YMCA Uganda Kasese Branch

YMCA Uganda Kasese Branch


Kasese YMCA Branch came into existence in 1986.
The main objectives to start Kasese YMCA were;-

» To train the youth in professional skills such as :-
•Capentry and joinery
•Brick making and concrete practice

» To be able to equip the Youth in and around Kasese with the necesssary skills to enable them obtain employment (self sustaining) thus enabling them to become self-reliant.

» To involve the Youth in general environment protection.


The total membership of the branch to date is four hundred and seventy three (473) members


The branch has 12 clubs

•Kasithu Farmers Women’s Group
•Kyisebere United Women Group
•Mukunyu women Development Association
•United Efforts Micro-Finance Association
•Ngome Vocational Senior Secondary School
•Rugandabara YMCA Vocational Senior Secondary School
•Musasa Super Star Fotball Club

Background of YMCA Uganda

YMCA Uganda Courses Offered

YMCA Uganda Application Form

YMCA Uganda Admissions

YMCA Uganda Fees structure

YMCA Uganda Contacts

YMCA Uganda Short Courses

YMCA Uganda Diploma courses

YMCA Branches in Uganda

YMCA Uganda Mukono

YMCA Uganda Jinja

YMCA Uganda Kampala

YMCA Uganda Mbarara

YMCA Kampala Admissions

YMCA Kampala courses

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