PhD Scholarships in Animal Breeding and Genetics

PhD Scholarships in Animal Breeding and Genetics

PhD Scholarships in Animal Breeding and Genetics

PhD Scholarships in Animal Breeding and Genetics: The European Graduate School in Animal Breeding and Genetics (EGS-ABG) offers a European programme shaped to train the current and future generations of animal breeders to meet the challenges presented by the increasing demand of food while reducing the impacts on environment and biodiversity.

The duration of the doctoral programme is 4 years. It includes carrying out an independent research work on a specific topic (the PhD project). The main characteristics of the PhD project are:

The project is jointly supervised by two partner institutions. The research to be undertaken involves compulsory mobility periods from one institution to the other (typically 3+1 or 2+2 years in the two host institutions).

An internship period of 3 to 6 months, in industry or in one academic associated partner, is encouraged.

International Fellowships

A total of 9 Erasmus-Mundus fellowships are available every year. The fellowships cover:

– Gross salary per month € 2.800

– Contribution to participation costs per month € 600

– Contribution to travel and installation € 7.500


For more information and application see: PhD Scholarships in Animal Breeding and Genetics