PhD Scholarships in Economic EDEEM Programs

PhD Scholarships in Economic EDEEM Programs

PhD Scholarships in Economics: European Doctorate in Economics Erasmus Mundus (EDEEM). EDEEM is a doctoral programme in economics that gathers 7 leading European institutions coordinated by University of Paris 1, France.

EDEEM is a research-oriented programme and aims to produce top-quality researchers, who will gain international experience working within the research units with some of Europe’s leading researchers in economics.

Students are trained for positions in academia at the international level as well as for responsible positions in government, research organizations, and business enterprises.

High focus is made on research work, publication and presentation, with dedicated Jamborees and Summer Schools being an integral part of the training.

The EDEEM Program welcomes around 25 students each year. Admission is based on excellence in previous Master Degree studies or equivalent.

This degree does not have to be in economics, although interest in economics is certainly desirable and a strong background in mathematics will be helpful together with fluent written and spoken English.

The programme is organised in three years.

All PhD students are jointly supervised by two advisers through a co-tutelle agreement between two universities of the consortium.

The application to scholarship is done together with the EDEEM application through an online platform.

The EDEEM Doctorate Program has 6 Scholarships for Category A students. This category applies to PhD candidates coming from Third-Country nations (an official designation for non-EU states that are not EEA-EFTA states or applying to the EU).

To qualify, a student must be from a Third-Country, and not be a resident nor have carried out her/his main activity (studies, work, etc) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of the countries of the European Union or EEA-EFTA State (i.e. Iceland, Norway, Lichtenstein).

The only exception to this rule applies to Third-Country doctoral candidates who have previously received an Erasmus Mundus master scholarship.

For more information and scholarship applications, see: PhD Scholarships in Economics EDEEM Programs