World Bank Young Professionals Program

World Bank Young Professionals Program

The World Bank Junior Professional Programs for Afro-Descendants (JPPAD) is a unique opportunity to gain entry-level professional experience, gaining first-hand exposure to the challenges – and rewards – of international development and poverty reduction.

The primary purpose of JPPAD is two-fold and mutually beneficial:


  • To provide young and motivated black individuals who possess outstanding potential a unique career opportunity to gain experience in a global development environment
  • To provide the Bank an opportunity to benefit from the talent, knowledge, and diversity that they can bring to the institution. The program is also designed to strengthen capacity-building efforts in African and Caribbean countries(or any Afro-descendent community around the world).Participants spend two years in an intensive work program sharing knowledge and acquiring practical, on-the-job skills at one of the world’s leading financial institutions.

    As a member of the program, you also will receive professional coaching and supportive training that will enhance existing skills. And you will form valuable personal and professional relationships to last a lifetime.

    World Bank Careers – Eligibility Criteria

  • Afro-descent, i.e., Black of sub-Saharan African ancestry
  • Age 35 or younger with at least 5+ years of relevant work experience
  • Excellent academic record with a minimum Master’s degree in a discipline relevant to the global development field
  • Proficiency in English plus at least one other working language of the Bank – Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian, or Spanish
  • Demonstrated commitment to development
  • Demonstrated ability to conduct analytical work; to exercise good judgment; to succeed in a team environment; and to work with diverse clients and staffWorld Bank Careers Junior Professionals – Duration

    Non-renewable two year staff appointment. Upon completion of the 2-year term, candidates may compete for other appointments.

    World Bank Careers Junior Professionals – Duty Station

    Participants in the JPPAD program may work in either Washington DC or country office.

    World Bank Careers – How do I Apply for a job

    Interested candidates must apply online. Only those identified for an assignment will be contacted to discuss their interest and availability. Candidates are selected by a panel on a highly competitive basis.

    Applications for the JPPAD Program are accepted throughout the year but candidates are selected twice a year, during the months of April and October.

    Job Application – World Bank Junior Professional Programs for Sub-Saharan Africans

    Junior Professionals Program: The Junior Professionals (JP) Program is a two-year employment opportunity with the World Bank, for highly qualified people of Sub-Saharan African descent.The Program provides an opportunity for professional development and global experience.

    Program Eligibility Requirements:

    • Apply Online
    • Current Vacancies
    • Scholarship Application
    • Application
    • Streets
  • 35 years of age or younger.
  • Sub-Saharan African descent.
  • Masters degree or equivalent in economics, finance, engineering, public health, environment, public or private sector management, anthropology, sociology, education, human resources management or other disciplines relevant to development.
  • Proficiency in English and working knowledge of other languages such as French, Arabic, Spanish or Portuguese. Three to five years of relevant work experience.
  • Commitment to development.
  • Demonstrated ability to conduct analytical work; to exercise good judgment; to operate in a team environment; and to work successfully with diverse clients and staff. Ability and willingness to learn from others.The Bank is committed to the principle of equality and equal opportunity for all persons based solely on merit. Candidates are selected by a panel on a highly competitive basis.

    To Apply:

    Applications for the JP Program are accepted throughout the year.

    However, candidates are selected twice a year, during the months of April and October.

    Qualified candidates should send application and CV (indicating date of birth, nationality, and country of birth) to: The Junior Professionals Program, Office of Diversity Programs MSN4–404, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington DC 20433, USA.

    For more information and internship application see; Junior Professionals Program


List of International Scholarships 

List of Internships in Uganda