SUMAIT University Examinations

SUMAIT University Examinations

Examinations Regulations

These regulations are called the Examinations Regulations of the Abdulrahman Al-Sumait Memorial University.

Examinations Committee

There shall be Examinations Committee of the University to be appointed by the Senate from time to time.

Powers of Examination Committee

The Examination Committee shall have the following powers:

i To summon the student or any person or officer in relation to an alleged examination irregularity that took place during examinations;
ii To request or interrogate any student, Invigilator or any person in relation to the examination irregularity which happened during examinations;
iii To impose sanction on person found responsible for a guilty of such irregularity;
iv To determine or propose action in cases of unforeseen events;
v To consider appeals against examinations results before they are processed;
vi To propose changes to examinations by laws and procedure and submit to the Senate;
vii Checking and recommend its finding on examination results to the senate;
viii to deliberate on any examination irregularity reported in the faculty;
ix To report and recommend to the senate any deliberations made concerning examination irregularity which happened during examinations;
x To scrutinize appeals submitted from the faculty or school board in accordance with these by-laws for the purpose of determining their merits.
xi  To do any other function as may be assigned to it by the Senate.

Functions and Duties of Examinations Committee
The Examination Committee shall have the following functions and duties:
i To deliberate on any examination irregularity reported in the faculty;
ii To report and recommend to the senate any deliberations made concerning examination irregularity which happened during examinations;
iii To scrutinize appeals submitted from the faculty or school board in accordance with these by-laws for the purpose of determining their merits.
iv Addressing head departments or representative to hand in exams questions in due time.
v Collecting the exam papers form the department heads or representative, typing and safe-keeping of exam papers.
vi Preparing the exams’ time-table, stamping the answer books, setting up the exam halls, circulating lists of candidates and exam regulations.
vii Assigning the invigilators to exam halls, regarding the size of the hall and the number of students with the minimum of two invigilators per room.
viii Recording the names of absentees, each on a separate special form.
ix Handing over the exam papers to the invigilators together with the answer books and the special attendance forms, making sure that they tally with the number of students in each exam session.
x Collecting the answer books and the attendance forms from the invigilators after each exam session; handing them over to the examiners; collecting the marked scripts of the exam.
xi Handing over the marked answer books to the Examination Officer in order to be kept for three successive years before they are destroyed.
xii Submitting a comprehensive report on the examinations to the DVC for Academic Affairs.
xiii Preparing three files each containing a copy of all the exams, submitting one to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic); one to the University Library; and one to the Head of the Department (together with the original copy).
xiv Examinations Committee members (and the head of the committee) should have continuous supervision on exam proceedings.

Conditions for Examinations

A student pursuing studies at the University shall be admitted to an examination room on condition that;
i He/she does not owe the University any fees required and or other financial dues;
ii He/she fulfils not less than 75% of overall attendance in every subject in the semester;
iii He/she has completed coursework for the subject being examined;
iv He/she is not barred by any lawful order or any other law from sitting for the examination in question.

Examinations Instructions

i Before the start of examination, an Invigilator shall make an announcement concerning all the necessary and important steps regarding the particular examination.
All students shall abide by any announcement made by Invigilator in the examination room.
iii A student shall not, while examination in session is allowed to leave the examination room for the reason of visiting the washroom except with the permission of Invigilator, provided that the Invigilator escorts the students when he/she has a reason to suspect him/her.
iv Students shall not be allowed to communicate among themselves in the examination room.

Examinations Rules

i Examination invigilators are to be academic staff members of the University or teaching assistants; instructors from out-side the University if need be, or seminar administration staff.
ii A student is not allowed to enter the examination hall after half an hour from the beginning of the examination.
iii A student is not allowed to leave the exam hall before the lapse of half an hour of the beginning of the examination.
iv The invigilator should make sure that each student signs his name on the list of attendance after showing his identity card.
v The chief invigilator may allow a student to leave the examinations hall and return if need may arise; in this case the student would be accompanied by an invigilator.
vi The Examination Committee may give consent that an examination may be held at a place other than the examination hall for compelling reasons.

Violation of Examinations Rules: Cheating

Cheating means an illegitimate behavior trough which a student obtains or tries to obtain an unfair advantage by way of:
i Obtaining advance copy of unseen written examination; or
ii Possessing and entering in the examination room with an unauthorized material or equipment such as books, manuscripts, bags, papers, cell phones, dress or body print or any other material that is prohibited; or
iii Using any electronically stored information including calculators and mobile phones unless permitted by the Faculty, School or Department; or
iv Passing or receiving or attempting to pass or receive verbal, written or electronic communication or any other form of unfair assistance to or from another candidate or any other source during the examination; or
v Reading or trying to read; and copying or trying to copy from other candidates’ examination scripts or answer booklets; or
vi Unauthorized possession of used or unused examination booklet; or
vii Impersonating another student or allowing a student to be impersonate; or
viii Any other irregularities which may cause the breach of examination Bylaws.

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