Phd and Postdoctoral Fellowship at the INRS-EMT

Phd and Postdoctoral Fellowship at the INRS-EMT

The ICTP and the Energy, Materials and Telecommunications Center of Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS-EMT), University of Quebec, agreed to collaborate in training of young scientists from Developing Countries in the areas of advanced materials, nanoscience and nanotechnologies, photonics, telecommunications and energy.

The Ph.D and post doc positions available this year at the INRS-EMT under this Collaboration Programme, together with a brief description of the Laboratories and of the research activities.

Awards will be assigned on the basis of merit.

A first selection will be done at the ICTP and the final selection will be operated by the host Laboratory.

The host Laboratory will designate a supervisor for the selected fellow(s).

Financial Support:


  • The cost of the fellowship and the round trip travel expenses will be covered by the host laboratory at INRS-EMT.
  • The fellowship will include the fellow’s stipend, the costs of the medical insurance as well as research costs.
  • The monthly salary depends on the position of the fellow and may vary depending on the host Laboratory.
  • PhD stipends vary between 16,000 and 20,000 CAD$ per year whereas post-doctoral stipends are in the range 32,000 to 44,000 CAD$ per year.
  • Outstanding candidates will be nominated for Provincial and Federal scholarships that are highly prestigious and competitive.Visa, arrival and housing:

    Information concerning how to obtain a visa to study or work Canada will be provided to the selected fellow(s) by the host laboratory upon acceptance.

    The latter will also assist in finding suitable accommodation for the fellow(s).

Deadline: 15th September.

For more information and application, visit: Phd and Postdoctoral Fellowship at the INRS-EMT Website

List of International Scholarships 


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