St. Jude Training Centre Jinja

St. Jude Training Centre Jinja

St Jude Training Center is an initiative that was started in 1983 at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church by Fr. Charles Drunnen and Mrs Gaby Lubyayi to addresses the rampant child nutritional problems in Jinja District by training mothers in Home Economics with emphasis on the following areas: Baking, Cookery, Laundry, Nutrition, House keeping, Tailoring and Child Care.

Later Jinja Diocese identified another target group that would benefit from the above mentioned services and in 1984 the diocese started training the girl child especially those from low income rural families and girls whose education had been terminated due to incidences of early pregnancies and school dropouts who could not cope intellectually with formal education. St Jude training center also enrols both boys and girls who have lost their parents to HIV/AIDS.

On recruitment, these girls are taken through counselling to enable them rediscover themselves, build self esteem and also to interest them in new skills. After counselling, the girls would be trained in the mentioned disciplines for a period of one year after which they are linked to families of especially foreign residents in Uganda who are friends to the diocese for informal industrial training for a period of two months. Later they would be subjected to an exam and awarded certificates and letters of reference from the diocese.

In 1988 the diocese privatized the initiative which was taken up by a former trainer, Mrs Nakintije Sylvia who added new dimensions to the old system by bringing aboard disadvantaged boys as well, increasing the period of training to two years and introducing new disciplines such as French, Front Office, English, Aerobics, Book Keeping, and Business Communications.

This brought the total of subjects studied by a student to to 13 thus enabling graduating students to be all rounded thus making them highly competitive in the employment sector. The school used to take on children of primary six but at the moment this has changed to senior one to six.

The institute is registered and recognized by the authorities and has students from all over Uganda. The training has also changed as students now undergo their Industrial training in four and five star hotels like the Sheraton Kampala hotel, Grand Imperial hotel, Hotel Equatoria, Hotel Africana, Jinja Nile Resort hotel and Mbale Resort hotel among others. This takes three to four months and is considered the institutes fifth term.

Efforts to improve St Jude Training Center Jinja include the following:

*Securing land for the project

*Some of the construction has already been done

*Some tools and equipment for some of the disciplines have already been secured

*Some books in regard to home economics have been secured

*St Jude staff, parents and Students have been taken through a strategic planning process to improve the efficiency of services and operations at St Jude and the school is in the process of responding to the different recommendations.

PLOT 5 to 15
Telephone 043 4131453
033 2272100
Mobile +256 772 404551

We offer} Training, House Cleaning, Outside Catering, Aerobics, Martial arts

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