

  69. When will the ium part time students get their award lettrs?

    • Martha, the award letters are to be ready no later than 30th June

  70. Iam a 2nd year student, I applied for a loan and I uploaded all my documents. The last email I receive is to send my student number and the institution where I’m but it was successfull and yet didn’t receive award email. please Nsfaf send the reward letter.

  71. I am doing masters degree in Intergrated water resource management at NUST but I did not receive anything after I got the award letter? What is the way forward?

    • Thomas, present the award letter to the institution, thats NUST

  72. What is preliminary award . Does that mean I will get an award etter

  73. Hey ! When can we expect our tution fees and non tution fees for those who missed out last year ?

  74. Hello, i received award letter email to sign but after 2weeks i received a rejection letter on my email saying my course is not a priority this year, which email should i follow

    • Rachela, kindly contact the student support center for assistance

  75. When can we start applying for partial postgraduate scholarship and loan for academic year 2018?

      • Thank you for you prompt response.
        Just to understand better, academic year 2018 starts in January 2018 (and your application as you replied above commences in the first quarter of 2018). I’m trying to make sense out of this, should students not be sure of their status regarding funding prior to academic year?
        I’m sure you meant to write “last quarter of 2017”?

  76. Hello, i am Magnus, i previously got preliminary award letter and was told am not yet awarded, can i get final rejection letter after getting preliminary award letter ? Worried

    • No Sikongo, this means you will have to wait a while for your award to be ACTUALLY granted, but with certainty of getting it.

      • I just wanted confirm when we are going to get the students assistant fund from NSFAF . We dont have any gurantee that we will take part in exams , and in lack of modules due to this .

        • Hangula, unfortunately theres currently no set date for the student funds to be released. Work is being done to address the issue.

  77. hi..
    I have received a preliminary award letter email twice now, on the 11th May and 18th May, I want to know if I should expect an award letter or not, and all my documents have ✔ticks meaning that they are all uploaded, why is the letter saying “subject to Registration” if I already submitted my proof of registration and signed terms??
    I’D: m_hils1240698001

  78. Hallow, does the preliminary letter means my application is successful?

  79. Hi. I would like to know whether my application form still have some pending documents or not because the last email I received from nsfaf says your application form is at the final stage but up to now I never received an award letter

    • Felix, you will have to exercise more patience, you will receive updates on your status.

  80. Why don’t u pay for people who upgraded with unam foundation .?

    • Dejesus, because provisions were not made for these as per the terms and condition of funding

  81. Hi please help. On March 29 I got an email saying that my application was rejected , reason being apperantly my course is not a priority field. The next day on March 30th I got another email , which was preliminary award ,, I was asked to sign terms and conditions, again on May 5 th I got a postgraduate provisional approval, but that one came in very late as the information I was asked to provide the due date passes already , the email says tht I was supposed to provide the information on Feb 15th .. Which I did , in May 5th since its wen the email came in
    My question is , is the rejected letter not supposed to be written final rejection , or if its an award final award ? I don’t know where I stand and which to follow
    Rejected form to preliminary award to postgraduate aproval ( final stage ) not in order at all
    NSFAF pls do help here ..

    • Laina, the initial letter of rejection you received was an “error”. That being said, your application has been approved.

  82. I haven’t received my full refund for the year 2016 yet, I have always been told to wait but up to now I haven’t received any notice on the matter…… What can I do?

    • Pendapala, you will have to wait a little while. Much work is being done to process your settlements.

  83. When exactly the due date of giving award letters.how many students still not getting their award letters? We want them please before July otherwise we will not be allowed to register for the second semester.

  84. I am a NUST student, ana s senior NSFAF loan holder. Wil our payments going via NAMMIC this year (2017) too?

  85. I am a NUST student, and a senior NSFAF loan holder. Question: Will our payments for this year go via NAMIC too?

  86. hi…… I got a response from NASFAF that says your application has been approved for preliminary selection and it continues say enter your student number,name of institution however i just want to know the motive behind this….

    • Lukaku, your application is indeed successful,the message you see is an error.

  87. I would like to ask,whats really wrong with your system, im trying to upload my documents that were missing but they are not going. Why? whats wrong? i try many times but it does not want there is a cross indicating that my document is not gone. I try to visit your office but i am being send back to keep trying but still the thing doesnt want. Please i need help cos I am to write the examination very soon and im still in the dark.

    • Martin, your documents have been submitted. What you see is a technical error. Your application will be processed

  88. How long it takes for an account to be changed if you apply under a wrong tile?

  89. Since lst when i send my st numbr institution an whether i am working or not. I never got anythng anymore.i am now wondering.an i submited all my documents. Besides why us from IUM Swakopmund we are less always in the NASFAF list. We should be awarded too plsss…lets harambee. We really need help too like me for real otherwise there is no other choice i am stucking to settle my amount. Pls help

    • Frans, the NSFAF ensures to prevent any bias attitude when awarding funds. Your application is being processed and you will receive a notification concerning your status.

  90. hi, I received any email and sms saying that my application is unsuccessful due to the reason that the course will not be funded this year. But as per ministry of education African languages is one of the priority field. What are the priority fields for NSFAF

    • Simon,the NSFAF priority fields are not readily available, kindly contact the student support office

  91. I did received preliminary award letter. What this means I’m very much confused can you please elaborate more.

    • The preliminary letter is ” a temporal or affirmative letter ” indicating that your application was successful, hence your award letter will be issued in due time.

  92. I received th email in March state tht my application is at th final stage, for Nsfaf to finalized my application I should submit my student number,name of th institute tht am enrolled ,if i benefit frm Nsfaf befr and if am working or not. I submit but I didnt get answer until today . tht final stage mean I will be funded or I will not be funded

    • Christine, the ” final ” stage indicates that your application is being processed. Kindly wait a little while.

  93. Hi NASFAF team …
    I’m a final year student at UNAM and did not sign new contract last year as it was said to be optional …
    So I decide to be paid with the old system or wherever you said …
    I only signed my contract in 2014
    I just wanna know if you guys will still fund for tuition and non tuition fee this year ..????

  94. İ am senior student (international) scheduled to graduate on the 20th june, due to my outstanding fee i can see my results nor ı wıll be able to graduate or get my Degree after, why NSFAF is takıng long to make the demm payment :(?????

    • Nafimane, the number of applicants was high, hence a massive delay in processing and completing the validation process. The settlements are in procession.

      • thats not a reason…nsfaf it self has failed to solve my case for almost a year now…so now what shoukd i do? coz there no reason for me to stay here anymore…..i gues i have to return home asap.

        • and NSFAF should solve its problem and settle my account wıth the university

  95. I have red all the requirements and i do not see what is wrong with my application to get rejected…

  96. My question has not yet been answered. Have the award letters started to be sent to students already or they will be just sent once on 30 June 2017? I’m asking this because I read in the Namibian newspaper, and NSFAF they have said that the end of June is their target to finalize with validation process.

    • Alfeus, the award letters will be released as time goes on, not necessarily at a go. Letters which are ready will be delivered to students.

      • Through the box or thy will be send through emails? Cz I’m still waiting for my award letter and Im going to write exam on the 10th of July please Wht mst I do

  97. Hai. I received my preliminary award letter in march and NSFAF has been requesting for my terms and condition, i did sent it several times but until now i didn’t receive any answer from them. At least i should get an answer because its much better than not hearing anything from them.
    Starting my exams even next week and up to now i don’t know where am standing.
    Thank you

    • Fredrika, if you signed the terms and conditions during the initial application process, then there is no need to sign it again. In this case simply wait for the final award letter. However if you didnt, then you must do so.

  98. I am a first time loan holder, SADC student, in South Africa. When can we expect payment?
    Kindly advice

    • Ndeyapo, actual dates cannot be provided at this time. Validation of applications and procedures are to be concluded by 30th June

  99. I am Monika. I received a email on 29 april say am awarded ,until now I did not receive my final award letter.

  100. iam a second year UNAM student applied for the loan for the first time,now i don’t knw how to either check or see if i will be awarded an award letter since i have received a password?

  101. Why is NSFAF so mute after they released the first list of successful applicants for 2017 ? When are we getting final award letters also which use to be send daily before the first list was released? Some of us we have assignment due on 15 June 2015, if i dont present something at school to prove that NSFAF will fund my studies, i wont be allowed to submit assignments to secure our exams for August or else i have to drop out and continue next year. When can i expect final award letter since i were told our loan is approaved ?

    • Mpazzd, award letters are being distributed and target for final delivery is on 30th June

      • Does it exactly meant if I find my name in list released I will be funded??

      • So what will happen if i dont get final award letter neither rejection letter, what must i do ?

  102. Hey! When are we expecting the second list, we want to know where we stand…. we are so stressed

  103. Hi. I am admitted to do my master abroad and i am to start in october and I received a preliminary award email, does that mean NSFAF will fund my study? When is NSFAF will start paying since I need money to pay the tution fees before classes starts?

    • Yes Mirjam, you will receive the funds. Payments are to be made as soon as possible. No dates can be specified as at now.

  104. Is it a guarantee that people who have received an email for provisional approval 2017 will be given award letters or not and if not, why can’t you atleast let people know where they stand in all this.. ??

    • Yes Ethel, a provisional letter is a guarantee that your application was successful, although actual funds havent been released yet.

  105. I started my application in january,but since then NSFAF had been reminding me about my missing documents,I provided the documents more than three times and after that I was notified that my application is on final stage and i provided the information required at the final stage,and that was the last time i received an email from NSFAF.Is the a possibility that i will be awarded or whats going on because I have been waiting for an award letter nor rejection letter but until now i did not receive anything.

    • Moses, from your description, it may be that your application was not received as early as you applied. Therefore a delay in the processing of your application. Kindly wait for a notification mail.

  106. I’m trying to long in to see if I have a missing document but it says that the password is incorrect, what could be the problem if have entered the password u sent me????

    • Hileni, kindly contact the support office. The technical team will be notified.

  107. We are not allowed to write exam because we are not done with settlng the outstanding amount. We were told to posponed our exam to supplement. I got my preliminary award letter few days ago. Now does it mean that i will be awarded or there is still possibility for me to be rejected.????pls answer

    • Sakaria, efforts are being made concerning the settlements. Kindly wait a little longer.

  108. I h am a 3rd year n I have received an email on the 7th of March stating that my application is at the final stage n I must Indicate my student #,the name of the institution i am studying etc but up to now I have a received anything yet please advise

  109. I have been asked to sign for general terms and conditions which i signed already the day i submitted the all required documents, Can you please explain for me,Do i have to sign twice?

  110. Ist possible for me to get an award letter if I did not receive that email for final step but I received my preliminary award ?

  111. Before NSFAF release the first list at least the office use to send emails and sms to succesful applicants almost everyday, but now NSFAF is quiet again. Can i hope for something good since i was told my application is approved i should just wait for final award letter and when can i expect to get that final award letter or when will NSFAF going to release our names ?

    • Mpazzd, as at now all you can do is to wait for the award letter. Actual dates cannot be provided, however should not be later than 30th June

  112. how does priliminal award letter look like? I received four or three e-mail frm nsfa one stated my application is successful prove of document Sumthing like tht, one is says dear kristine this to certify tht you hv been awarded a basic of
    fund,another one provide my student number and school tht I enrolled tht for is provisional and rejected one again .which one should I follwed. Am totally confused.pls help

    • Christine, if you are confident that you meet all the requirements then you can be rest assured that you have indeed won the award.

  113. I received an email titled preliminary award letter to a successful registration, it has the Cover letter and terms and conditions attached, requesting me to sign the terms and conditions ,but I already signed them the day I uploaded every document, do I still need to sign them twice?

  114. I got my Preliminary award letter email in April and still haven’t received my award letter.. Do I quality for a award letter or can my application still be rejected

    • You qualify for an award letter, kindly wait a little while

  115. I never received anything from nsfaf nor on the early released list, should I expect anything or jump the ship coz unam says all oustanding fees to be payed by 30 June or the road will be closed for us.

  116. I received a preliminary award a month ago now and they asked me to sign the terms and conditions though I did it already during my application process. now what does this mean? should I still have to wait for an award letter because it quite long now without receiving anything and what does exactly the preliminary award mean?

    • Selma, a preliminary award letter precedes your final award letter. You will have to wait.

  117. I applied online this year for the loan and upload all my documents via the online process… I received an email immediately that stated that my application is successful and I’m awarded… some say that my application needs validation by a NSFAF official.. so what must I do? Or should I just wait for the final award letter ?

    • Yes Robyn, wait for the final award letter. if you have any doubts kindly contact the student support center

  118. What does it mean when you have been awarded based on the NSFAF funding criteria but you have not yet received an award letter?

    • It means your application was successful, and actual funding will be delivered shortly

  119. If I was doing a course previous years at NQL 7 undergraduate and was funded and now I am doing again undergraduate course but at NQL 8 in education is it possible to be funded again?

  120. Does it meant if your name is in the list which was sent to school, does that mean you will be awarded a loan, and when are we excepting our final award letters??

  121. I just dont undestand this nomore i am tired of rumours from different people i need an answer from UGFacts is’t possible to receive a rejection letter after receiving the preliminary award??? An i see some people their nanes are in the list but they are saying thy didnt received the preliminary award letter and last award letter. Plsss i am lost

  122. When are we getting our 2016 non tuition fees. It has been a while now.

    • Yes Selma, worl is being done to settle all outstanding payments

  123. I just recieved rejected e-mail telling me tht I Nsfaf will not fund me because thy didn’t fund peoples below level 5 and whn i confirm my proof if registration am doing level 6 .Am totally confused now.what should I do?should I take my proofe of registration to Nsfaf or wat nw?because it might be th school made a mistake the moment thy upload my documents coz is th school applied for us (through school) or I should reupload my proof of registration myself so tht Nsfaf will review my application?pls help

  124. What is the Emergency contact number /email for NSFAF? I am an International student that need to return home, am done with my study, school fee not paid, non-tuition fee not paid,
    Its either settle the account or or pay my return ticket ASAP. Please if u can get down to this would really appreciate it.

  125. Still waiting on NSFAF, my NSFAF ID lazb0191171001.

  126. NSFAF please respond to our question, Does that meant if you find your name in the list, you will be awarded?

    • Yes Hilda, if your name appeared on the list you will be awarded.

  127. Still no get my final award but I did receivedpreliminary award letter how this tell?

  128. Hi NSFAF team. Do you pay on the institution account or how? I am yet to start classes in October abroad.

  129. How wil I know am rejected or to be awarded a loan if I didn’t receive any email up to now?

  130. Is NSFAF aware that UNAM has set a due date for tuition fees to be paid? The due date is June 30th 2017 and UNAM has stated that we will be denied access to 2nd semester modules and other campus services if tuition fees are not paid. How long will we have to be patient until out tuition and accomodation fees are paid? Nsfaf always says ‘be patient’ but it seems nothing is being done.

  131. Is NSFAF aware that UNAM has set a due date for tuition fees to be paid? The due date is June 30th 2017 and UNAM has stated that we will be denied access to 2nd semester modules and other campus services if tuition fees are not paid. How long will we have to be patient until tuition and accomodation fees for 2nd year students are paid? Nsfaf always says ‘be patient’ but it seems nothing is being done.

    • Ami, we understand your frustration, and something is being done about it. You will be notified before 30th June

  132. Hi. i am doing distance at UNAM and i am not working. the last time i received something was on the 7th of March telling me that my form is at final stage. when am i going to know if i am a loan or not… please help me out

  133. For those of us who did not get our titution en non titution for last year…must we wait till when ?
    Am very worried if the school will allow us to register for next semester

  134. Hello..
    I have applied for a loan but no one responded to me. I there for wrote emails to NSFAF but still no one responded… I therefore want to know whether if I have my application was RECIEVED and dealt with and of Wetherby I have received a loan ?, because my class mates got their feedback already and they have been awarded…

    • Frieda, are you certain about meeting all the NSFAF requirements ?, if yes , then you will receive a notification before 30th June

    • Thank you…
      So before the 30th of June if they did not reply still or if they did not give any award letter, what will be my next step or what should I do? And yes I did meet the requirements I just don’t understand how some of my classmates got their award letters long ago while I did not receive any… and when they write emails they get response as soon as possible but for me i never got any.. and about requirements, I am in same class and same course with the fellows that are already awarded and if it’s marks wise I still have more marks or grades…

  135. Please NSFAF, I have lost the hope now, no award letter no sms, no email… I’m really stressed I cannot afford to pay the tuition fee, the due date is near but I did not even get the award letter but my application reached the final stage..when is the list will be released?

  136. Is CTPD students going to
    be awarded also… im abit
    confuse and when will be
    awarded loans ready to
    be used

    • Yes Heita, CTPD students will be awarded. Target is 30th of June

  137. Is CTPD student going to
    be awarded also… im abit
    confuse and when will be
    awarded loans ready to
    be used

  138. Is it mean that all of us who do not received award letter yet we are just get them on 30th June or ?

  139. Greetings.
    I and friends of mine recieved preliminary award letter in March but so far we dnt get anythings upto now…! Does it mean we will get feedback from NSFAF b4 the targeted date said by NSFAF and what more if we wont get any message or email for rejection or final award letter ?

    • Mike, you will receive notifications before the target date.

  140. I am just confused now too why is NASFAF on mute. I never heard of any one who received an award letter ever since this month but they are saying that they will finalise evrything within this month. Whts going on plss?? We need award letters.

  141. When can we apply for appeal to be considered also? Is it only when you get rejection letter or when you dont even get a response from NSFAF ? Does NSFAF use to instruct applicants to apply for Appeal or how does it happen ?

    • Twazy, appeals are meant for cases where an applicant is rejected despite meeting all the requirements, not for delayed letters.

  142. NSFAF Team, it’s maybe my 3rd time to upload my documents now please let me know how far with my award?

    • Lazarus, your documents have been received, and is being processed

  143. my loan was deactivated last year because i made a transfer and had to pay for myself, this year i submitted my academic record and proof of registration, my question is: how will i know that my loan is now activated??

    • By contacting the student support center, or logging into the NSFAF portal

    • Ndara, the number of applications being processed is huge, and work is being done to prevent any errors. Kindly wait a little while

  144. So if you are rejected because of not handing in the proof ofregistration while you handed it in…and you were even at the final stage…what does that mean????????

    • Ndapandula, in such cases you can submit an appeal, since an error might have occurred with the handling of data you provided.

  145. I understand students who are doing a straight degree in Education have to be awarded loans because is something that is in demand of the government and the nation as a whole , but yet some of us didn’t get award letters , despite we don’t have pending documents . ..And the list that was recently released at IUM our names are not there , Must we still wait for our award letters ?

    • Hendrina, you are certain about meeting the NSFAF requirements, then you will be notified by 30th June.

  146. What must we do if we don’t get final award letter or rejection letter by 30 June 2017 ? Nsfaf seems to be quiet this days and making us loose hope now.

    • Magnus, measures are being put in place to ensure that as many students as possible receive their award letters

  147. What is really the priliminary award letter written, is it the one that asks people to sign terms and conditions, After receiving the priminary one, how long it takes to receive the award letter?
    Please answer..

  148. I cll thse people at NASFAF nw the 3rd tme bt thy are tellng me the sme stry…..tht aftr u received your preliminary award thn it is nt possble fr u to be rejected nmr.

  149. it means that after i had received preliminary award letter there is no way nsfaf can rejected me?

  150. guys what is a preliminary awards? i did not receive it. did you receive it by sms or email?

    • A preliminary award is one that precedes the final award letter. It is received by email.

      • Good day Nasfaf team. I lastly received a provisional approval form to fill it but to date i did not receive my preliminary letter. Went to nasfaf office to ask if i have pending documents and they said no. When will i recieve the preliminary letter now that the time has gone and nasfaf is hoping to send all award letters by 30th june,

        • Jonas, kindly wait a little while. You will receive a notification soon.

      • when will our outstanding fee for last and this year will be paid

        • Tomas, an excat date cannot be specified. Work is being done to settle all monies.

  151. Good day Nsfaf. When is the due date for final award letter, I received my confimation letter on 29 may.

  152. I am kindly asking if I am going to be awarded, the last message I received was that my application was on final stage since then I have not received any message from NSFAF please may I hear from you

    • Sarafina, you will receive an email notification before 30th June

  153. I’m a second year student at unam, the last sms i recieved was to provide my student number , institution , if im working and weather i have benefited before then i did, but up to now i didn’t receive my award letter yet.I didn’t see any list from NSFAF , I’m in confusion might not go to school next semester. how do i log into nsfas portal?

  154. last month I received an email saying that my application was at final stage, today I received an email saying I have pending documents…
    What should i do? should I provide my documents again or it was an error?

  155. what is the difference between the acknowldgement letter and the prilimenary letter? iam confused

  156. hi. I just want to know about the non tuition fees. when are we getting it and how much? last year we first got 3000 , what about this Year?

    • Naemi, this is yet to be determined. Details will be communicated to the public.

  157. when are you going to send the list im very worried because i dont know if i will continue with the study or not

    • Rengura, you will receive a notification before 30th. Kindly contact the office for any inquiries.

  158. Some people got their award letters on Friday but I still didn’t get .and I received my preliminary award on 11 and 15 may but still no award letter for me . I’m wonder

    • Linekela, the award letters are still being distributed. Kindly wait a while.

  159. I was a Psychology student and I had a loan contract with NSFAF for 2012-2015 but during my second year 2013 I failed and my loan was frozen. I paid for myself 2014 and then I passed. I changed my course and now I am an Education student and in my 3rd year, I applied for a loan and got through all the processes, the last email/sms I got was that my application is at the final stage and i should indicate my institution, course etc.. and I did, I did not receive anything else until now, Will I be awarded?

    • Sandra, there is currently no certainty regarding your situation, you are strongly advised to visit or contact the office if you can. However, if your application meets all the NSFAF requirments then you can expect a notification on or before 30th June.

      • Thank you for the reply…I will try to call the student support again as I am currently in the north.

  160. Did NSFAF not yet got our invoices?when will they start settling student’s accounts

  161. Ist obvious that if i received a preliminary award letter thn it’s a must tht i wll get a loan ??? pls i am lost

  162. Good morning? Are you guys done giving award letters?

  163. When are we excepting our award letter?? I’m going to write my exams on July 10, I have postponed my exams due to the fact that I didn’t received my award letter. And IUM didn’t let us write, but my name is in the recent list which was sent there.. Please help.. and I received my preliminary letter

  164. Hi
    I am a senior student and a loan holder. My question is, if I didn’t sign up for the new contract will my tuition and non-tuition be paid for 2017?

  165. I’m (Dikuwa Cydine) a fourth year student at Rundu campus doing Bachelor of education Upper Primary. I have a problem with 2014 tuition payment which was not done and i contacted student care center but no concrete answer they provided and i have send vast of emails but still no feedback.Now i don’t know what to do because this is my final year.

    • Dikuwa, NSFAF has included all outstanding payments in its agendas this year. Kindly wait a while

  166. An this people are not recommendng bfr the 31st nmre…..means thy want to extend the days again:( i clld thm nw. An yestrdy


    • Bonni, you can file an appeal for this particular case scenarios, or seek further explanation for the rejection.

  168. What about those who did not receive primarily letter are we going to be funded or not ..worried

    • Rosalia, if you are certain about meeting the necessary requirements then there is nothing to worry about. You can contact the office to know your eligibility status.

  169. Morning. ..I received a letter came with terms and conditions saying kindly be informed that you have been awarded based on nsfaf criteria. And the status of my application was successful and till now I did not receive an ward letter. Now I am confused. .is this means that I am going to be awarded or not?

  170. Please answer all our questions,
    I applied via eligibility checker, meaning I am eligible why would I get rejected?
    2. I received an email saying that they have received my application and that it is successful, I also came to the final stage which is asking for institution and student number , from there I am not receiving any email no more.
    3. Am I waiting for a rejection or award letter? This is my question.

    • Alumbungu, this cannot be foretold. The application is being evaluated, you will be notified soon.

  171. If i received a preliminary award letter do i need to go at the NASFAF office again?

  172. Am a student at monitronics success college I applied with mature age entry! but up to now I didn’t receive an award letter! I don’t know why!

    • Petrus, do you meet these requirements?, ” Applicant admitted on Mature Age Entry should be considered for funding provided that a proof of admission on mature age from the Institution is provided to NSFAF. Applicants should at least be 23 years old. Mature Age Entry is restricted to local Institutions only.” if yes then you will be notified. Remember you must have at least 25 points

  173. i am first year masters studying at the university of capetown. i received my award letter in may. i dont know what to do with it. i also want to know, how i will get my non tuition fee as i do not have a namic card. will NASFAF pay the whole amount the university? when will it be paid as i need to pay my accomodation?

    • Martha, submit the award letter at the admissions office for assistance. The non-tuition funds will be paid into your account. There is currently no set date for payment.

      • How will the non tuition fee be paid into my account if i did not give any of my banking details to any one? Not the university or Nasfaf

  174. Jennifer says:
    i just want to know the reguirement for mature age entry to qualify for nsfaf,because iam confuse if nsfaf say that if you got 22 points you did not meeet the nsfaf requirement unless you have to qualify with at least 25 points. why can’t they stated it in their prospertors? what i know is that, mature age entry you only need to pass grade 10 and 12. if it so, why nsfaf paid tuition and non-tuition of some students who got below 20 points and reject some students? this is not fair .i need a clarity on mature age entry pls. i applied in 2015 ,signed the contract in 2016 june but up to know nothing has happened,i have been calling the person dealing with application ward more than 20 times but the respond is wait,wait for how long know? pls i need more information on mature age entry

    • Jennifer, ” Applicant admitted on Mature Age Entry should be considered for funding provided that a proof of admission on mature age from the Institution is provided to NSFAF. Applicants should at least be 23 years old. Mature Age Entry is restricted to local Institutions only.”

  175. Days are getting closer now to the D-day…! Is NSFAF only sending final award letters everuday or only on Fridays ? I meet the requirements but worried now that since i got preliminary award letter, nothing good for me came. Am just hanging in air.

  176. My application status is successful but I never received either preliminary or award letter what shall I do? Please help or its mean I’m out?

  177. Hi
    I am a senior student and a loan holder. If I didn’t sign up for the new contract, Will my tuition and non tuition fees be paid still?

  178. This is to certify that you have been awarded based on the NSFAF funding criteria and policy for financial assistance by NSFAF, subject to successful registration with an Institute of Higher Learning and subject signed General Terms & Conditions entered into by and between yourself and NSFAF, or in case you are a minor, between your parents or guardians and NSFAF.
    You are therefore urged to register with an Institute of Higher Learning and to read and sign the General Terms & Conditions accordingly and return the same within 30 days to avoid delay in disbursement of funds.
    NSFAF will only effect payment upon receipt of the signed General Terms & Conditions.
    does this mean I’m awarded?

      • cool. I just received the award letter, but what do Nsfaf mean by saying “You are therefore urged to read and sign the contract/agreement and return within 30 days to avoid delay in disbursement of funds, as NSFAF will only effect payment upon receipt of a signed contract/agreement”. where is this contract agreement,?

  179. UGfacts, today is the 21st of June, do you still stick to the 30th of June as final date? Come on guys!

  180. Did NSFAF postpond the D-day or it still remains the 30th of june ? My heart is stil not at rest upto now although i got preliminary award letter.

  181. We want to know pls 30th is closer…an hence i received my preliminary award lette on the 8th of this month i didnt received anythng yet. plssss

  182. I have submitted all my documents and since then I did not received any sms nor e-mail notifying me whether my application was successful or rejected , I am really concerned. Can you advice me on this one

    • David, you are advised to contact the NSFAF office, your application may have been rejected.

  183. I received final award letter, what is the next step I must do ?

    • Kazana, submit the letterto the admissions office or registrars office of the institution of interest for assistance.

  184. Registration for next semester is so near 09 July.. And I received my preliminary award letter in April but still nothing are you sure we will get responds by 30 June it’s already the 22nd

  185. I received an email about my missing documents and i provided them but still i did not get my award letter or even rejection letter.Am I still going to get my award letter?

    • Hiskia, its is possible your application has been rejected. Kindly contact the support office.

      • What are the contact details for the support office?

  186. Good day, I would like to know if NSFAF is yet to pay my remaining non- tuition fees for 2016?

    • Yes maria, the payment for non-tuition fees are yet to be made.

  187. I am à senior student at unam, if i did not sign thé new contract does That mean my tuition and non tuition fée will not be paid.?

    • Yes Trina. It is highly important to sign the new contract for a renewal of funding. Contact the support office for assistance

  188. Hi , on the day i apply ,i receive two sms , the first says my application has been stored ,the second say “you have been awarded based on the nsfaf funding criteria ” .and another asking my student number , my school and if i worked .i meet the requirement . But that was the last i heard from nsfaf
    What does this mean ,please help

    • Hendrina, kindly wait a little while. you will receive a notification soon. You can visit any NSFAF office for any clarifications.

  189. last month I received an
    email saying that my
    application was at final
    stage, today I received an
    email saying I am rejected because I am not meet the requirements for nsfaf and I apply to mature age entry which requirements I am not meet. and
    What should i do?

    • Heita, the only thing you can do is to endeavor to meet the requirements and apply next time.

  190. cool, I received the award letter, but what do they mean by “You are therefore urged to read and sign the contract/agreement and return within 30 days to avoid delay in disbursement of funds, as NSFAF will only effect payment upon receipt of a signed contract/agreement”., where is this contract/Agreement to be signed?

  191. Does it mean when your name is not on the list then you application was rejected?

  192. Hello. I received an email of provisional acceptance from nsfaf and requested to continue with submitting my last details which was my student number,institution and employment status, that was in march. I have thus far not heard from nsfaf. Does provisional acceptance means I am only waiting for an award letter or which one comes first? Ndeshi

    • Ndeshipanda, this means your application is still being verified.

  193. Hello. I received an email of provisional acceptance from nsfaf and requested to continue with submitting my last details which was my student number,institution and employment status, that was in march. I have thus far not heard from nsfaf. Does provisional acceptance means I am only waiting for an award letter or which one comes first? Ndeshi

    • Ndeshipanda, a preliminary award letter is issued prior to an award letter. After issuance of the preliminary award letter, a thorough verification of documents is carried out, after which the final award letter is released.

  194. I am a second year Diploma in Junior Primary student, I am studying at Rundu Unam campus, I signed a contract early this year in March at NSFAF office in Rundu, but up to now I did not get my loan, what is delaying now? Most of my classmate got. My phone number 0817561327 and my Nam-mic account 3000195194758, my refence number DAWID ROLLAND M 93032600952 Edu/unam428

      • Dear sir or madam
        I’m a first year beneficiary and I’m unable to upload my signed contract, the first day when I was trying it kept on saying process failed and now the space where I’m supposed to upload it is not even there
        Hope to hear from you soon

  195. UGfacts, please will you explain. When you are told your application status is: “approved level 2”, how many levels are there? And what happens at “final stage”?

  196. I also want an exact answer..whats next after preliminary award letter and that stage 2?

  197. I have received the email which is asking about the institution I am studying and if I have benefited from NSFAF before and I indicated it but later on I received another email saying I have some missing documents but I am sure I provided them when I applied. Is it possible my application is rejected?

    • No Naomi, your application was not rejected as a result of this message.

  198. I also want an exact answer… what’s next after preliminary award letter and that stage 2

    • A Preliminary letter is one that is issued before the actual award letter. This letter is awarded to successful candidates as they await funding.

  199. This is to certify that you have been awarded based on the NSFAF funding criteria and policy for financial assistance by NSFAF, subject to successful registration with an Institute of Higher Learning and subject signed General Terms & Conditions entered into by and between yourself and NSFAF, or in case you are a minor, between your parents or guardians and NSFAF.
    You are therefore urged to register with an Institute of Higher Learning and to read and sign the General Terms & Conditions accordingly and return the same within 30 days to avoid delay in disbursement of funds.
    NSFAF will only effect payment upon receipt of the signed General Terms & Conditions..
    What does this mean and;
    Where can I find General Terms & conditions.

    • Theron, if you signed the terms and conditions during your application, then theres no need to sign it again. If you didn’t, then it should be delivered to you by mail. The notification you received indicated that your application for funding was successful.

  200. This is to certify that you have been awarded based on the NSFAF funding criteria and policy for financial assistance by NSFAF, subject to validation and successful proof supporting documents as well as subject to the general terms and conditions entered into by and between yourself and NSFAF, or in case you are a minor between your parents or guardians and NSFAF.
    Your unique NSFAF ID is: x_p……………………
    Your Current Status is: Your application is successful, subject to proof documents.
    You are therefore urged to provide the respective supporting documents for validation and to read and sign general terms and conditions accordingly and return the same within 30 days to avoid delays in disbursement of fund.
    Please help! What does that mean? And what documents they are saying since all are uploaded in fact are ticked ?

  201. I send or submitted my required documents accept the one required of N $250 000.00 because my parents don’t work and I made a declaration of that. I further went on to ask the nsfaf team whether I can leave that column of the N $250 000.00 and they said it’s cool if I leave it out they will fix it on the system which I bat is what they told all the other poor students the same and still till now didn’t see a change or received the benefiting emails others are receiving. Please nsfaf explain since your due date is 30th.

    • To those of us who are already NSFAF beneficiaries, are we still getting award letters this year since we got last?

  202. Plss i need an exact answr whts nxt aftr receivng a preliminary award lttr an told u a at stage 2…

  203. Do we some students who received their non tuition fee for 2017/8?

  204. Today is the 26th and yet I didn’t receive my award letter, while I had received preliminary letter in April and I’m going to write my exams in July 10th…. when am I expect it if the targeted date is very near??

    • Hilda, the preliminary letter is submittable to the institution in question. Kindly check your mail periodically for the award letter.

  205. Plss UGFACTS cn u answr an tell us the meaning of level 2 an received a preliminary award letter..? Or ist oky to go at their offce?. Plss

  206. hello.we have an issue at Rundu campus were students in 2014 were not funded and we have rised that issue at your table and we have been waiting for the feedback for so long but no answer have been sent to our campus .So i would like to know if you are aware of that and have the management discussed our issue if we will be funded or not.

    • Sydney, delays in payments usually result from a delay by the institution in providing the necessary documents and paperwork. NSFAF cannot issue payments unless all documents and paper works have been verified and received.

  207. I didn’t receive anything up to now, not even the preliminary letter, am I going to be awarded since I met all the nsfaf requirements?

    • Lovisa, you are advised to contact the student support office.

  208. When am I expecting the award letter hence I’m going to write my exams in July 10… I have received the preliminary letter in April

    • Hilda, all award letters will be distributed by ending of June.

  209. Hello NSFAF, it’s only 3 days left now before UNAM takes a step against us, some of us we still owing tuition both 2016&2017 , when are you going to fulfill your promise? I’m one of the 2nd years Diploma in Education students at Katima campus in the Zambezi….

    • Carlos, if you have received a preliminary award letter, then submit it at the admissions office.

  210. Do we have some students who received their non ti-tuition fees for 2017/8?

  211. Nsfaf please do help, can I get a preliminary award , then get rejected after. I’m hearing you have levels like the form is approved but at a certain level what do those levels mean ? Last time you told me my form has been approved, is it possibly to be rejected again ? Or what level am i now ? I received the preliminary award in March when can I get the final answer?
    Thank you

    • Menete, after issuance of a preliminary letter, NSFAF conducts a meticulous verification of documents and paper works. If these prove to be valid, a final award letter is given.

  212. How should i sign in to follow my application?
    I should login with my student number or nsfaf unique Id?

  213. Dear NSFAF
    I receive a preliminary award letter two weeks ago,an last week i received a provisional approval that says,my application is on the final stage,i’m asking than wht is next?? An another thing my name appears on list!! I really looking at your positive response.

    • Shikongo, your application was sucessful, hence you will be awarded. Kindly wait for the final award letter

  214. NSFAF
    When our non-Tuitions fees will be paid? second year student from NUST.

    • Frans, an exact date cannot be given at this time. Work is however being done to settle all payments

  215. In what case do I recieve a preliminary award letter twice? Does the system issue out at every lèvel the application is approved?
    I received 1 in February and again today.

  216. Although the institution is part of the delay but we informed NSFAF about the situation which some of the students are facing at Rundu campus due 2014 payment which was not settled.Thus Mr Simasiku , Nayuni and David Nathige were told about it and up to now no feedback is given and to us students it is worring situation because we are owing Unam and to make the matter worse this is our final year.

  217. Today is Thursday already , are you still sticking to the 30th June which is tomorrow ? And can one find his or her name in the list you are yet to issue without an award letter? Or is the date changed ?
    What is the status of my application form ? Pls nsfaf I just want to know where I’m standing because this preliminary award is somehow doubtful.

  218. Nsfaf do something I recieve priminaly award long time but yet I did not receive my award letter . Today it’s orleady 30th June

    • Johannes, after issuing a preliminary letter, NSFAF conducts a thorough verification of documents and paper works. In most cases the application is completed. However, in some rare occasions, documents or paper works cannot a validated, hence a delay in issuing the final award letter.

  219. I do not know what to do. My results are withheld by NUST because i didn’t receive the award letter from nsfaf and registration is starting on Monday. I only received a preliminary letter .pls advise me what to do

    • Pohamba, you will have to contact the students support for assistance.

  220. Hi, I am a first year I ve nt received award letter threfore my results re withheld for first semester, the second semester registration begins on th third untill the seventh if am stil nt awarded by thn it wl mean wil ve drop out wil I ve to cancel the loan and will it in way ve a negative impact on my application next year

    • No Martha, this will not have a negative impact on your application for next year.

  221. Nsfaf up to now i still havent received anything from you as 30 of June has passed but i met all the nsfaf criteria is there a possibility that i will be awarded as your target time has past,please help am looking forward to your response.

  222. what if i failed my second year at unam,but register for my 3rd year modules,will nsfaf still pay for me

  223. Hi
    According to NSFAF first beneficial invoice, some fees are missing. Like the transfer and accommodation fees. Is this invoice really accurate?

  224. Good day
    I applied for a loan but i didn’t get an award letter yet. My ID 94111100406

  225. And I still didn’t receive my award letter, what must I do? I’m going to write my exams July 10

  226. I received preliminary award letter on 24 May with other friends of mine but them thy got their final award letters as i speak and with me when i call the office am told i have 2 more level for my application to be finalised, what is so special about my friends that they got theirs very fast? What is the cause of delay to my application ? I also want to see my final award letter since i meet the requirement.

    • Sikongo, you will have to contact or visit the NSFAF office as soon as possible to rectification of any errors.

  227. Can i stil have hope that i will get final award letter after receiving preliminary award letter 2 month ago ? Am loosing hope day by day over Nsfaf. What is causing the delay ?

      • UGfacts also, should i realy on your respond or not ? What am told on this site does not correspond with what i am told at the office, you demoralised me how you respond to my other question, but when i contact the office i was told something nice to keep waiting, i might get my final award letter friday or next week, while you tell me Appeal things while am not yet rejected.

  228. NASFAF any advice to those of us who didn’t receive anything yet and what is the way forward from the 30 June

  229. NSFAF are you done giving award letters or why or mute, just recieved preliminary award last week.

  230. When is NSFAF settling accounts for senior students at IUM?

    • Cornelius, an exact date cannot be specified. Work is being done to settle all funds.

      • Ok….but what why so much delay for NSFAF in releasing students funds? Students suffers thats why they are not being productive most of them.

  231. Hi..are you guys still sending award letter or are you done. .I did not receive anything yet I am now worried please help.

    • Veronica, at this point you are encouraged to visit any NSFAF office for assistance

        • Veronica, after issuing a preliminary award letter, NSFAF conducts a thorough validation, and hence may withhold the final award letter if any ” abnormalities ” are found. Contact the student support center for assistance.

  232. UGFacts.com are there refunds this year? If yes when can we expect the refunds?

  233. I am a first year student , and still i didn’t get an award letter or reject letter,my documents are all uploaded, please NSFAF you are delaying us we want to pay our institution fees..

    • Tunelo, did you meet all the NSFAF requirements? if you did, and still didnt get a notiification, then kindly visit the NSFAF office.

  234. Hendrina ndapewoshali mudjanima, this is to certify that you have been awarded based on the nsfaf funding criteria and policy for financial assistance by nsfaf,subject to successful registration with an institute of higher learning and subject signed general terms .
    What does this mean? Received it today . And I meet the requirement

      • Hendrina, the list is available at any NSFAF office near you.

    • Hendrina, per the NSFAF policy, you have been awarded. This means your application was successful.

  235. UGFacts
    What does this letter mean? Is this a award letter?
    This is to certify that you have been awarded based on the NSFAF funding criteria and policy for financial assistance by NSFAF, subject to validation and successful proof of supporting documents as well as subject to the General Terms & Conditions entered into by and between yourself and NSFAF, or in case you are a minor, between your parents or guardians and NSFAF.
    Your unique NSFAF ID is:
    Your current Status is: Your application is successful, subject to proof of documents.
    You are therefore urged to provide the respective supporting documents for validation and to read and sign the General Terms & Conditions accordingly and return the same within 30 days to avoid delay in disbursement of funds.
    You can provide the documents by Fax to 0800-4NSFAF | 0800-467323 or by eMail to validate@nsfaf.fund.
    You can also hand in the documents at any NSFAF regional office or the NSFAF head office as well as at our 120 regional and campus stands from January 12 – March 31. Please see our roadshow calendar at https://nsfaf.fund/intake2017/roadshow
    Please PRINT Terms & Conditions and Cover Letter. Please note that you **ALWAYS NEED TO PROVIDE THE COVER LETTER WITH YOUR DOCUMENTS**.
    Please sign the attached General Terms & Conditions and return the signed copy as soon as possible. If you are a minor applicant, please have your parents or guardians sign the General Terms & Conditions as well.

    • Yes Caroline, you have been awarded, but in order to release the final award letter you must provide ALL DOCUMENTS and a signed terms and conditions document.

  236. Good Day NSFAF
    I received an sms saying that i have been awarded based on the NSAFA funding criteria, subject to successful registration and signed terms and condition. I already signed the terms and condition in February and submitted them together with the proof of registration now my question is do i still need to go resubmit everything again or do I just call your offices and tell you that I already submitted those documents.

    • Helao, if you have already signed the terms and conditions, and also provided proof of registration, then there is no need to resubmit them. Kindly call the office.

  237. Why so much delay for NSFAF in releasing student funds? Students suffers thats why most of them are not being productive. And when they fail you guys deactive the funds again…?

  238. Hi … last month when I went to nsfaf office i was told my name will be added in the list I must just go write the exam ..but till now I did not get any notification from nsfaf and I need to pay tuition fees please ..and all my documents are all approded I am now worried if my application still there or not cz they are now on mute. And us students from lingua no one even receive award letter and other students from other institutions are getting. My question is am I going to get a notification or should I just give up because it’s now too late and I meet all the requirements .I dnt know why my application is taking long I applied in January please help me seriously I have no one to pay my school frees.and where is that list I wanna check if my name is in the list please.

    • Hilma, this list is available at any NSFAF office. An official list is also delivered to NUST.

  239. UGfacts.com when is the last day for you to send final award letters ? Seems you shifted your targetd day from 30 June to unknown or mayb 30 June was the last day though we were told to wait for our final award letter ?

    • Ayah, there is currrently no set date, work is still being done to award all students who met the requirements but didnt receive an award.

  240. After receiving preliminary award letter and having being told to wait a while for final award letter to b actually awarded and its two month now, should i keep on waiting for a notification or what is the next step ? Am tired of waiting

    • Menezech, after the issuance of a preliminary letter, NSFAF conducts a thorough validation of documents, if any is found missing, the final award letter is withheld or delayed. You may also see List of Bursaries in Namibia

  241. Thank you very much. I already submitted the said documents which means i should just wait for the final award letter.

    • Dolly, if you are certain that you meet all the NSFAF requirements, then kindly contact or visit any NSFAF office near you for assistance.

  242. what is the meaning of this I am confused to this
    Dear Wilhemina,
    This is to certify that you have been awarded
    based on the NSFAF funding criteria and policy
    for financial assistance by NSFAF, subject to
    validation and successful proof of supporting
    documents as well as subject to the General
    Terms & Conditions entered into by and between
    yourself and NSFAF, or in case you are a minor,
    between your parents or guardians and NSFAF.
    Your unique NSFAF ID is: wilh1140289001
    Your current Status is: Your application is
    successful, subject to proof of documents.
    You are therefore urged to provide the respective
    supporting documents for validation and to read
    and sign the General Terms & Conditions
    accordingly and return the same within 30 days
    to avoid delay in disbursement of funds.
    You can provide the documents by Fax to
    0800-4NSFAF | 0800-467323 or by eMail to
    You can also hand in the documents at any
    NSFAF regional office or the NSFAF head office as
    well as at our 120 regional and campus stands
    from January 12 – March 31. Please see our
    roadshow calendar at https://nsfaf.fund/
    Please PRINT Terms & Conditions and Cover
    Letter. Please note that you **ALWAYS NEED TO
    Please sign the attached General Terms &
    Conditions and return the signed copy as soon as
    possible. If you are a minor applicant, please have
    your parents or guardians sign the General Terms
    & Conditions as well.
    Please call 0800-2NSFAF | 0800-267323 for
    Yours faithfully

    • Heita, this simply means your application was successful, and you are therefore going to receive an award letter, however you must sign the terms and agreement and submit it to nsfaf, either by mail or in person at an office near you. You must also attach any documents where necessary. If you have already signed the terms and agreement form, then there is no need to do that again.

  243. Monika
    received the esms that you have to esms your student number,your institution, working or unemployment and if you where nasfaf Beneficial, I sent the email and they reply saying your email reach us,after a month you send me an email saying am rejected due to missing of the proof of registration, I upload it till today no respond,but I thought that esms you guys use to send us it shows proof that no missing documents
    Hey,i rBeneficial ,i sent the esms and they said

  244. NSFAF, why are you not considering us with 24 points in 5 subjects,? why? why are you giving loans to mature entry people,some of those have used fake documents to apply to university . why are you funding mature entry people, these are the people who have money already , they have jobs they should pay their fees on they own please.

    • Tunelao, according to the NSFAF award policies, only students with a minimum of 25 points are eligible for funds. And thus, must be adhered to.

      • But y do u guys award unam students that are doing Diploma in education with 22 points ? do they meet the requirements ?u must treat everyone equally

  245. I apply loan as an undergraduate coz I was a loan holder before of 3 years than I ask to for extension but I was told I have to apply as everyone then I did, I received the terms and conditions and I sign them and the last email I got from u guys was to provide my student number, name of institute to complite my apprication and that was the last time I hear from you guys, does that mean I can’t get a loan ? I have met all the requirements.

    • Selma, NSFAF is currently taking a list of all students who met the requirements but didnt receive a loan. Contact the support center for assistance.

  246. Why is nsfaf taking so long to send some of us our final award letters?

    • Colbe, kindly contact the NSFAF office for details concerning your award letter delay.

  247. Dear NSFAF
    I am student from IUM and I am having a problem that due to unpaid tuition fee for last year I can’t see my result they are withheld, and supplementary will be on 17 July 2017. and this make it difficult for me to see if I am sitting for supplementary or not. my student no 160009235
    NSFAF NO: f_esth1230291001

    • Ester, kindly contact the NSFAF student support center for assistance.

  248. i received a preliminary award letter 10 days back , but i have not received an award letter yet ,is my application still in process?

    • Marius, if you havent received an award letter, then it indicates your application is being validated. If you met all the requirements, then an award letter will be issued.

  249. I received primarily award long time in February but i haven’t recieve an award letter. does it mean my application is unsuccessful or? I met all the requirements.

  250. hai i would like to know how far my payment is the due date for unam payments was 30 of june and up to now there is still nothing and am in my 4th year cant afford not to attend classes this semister

  251. Is there by any chance NSFAF is going to settle our account at NUST this month?

    • Salomo, it is likely NSFAF will settle accounts within this month. This is however subject to change.

  252. hai i applied for students financial fund and have not got any answer from you and therefore i dnt knw if i was awarded a loan or not plz let me know the status of my application

    • Mary, are you certain you met all the NSFAF requirements?, if yes, kindly visit any NSFAF regional office for assistance.

  253. am a fourth year student at unam i want to knw how far the paynents are as the due date for inam was 30 june

  254. Hi. I visited the office yesterday and they told me that I have received an award letter via email but when I checked there is nothing. There is only a preliminary award letter that I have received in January and the other one for provisional information. Now what does this mean?

  255. I re-applied for funding after my loan finished. And I haven’t received an answer to date? Because my course says it is 4 years but the last year is split in 2 years in part-time basis. But the institution didn’t tell NSFAF now I’m stuck because they only paid for 4 years. This is really bad

  256. Dear nsfaf
    I havent received any email yet to be notified on either my application is successful or unsuccessful…. Many fellow students have received their award letters but am worried how and what’s going on with my beloved application….. Please halla me my status

    • Erasmus, you will have to visit any NSFAF office near you.

  257. I applied for a loan as an undergraduate and the last i heard from Nsfaf is to provide my student number,institution and whether I’m employed or not from there i didn’t receive anything,i went at nsfaf office they are telling me i should wait for sometimes,can I rely on their advice or not because i have been waiting for so long now since i have met all the requirements and i all the documents..please help?

    • Dominicus, if you are eligible and yet havent received an award letter, then wait a little while longer, NSFAF is considering such students.

  258. After resending those missing documents for the second time today since those i sent in march they received some of the documents but i sent all documents on one email but received some,now my question is will those missing documents i sent today be accepted? Please i need a respose as soon as possible .

  259. Hy I am Andreas David recently registered with southern business school Namibia for the first yeàr bachelor of commerce in law in June 2017.I possess all necessary requirements will I be granted a loan if I apply now?

  260. Iam a student at UNAM katima mulilo campus doing a honors degree in wildlife management and ecotourism,iam a 2nd year student.this is my first time to apply to nsfaf for loan,during the application process in march i sent all my required missing documents on one email but surprisingly the received some and did not receive other,yestarday i resent those missing documents will they get accepted?? ugfacts help here

  261. Iam a student at UNAM katima mulilo campus doing a honors degree in wildlife management and ecotourism,iam a 2nd year student.this is my first time to apply to nsfaf for a loan will i be awarded a loan ?? ugfacts help here

    • Justin, you will be awarded, as long as you meet the NSFAF requirements

  262. Good Morning
    I still didnt get any feedback on my application, How does this work as Im waiting patiently but nothing even the rejection so i can know.Please

    • Mate, you will have to visit any NSFAF regional office near you for assistance

  263. NSFAF help desk there is no answer, how can I get hold of them?

    • Mate, you will have to visit any NSFAF regional office near you.

  264. morning guys when exactly u will settle my outstanding tuition fees for last year ,because i want to claim for my qualification but the institution is saying i cant while owing,furthermore will u settle them together at the same time or you settle for 2016 first thn 2017 pls help!!?

    • Amon, its unfortunate a precise date cannot be currently given. 2016 applicants will be settled before, if not alongside 2017 students.

  265. Dear NSFAF team
    I am a third year student and a loan holder but i am very much disappointed with NSFAF. I received my refund last friday but I only get $16500 insteadd of 21600. That happens again 2016, I only get 17415 instead of 21600. My question is why am i not getting the same amount like everybody. Its official that every student is now receiving 21600. 2016 nsfaf owes me $4185 and this year nsfaf owes me $5100 which will give the total of $9285. This is not fair nor right. Where will that money go? Or maybe we need to ask the Minister to tell us whether only some students who are getting 21600. I am always calling the nsfaf but they never pick up their phone. I am waiting for a better answer. Thank you

    • Rachel, NSFAF in its bid to settle all students sometimes makes changes and adjustments to its payment system in order to serve as many students as possible. Also, payments are subject to terms and conditions, hence amount received may alter from student to student.

  266. I applyed by hard copies because the birthday on one of my grade 12 certificate is wrong. But until today I haven’t been contacted. Or the people that applyed with hard copies are not going to get loans?

    • Peter, students who applied with hard copies are eligible for NSFAF loans. If you are certain that you meet all the requirements, contact the NSFAF support center.

  267. Is NSFAF stl wrking on sending award letters? Coz i ws told i should be patient ever since lst month until i go at their office in whk but stl whn i cll thm they are just tellng me u are at stage 2….wht is tht????

  268. I have been a loan holder since 2015 ,was I supposed to reapply for the loan this year? I’m in my final year please help.

  269. When I log into my account it is indicated that my application is successful but still I did not get any response from NSFAF. Will I still be awarded?

    • Naomi, a successful application doesnt necessarily mean you will be awarded. After successfully submitting your application, NSFAF validates your documents and checks your eligibility. If any of these is missing, your award will be denied.

    • Veronica, stage two, is simply the next step of your application, after which a preliminary letter is given. After issuing a preliminary letter, NSFAF conducts a thorough validation of all documents and paperworks. If any document is found missing, the preliminary letter is withheld.

      • Hi
        will they let us konw if there is some document missing? and how long does it take?

        • Mate, yes. NSFAF notifies students of missing documents, but in some cases they do not, which will result in delayed fund settlements. You are advised to contact the office for any delays.

  270. when i have loged on my application, I found “award letter to be uploaded” down on the left side. Does it mean I am awarded or I should still wait for the notification on email or so??

    • Yes Sesilia, you can however confirm this by contacting the support center.

    NSFAF UNIQUE ID:estn???
    We are pleased to inform you that your application for Undergraduate is at the final stage. In order for NSFAF to finalize your application, please indicate the following by 31ST March 2017:
    a)Indicate your Student Number
    b)Name of Institution where you are studying
    c)Indicate whether employed or not (If employed indicate your salary)
    d)Have you benefited from NSFAF before
    Kindly take note that this information is need for NSFAF to finalise your application for financial assistance.
    Check quicly at Complete my application
    I provided all the wanted details but I did not receive my award letter yet. Where is the problem? ??

    • Ester, after providing all the necessary documents and information, NSFAF conducts a thorough examination of your eligibility and validates your documents. Kindly contact the NSFAF student support to ensure your application was approved or not.

  272. I am a first year student and I applied with a wrong category (prior qualification) I do not have a certificate at Level 5 but my overall points in 5 subjects is 33 with a D in English.
    After applying, I immediately received a text saying ” Your application is successful based on NSFAF funding criteria and subject to proof of supporting documents” I then went to Oshana NSFAF center and I was told that they are going to deal with me after validation.
    Should I still hope that I will get awarded since I do not have an NQA Level 5 certificate and to make matters worse, validation ended in June 30.
    Am I really on the safe side?

      • Ester, the NSFAF is still considering students who meet the requirements but didnt receive an award letter

        • Does this mean am awarded? ???
          Dear ESTER PENEHUPIFO NANGHONDA, This is to certify that you have been awarded based on the NSFAF funding criteria and policy for financial assistance by NSFAF, subject to successful registration with an Institute of Higher Learning and subject signed General Terms

  273. please NSFAF us, second year students at NUST can’t bear the burden of unsettled accounts any longer. what an unreliable institution! Do we have mothers in there? months consists of days, hours, minutes and seconds; all this time students have NSFAF on their minds which is now developing into a tomour. But does Nsfaf consider students even for a minute? my people we cant wait to prove your newly introduced system other wise it is worse than the old one. We need 2017 refunds in and for 2017.

  274. NSFAF I bet you done awarding your relatives now. When are you going to award poor students that are not related to you???? We waited for so long but nothing. Your online system is fucked up. Award us please.

  275. I want to hear from you nsfaf, I applied the first day people start to apply, I have 23 in grade 22 anf other qualification level 7 . It was your staff member who applied for me, I give him all my qualifications but at the end I was told I applied at wrong application. My problem is, my name was written /added to the list of names of those people who applied to wrong application and I was told ur staff member will correct it, but just imagine from May until now nothing has been done. I’m always there at your office but they are always telling me different story .some are saying they are waiting for the IT to come and do the collection, anyway where are you IT and for how long are they taking to be back at work? Last week I was there, I was told my things are corrected but yesterday I was there and was told that my application is not yet corrected. How is that possible? I want an a clear explanation about this. Your things are very complicated. Contact me on 2121003 if it’s possible and my ID NUMBER is 94030300375. I’m tired of always getting different answers from ur staff member. I don’ t know kutya which one I must believe at all.

    • Princess, its unfortunate you experienced all the confusion. The NSFAF is working to provide award letters to students who met the requirements.

  276. If its possible, I’m kindly requesting u to please check for me my aplication if it’s corrected than u let me know. My ID 94030300375 asap

    • Princess, you will have to contact the NSFAF Student Support Center

      • Is there any difference between students support center and students care centre? Cos I’m usually go at students care center/ at the helping desk. I mean there is a students care/ call centre and students support centre?

  277. Hell, when is NSFAF finishing awarding students, like me when i call the office i am told i meet the requirenments i should just be patients, am left with 3 month to register for the following year and to register the school wants me to pay 16000 cash or if funded i should be in possesion of final award letter or else i wont to my second year in 2018 if i dnt register before 15 November.

  278. Hello, when is NSFAF finishing awarding students, like me when i call the office i am told i meet the requirenments i should just be patients, am left with 3 month to register for the following year and to register the school wants me to pay 16000 cash or if funded i should be in possesion of final award letter or else i wont to my second year in 2018 if i dnt register before 15 November.

    • Doyo, the NSFAF is still working to award are students who met the requirements.

  279. am i 3rd year at UNAM,i applied for special consideration of changing courses but everytime i come to your office am being told my application is approved ad i will be notified to come ad collect my activation letter but until now i didnt receive anything…am getting worried

    • Johanna, you will have to wait a little while, you will definitely be notified by email.

  280. hello.
    How long should I wait for my award letter after receiving the preliminary award information ?

    • SmartUnited, kindly contact the NSFAF Student Support center

  281. dear NSFAF
    i got a loan last year and changed a coarse what should i do now i need your help

    • Sesillia, kindly contact the NSFAF student support center.

  282. Does this mean am awarded?
    Dear ESTER PENEHUPIFO NANGHONDA, This is to certify that you have been awarded based on the NSFAF funding criteria and policy for financial assistance by NSFAF, subject to successful registration with an Institute of Higher Learning and subject signed General Terms

  283. Hi, when are the accounts of UNAM second years going to be settled I mean tuition and Non tuition fees….. We specifically me have been paitiently waited enough for my tuition fees to be settled but up to date there is no response. Are the NSFAF officials aware that we students are living a difficult life outside here, sturving and no longer buying assignments stuffs. Please help us, and notify us if we ain’t going to recieve anything. We need you now and we will need you more.

    • Traude, NSFAF is settling both tuition and non-tuition fees. Kindly wait.

  284. I am fourth year loan holder, and i see all my class mates tuition fees were paid and even got their refunds, when are they paying mine?

  285. I am a fourth year loan holder, and i see all my class mates tuition fees were paid and even got their refunds, when are they paying mine?

  286. Dear NSFAF
    I am a postgraduate student in SA, i received an e-mail sayng that my application is at final stage of payment (truly appreciate that, as my fees are suppose to be settled latest end of the month to allow me to write final exams next month) however, up until now you have not asked me for my banking details neither the Universities banking details, and there was no space for filling in the banking details at initial application, so to whom are u going to make the payments or should i still expect an email asking for the banking details?

    • Bonifilia, you will be contacted by mail concerning any developments.

  287. when will you settle payments for international students? especially south african universities

    • Marry, NSFAF will settle all funds soon. Kindly wait a while.

  288. when should second year students wait for their refunds? please we can’t wait of being students cos without books, transport and accommodation we are less than street kids. may u clarify on what year are the end-of the year refunds for? it is regrettable when after all (suffering with unpaid accommodation, no transport and books) student are getting refunds, for what ?

  289. Good morning Sir/
    I finished my studies last year and graduated this year, I was a loan holder for the last three years of my study. I hold a Diploma and honours dregree in Adult Education and Community Development. I am still unemployed and I’m thinking of going back to school to study a Degree in Education. My question is will i be still funded for my study ?

  290. hi I applied at nsfaf this year in January, in may I got an email says I did applied at wrong tile I must reapply. I did applied and I met all the requirement up to now I did not receive any notification from nsfaf. I want to know if am rejected or successful I did sign the terms and condition during applying time. pls help im concern!

    • Saara, you are advised to visit the nearest NSFAF regional office.

  291. I have an award letter and I am studying in South Africa. I would like to find out when is NSFAF paying our tuition or are you not paying so SADAC this year?

    • Megameno, NSFAF has commenced payments of tuition. Kindly wait a while.

  292. Please NSFAF, when are we getting our award letters? What’s next after preliminary award? We are facing exams very soon please let us know.

    • Jj, the NSFAF will settle all award letters soon, kindly wait.

  293. Does this mean I am awarded? please reply. The exam is around the corner
    Dear ESTER PENEHUPIFO NANGHONDA, This is to certify that you have been awarded based on the NSFAF funding criteria and policy for financial assistance by NSFAF, subject to successful registration with an Institute of Higher Learning and subject signed General Terms

  294. good day am a final year student at UNAM and a loan holder but am abit concerned as my tuition fees are still not paid,for 2017 should i be worried or wait?

    • Vaneruru, NSFAF is still settling students. Kindly wait a while. You may also contact the student support center for assistance.

  295. Evening nsfaf m a third year student at unam and most senior students are paid ,when are you paying my tuition and non tuition fees

    • Sarah, UNAM is still settling students. Kindly wait a while.

  296. hi i login to follow my application since i was told that i applied at wrong tile, then i reapplied in 30 may, that time i reapplied all my document i was uploaded were there but when i login now there is no document uploaded at all, but the tile is changed. now must i re-upload the document or what should i do? since i reapplied no notification, because the notification i got is only for password now and i get it when i went to ask at your office and they told me that we will communicate. please help me cos i don t know what to do now.

    • Saara, you are allowed to reupload your documents as you await a feedback. If feedback is over due, contact the office again.

  297. NSFAF, international students in south africa are leaving on streets because u have not paid. It is not right. Please do something

  298. hi.why is it that the nsfaf team is not specific on who should upload the terms and conditions because i received that message twice while i already uploaded,even though it also says ignore if you already submitted, its hard to settle because it brings uncertainty on whether my documents were well received. and this delay of making the payments really sucks, the country is broke, parents are broke and we are expected to make it to school everyday and pay rents and transport, we cant borrow quick loans because we are not certain of when nsfaf will pay.our lives are miserable as students.please give me a reply that will give me hope and not encourage me to drope out and go look for a job and come back when i can pay for my self. and im hoping that all students will be paid before december and that no one has to reach next year without their payments. and on an article that i read, someone from nsfaf said that its not nsfaf fault that some payments are delayed but rather the institutions,can you explain that if you can so that i know who to confront on this matter?

    • Susan, NSFAF is still awarding students, and aims at settling all students. The delays are on the part of the institutions because , before funds are released, the institutions must submit and sign documents which approve the settlement. A delay on the part of the institution on this leads to a delay in funding.

  299. Nsfaf we know we are annoying you now but try to put yourself in our shoes! Since 12 June all I am been told is just go back and wait for your award letter, nowadays the operators are even just dropping the fone on my ears and if I attempt to go to the office it is just the same story over and over again! Seriously only 2 month left to exam again since January please consider everyone here it is so unfair how you handle your process! Some students are even given their refunds already why don’t you concentrate on settling all the school fees first,while some of us are just still in the dark! All I am being told is your application is approved at the last stage just go and wait your letter but when exactly?? please do something…

    • Justy, the NSFAF is doing much to ensure that all eligible students receive their award letters. letters are still being given, and you will be certainly awarded if you meet all the requirements. If you do not receive an award letter despite your eligibility, then you can file an appeal.

  300. Nsfaf,iam a loan holder doing education at Rundu campus but next year i want to change course and do Nursing.My Question is will i be paying for myself for One year or two as i heard that that is how your System works..pls help i need the right information,

  301. when will i get my award letter,since i got the provitional aproval from torack

    • Torack, there is no specific date for the issuance of award letters, once processing is complete you will receive the letter. Kindly wait a while.

  302. pls let when , i awarded the letter , every day i visit the office they told me i m at final stage?

    • NUULE, you will receive a notification once your application is complete.

  303. Hi NSFAF team,
    My university has let me know i will be officially handed over to ITC by Monday. Its been a month since I have received my preliminary award letter and two weeks ago since I received this notification:
    NSFAF UNIQUE ID:b_sorf1240486001
    We are pleased to inform you that your application for Undergraduate is at the final stage. In order for NSFAF to finalize your application, please indicate the following by 3RD March 2017:
    a)Name of Institution where you are studying
    b)Field of Study/Programme
    c)Country of study
    d)Indicate your Banking details
    e)Indicate whether employed or not (If employed indicate your salary)
    f)Have you benefited from NSFAF before
    Kindly take note that this is only a provisional approval, the final approval will be communicated to you, should your application for financial assistance be approved.
    Should there be any errors detected after this provisional approval, NSFAF reserve the right to rectify an error detected.
    Check quicly at Complete my application
    I completed the application then at that moment but still no award letter. what am i suppose to do now Monday is my last chance?
    Please advise as soonest, I have phoned several times for a Mr Simasiku and he keeps telling me to wait. Im sorry to wait is no option for me no more.
    Please advise…………….

    • Sorya, your application is being reviewed and funds cannot be released until the process is complete. You will be notified upon completion.

      • why is the review taking so long? please advise so that we can also know.

  304. I applied for postgraduate fund , I uploaded the breakdown fees paper, i received an award letter but the money I am awarded is not enough. How is that possible ? (international study , full time) pls help me!

  305. i am a student at stellenbosch university. i got my award letter in April but no payment has been made since. exams are commencing and i will not be allowed to sit for exams. what should do?

  306. Good morning nsfaf. I have an award letter. My question is. Will nsfaf come through for us first year’s this year or should we just start job hurting already. The waiting is getting tough day by day. The country is not having money and maybe so does nsfaf . We live in uncertainty .DOES NSFAF Have the money to settle student accounts or not. Just tell us the truth so we can look for a way forward. Set as free, either way.

    • Hendrina, the NSFAF is not out of funds, neither is it abandoning its mandate to fund students. Funds are still being awarded, some of these delays are caused by the institutions.

  307. Stellenbosch student, awarded long time but payment has not been done yet. please help

    • Maria, international students will be funded soon by the NSFAF, you will be notified by mail.


  309. i am waiting for 5 month since i a ward provisional letter .always they advice i am on final stage is until when i keep wait notification? please help me

    • Nuule, you will be notified concerning any developments with your application.

  310. When is nsfaf going to refund students….2nd year &1st year, we are almost to kick out this year but we didn’t receive our refunds. The due date of settling our school fees is ended arleady

    • Dario, its unfortunate a precise date cannot be given, however students will definately be funded.

  311. Is it true that there are no more refunds this year and that hostel students only get an amount of 3000 as relief money????

  312. Dear Nasfaf
    When can first year students expect their refunds?

    • NSFAF intents on settlig all students , however precise dates cannot be given at this time.

  313. I awarded last but nothing paid so far and I am very worried because exam is around the corner. What is the cause for this delay if verification was completed last year? What must I do now? I am studying at unam.

    • Nestor, kindly visit any NSFAF regional office near you for assistance.

  314. NSFAF when are you settling my accounts ? I had been patience for to years nowand my accounts are still zeros .there are no more days to writ the exam and I wonder if I Will be allowed to write this year.IAm I not the students who have got needs like others?please hear me out it have been a long time now.

    • Josef, you will have to visit any NSFAF regional office near you for assistance

  315. When is NSFAF paying our (second year students) tuition and non tuition fees? You have been telling us to wait since July.

    • Haikali, the NSFAF intends on settling all students. Kindly wait a little while

  316. hi..i upload my terms and conditions but did not sign them.does tat mean i will not e awarded a loan ??

    • hi.i upload m terms and conditions but did not write my initials on them.does that means i will not be awarded a loan ??

      • Yaloo, as this will not affect the loan , as long as you signed the documents

    • Yaloo, you ,must sign the NSFAF terms and conditions, a loan cannot be awarded without your signature.

    • Maria, the NSFAF will settle all international students, although date cannot be specified. You will notified upon payment.

  317. When is NSFAF paying our (2nd year) tuition and non tuition fees? They have been telling us to wait since July. We are suffering at NUST.

    • Aune, the NSFAF is striving to settle all student funds. Kindly wait a little while

  318. I want to know my applications status as the last feedback that i god was i didnt sign my terms and condition, then i signed it but till now no answer.

    • Maria, your documents have been received. You will be notified concerning any further developments.

  319. Good day ?just want to find out the status of my application
    my NSFAF ID is mark1191289001

    • Maria, kindly contact the NSFAF student support center for assistance

  320. Hi nsfaf team. I have received a preliminary letter on the 07th Aug 2017, but until today I did not receive any feedback. plz help i am worried.

  321. Good Morning , I went on my nsfaf portal and on history of payment And it shows that I was paid on 19 – 09 -2017 even though I did not receive the money. And my instution which is Ium did not yet receive anymoney yet. I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS

    • Mudjanima, the funds will reflect soon.If problem persists contact your bank.

  322. My Payement history says my account has been settled but does not reflect on my account? what is going on?

    • Trevour, it will take some time for payment to reflect. If this persists then kindly contact your bank.

  323. we are approching the Exam and not even the letter of award have i recieve, Please advise its stressing me out please.

  324. Im being told that my application is at the final stage from August till now, why so long?

    • Mate, you application is in queue, or your documents are not complete, or your application was not successful. Contact the NSFAF support for details.

  325. Hello, jas what to know when ar u paying for first ye students ,Unam won’t allows us to write exams

  326. Will i pay for myself next year if i change the course? From education to nursing

  327. NSFAF When are you settling our fees UNAM does not want us to access our student portal due to unpaid fees please respond in crisis at UNAM………………….

  328. What is the hold and delay about settling the second year students’s fee since they signed the contract last year, we are about to end the year but still our tuition fees not paid. are they really funding students this year?

    • Paulo, funding has begun, but unfortunately not everyone has been funded yet.

  329. Good day please help some of us have no means of payment and still no award letter and the university of Namibia exams are starting second week of october does this mean i wont write exams please help.

  330. Nsfaf, are you done with final award letter or how far are you? When are you start paying the tuition fees for first year students?

  331. I applied with all my required documents and did not get an award while i qualified on the eligibility of nasfaf
    i don’t understand why i did not get an loan
    now i owe unam and wont write the final examination

  332. I was a computer science student 2014-2015 and only benefited from the fund for one year which is 2015. 2016 I enrolled for an education course and paid for myself. I applied for change of course and it got approved but it says I’ll benefit from the fund as from next year and this year will be at my own cost again. I thought if a person changed courses they pay for themselves for a year and you guys are obliged to pay for the remaining years..

  333. Good day NSFAF team
    A week ago I received a PRELIMINARY AWARD INFORMATION SUBJECT TO SUCCESSFUL REGISTRATION and the term and conditions that I just send a day after and next day I received that
    We are pleased to inform you that your application is at the final stage. In order for NSFAF to finalize your application, please indicate the following:
    a)Name of Institution
    b)Student Number
    c)Indicate whether employed or not (If employed indicate your salary)
    d)Have you benefited from NSFAF before
    Kindly take note that this is only a provisional approval, the final approval will be communicated to you, should your application for financial assistance be approved.
    Should there be any errors detected after this provisional approval, NSFAF reserve the right to rectify an error detected.
    Check quicly at Complete my application
    SENIOR MANAGER: OPERATIONS my question is do I still need to sign the term and conditions and send it again because still i didn’t receive any email yet to notify me what to do next

    • Johannes, if youve already signed the terms and agreement then you do not need to resign it.

  334. We are pleased to inform you that your application is at the final stage. In order for NSFAF to finalize your application, please indicate the following:
    a)Name of Institution
    b)Student Number
    c)Indicate whether employed or not (If employed indicate your salary)
    d)Have you benefited from NSFAF before
    Kindly take note that this is only a provisional approval, the final approval will be communicated to you, should your application for financial assistance be approved.
    Should there be any errors detected after this provisional approval, NSFAF reserve the right to rectify an error detected.
    Check quicly at Complete my application
    SENIOR MANAGER: OPERATIONS ( I received do I still have sign the term and conditions and send back or what should do

  335. Good day nsfaf team
    Does it means if I received the down email I don’t have to submit anything anymore ..
    (We are pleased to inform you that your application is at the final stage. In order for NSFAF to finalize your application, please indicate the following:
    a)Name of Institution
    b)Student Number
    c)Indicate whether employed or not (If employed indicate your salary)
    d)Have you benefited from NSFAF before
    Kindly take note that this is only a provisional approval, the final approval will be communicated to you, should your application for financial assistance be approved.
    Should there be any errors detected after this provisional approval, NSFAF reserve the right to rectify an error detected.
    Check quicly at Complete my application

    • Johannes, you must provide
      a)Name of Institution
      b)Student Number
      c)Indicate whether employed or not (If employed indicate your salary)
      d)Have you benefited from NSFAF
      After which the approval process will continue. Once accepted, you will receive an email.

  336. when is the closing day for 2018 application for loan?

    • Monika, the NSFAF Loan Application for 2018 is yet to commence, and will begin within the first quarter of 2018

  337. When is the due date for the awards letters I received my preliminary awards and I am now perplexed, people are saying tomorrow 29 Septembe is the last day for issuing of awards letters please tell us where we are standing.

    • Kuaima, award letters are still being issued, and all will be sorted accordingly.

  338. Halo.. I. Passed my academic year.. But when I checked the payment checker it states tht no payment was done … what doI need to do?

    • Christophine, your account will be credited soon. You will be notified by mail.

  339. I am John Angula I receive my award letter and it printed out already long time but yet I didn’t receive anything from Nsfaf’s grand ! What procedures I must take? I am doing my traing at Wvtc as a EG N1 level and the assesment is nocking around us! What can we do for those which are receiving the reward letter but yet no funds awarded?

  340. the last respond that i got was that my document are verified correct and are assigned for final validation and approval and from there didn’t get any respond ever, does that mean i m rejected.

  341. when i can get a ward letter,? i was so status is approved and now it say again provisional approve when and when i visit the office say s was wait for list of name now my name is gave pls help me


    • Addi, a preliminary award letter is issued before a final award letter. Extensive examination is carried out after issuing the preliminary award letter, after which funds are released.

  343. Nsfaf please when are you sending our award letters, our institution are evening telling us they might stop us to attend classes which is clear that thy will not even give us a chance to sit for exam! For how long should one wait for a final letter since I receive preliminary in June and your office assured me that I am awarded but why the final letter is taking time to come please rescue us!! It is very difficult to concentrate in class thinking you will be kicked out anytime and end up not continuing with your study at all.

    • Nsfaf please reply to my concern, when are you sending our final letters, much less to fund our studies too…

      • Justy, you will be notified by mail concerning any updates.

  344. What does it mean by Approved application level 1, and how many level must be complete to reach final approval plus how long that may take en when is the due date of award letter?

    • Shilongo, there are two levels of approval. The second approval is carried out immediately after the first approval. This can last between a week to a month.

  345. my payment history shows that my tuition and non tuion fees is paid but the amount is not yet reflect on my account and to UNAM account , for how long it take for the money to reflect .

  346. my application status Approved level 1, is there chance for me to be rejected?

    • Yes Maria, it is possible, NSFAF conducts extensive examination after the first approval stage.

  347. Good day
    Why is NSFAF keeping us in the dark. It has been long now but it keeps telling us that we will be paid soon. How soon is soon? May we atleast get a date when the last people are expected to be paid.
    The reason why many of us applied for loans is because our parents/guardians are not really able to fund us from their own pockets. It is really not easy. Majority of the applicants are less fortunate or are orphans. We just want to get good education and feel comfortable at our institutions. But how if some of us walk to school and can hardly concentrate because we are exhausted? We do not even have books or laptops to acces academic information so we have to go to Libraries or sometimes even miss out on important academic information. I do not want to say a lot….
    All i am asking for is for our tuition and non-tuition fees will be paid. Please help me and the rest we really need it. I speak for myself and on behalf of everyone. Or can we atleast get feedback as to how many students are yet to be paid.
    Thanks in advance

    • Hello, its unfortunate the NSFAF cannot specify a date at this time. However, much work is being done to settle all students.

  348. Hi, I am not able to login into my NSFAF portal. I requested for a new password,but I have not received anything.

    • Snyger, kindly contact the NSFAF student support center for assistance

  349. Dear NSFAF
    When are you paying for second year students? We signed a contract last year and we were funded. Whats going on this year?

    • Abraham, the NSFAF received a significant number of applications. Hence the delays.

  350. Hey NSFAF, I applied for special consideration months back and I still didn’t here anything from you

    • Lipitwa, kindly excercise a little more patience, you can contact the NSFAF student support.

  351. Hi, I’m a second year student at the University of Namibia. I got funded by NSFAF last year and i passed my first. This is my second year and still have not recieved any payment yet. Could it be that there were specific documents that i had to take to NSFAF or do the institution where i study notify NSFAF that i passed my first year.
    Please help im so stressed.

    • Angela, as a second year student you will have to reapply for the loan, along with all necessary documents.

      • I don’t understand why as a second year student why I should reapply for the loan. Wasn’t it a contract that has to go for four years as long as I pass my academic year?

  352. Good Morning
    Two weeks ago I was at the NSFAF head office and spoke to Maya in regards to tuition fees. She told me payment would have been done within 6 days. No payment has been done. NSFAF team I need to pay my tuition by next week. Mancosa (the university I’m studying at) is on me and exams is the 1st week of Nov 2017. Please revert back to me. Unique ID: b_sorf1240486001
    Your soonest response will be appreciated.

    • Sorya, you will soon be notified by email, concerning any updates.

  353. now when i can get awarder letter now is two weeks my status is pprovissional approve

  354. good afternoon? i forget my NSFAF password now i can not check my outstanding document what can i do?

  355. Yes.For some of us we lost our books where the password was used,now we cant login our portals because of that please people help us our universities are calling about their tution fees and exams is around the corner

  356. Good morning sir/madam???? When is nsfaf sending our award letters?? I am a student at IUM and I am starting my exams next week but until now I didn’t receive anything from Nsfaf,,,, when I checked on my portal there’s only Pending Approval since March 2021 I would like to ask, the way forward???? Besides IUM does not want us to write examination if we didn’t pay anything nor if you don’t have an award letter please help!!!!

  357. Does nasfaf fund enrolled nursing at welwitchia or pharmacist assistant

  358. I was told to submit my certified full birth certificate but I forgot my unique NASFAF ID number and I got a new email…I was trying to contact NASFAF for a long time but am not getting any response…it’s unfortunate that am not in Windhoek now…please get back to me

  359. dear NSFAF, on my award letter there is a different Unique ID which is 21khom25356 . and I never use that and I don’t know the password of it ..while the normally ID that I use is 21osha1789 but since I started using it I never received anything on my portal… now I don’t know which one is correct … and what can I do if I forgot my password?

  360. Hi there after receiving an award letter what next…i mean I haven’t gotten an email to do the next step to open an account

  361. I received a rejection recently and am admitted to an institution that was not part of the application process. Is it too late to send proof of registration of the institute!?
    Also my ID log in keeps saying it’s wrong and can’t access my information… ???


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