Westminster Theological College School of Education

Westminster Theological College School of Education

A review of the WTC School of Education

It has been always our long desire to be the leading promoters of Christian Education in Africa since most of the institutions that engage in Higher Education are secular. They focus on making profits and not transforming society through integrating faith in teaching and learning. This led to many evils likes corruption, lack of integrity, drug abuse and other vices that are rampant in the world.

“In all things Christ is pre-eminent “Colossians 1:18

WTC School of Education and Vocational Studies seek to provide “A Complete Education for A complete person “. This means that we integrate Christian values in very body of knowledge we give our prospective students. Our major focus is providing a holistic curriculum to students.
The already established Church projects too lack the human resource that is well grounded in Christian Education and we believe this faculty will close this gap and produce professionals with Christian values and integrity to manage these projects.
The most affected projects are the Christian Schools that nurture children who need to be groomed in Christian values by staffs that confess Christ as their Lord and savior.
This faculty is also intended to empower our church pastors with professional skills that can enable them get jobs to sustain their families since this calling is not lucrative profession.
Vocational studies are merged with faculty of education because we want to instill practical skills to the students so that they can create jobs after and before graduation. This is in line with what the government is emphasizing now of Skilling the human resource in Uganda.
All in this entire faculty will produce Christian managers, leaders and teachers,

WTC Shool of Education Vision

To produce all round professionals with relevant skills and Christian ethical values which will enable them serve and transform the world to the glory of God.
We envision becoming the leading promoters of Christian Education in Africa.

Mission of WTC Shool of Education

To empower students with knowledge, skills and professional values in their areas of specialty and promote the Gospel through integrating faith in teaching and learning.
“In all things Christ is pre-eminent “Colossians 1:18”

Executed Programs
  • Post graduate Diploma in Higher Education and Pedagogy
  • Foundation program to Higher Education (Bridging course).
  • Certificate in Education Planning, administration and management.
  • Certificate in Curriculum Design and Development
  • Certificate in Christian Education.
  • Certificate in Library and information science.
Future programs
  • Diploma/Bachelors in Library and Information Science
  • Diploma/Bachelors in Child Development and Children’s Ministry with Education.
  • Certificate/Diploma/Bachelors in Computer science with EducationCertificate/Diploma in early childhood Education
  • Certificate/ Diploma/Bachelors in Sports Science with Education.
  • Bachelor of Arts | Science with Education (with emphasis in the new proposed 8 learning areas.
  • Religious Education, science, Mathematics, Social studies, Technology and Enterprise, Life Education, Languages and Creative Arts.
Vocational studies

a) Certificate in Tailoring
b) Certificate in Poultry Keeping
c) Certificate in Art and Design
d) Certificate in Carpentry and Joinery
Future Vocational Programs
e) Certificate/Diploma in Animal Husbandry
f) Certificate/Diploma in Fisheries
g) Certificate/Diploma in Agro-Forestry
h) Computer Packages
i) Diploma in Business Administration
j) Certificate/Diploma in Project Planning and management
k) Certificate in Computer Studies and Phone Repair
l) Certificate/Diploma in Music Dance and Drama

See also

Background of Westminster Theological College Uganda WTC

Westminster Theological College Uganda Courses Offered

Westminster Theological College Uganda Contact Address

Westminster Theological College Entrance Requirements

Westminster Theological College Uganda Application Procedure

Westminster Theological College Uganda Fees Structure

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3 thoughts on “Westminster Theological College School of Education”

  1. selected undergraduate candidate 2017/18 Udom

  2. I want to see suas selection for 2017/2018 at degree level

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