YMCA Uganda Mukono Branch

YMCA Uganda Mukono Branch


Mukono YMCA Branch is located twenty three kilometrs (23 km ) North East of Kampala the capital city of Uganda . It is located behind Colline Hotel Ltd . On plot 17/18 Mulyanti Road , Mukono Municipality.


Mukono YMCA is the youngest Branch of Uganda YMCA . It was established as a YMCA club in 1988 at Mukono Municipalit in 1989. It became a fully fledged Branch after it attained the constitutional membership reqiuirements. In 1989 Mukono YMCA teachers and commercial college was established in response to the growing demand of young people who had no chance to go to Kampala City where services of the same kind could be offered or the University for further training. The YMCA College is strategically located and adjecent to the city centre of Kampala


The Branch has a total membership of four hundred fifty seven (457) members , two hundred fifty nine (259) of these are female and ahundred ninety eight (198) are males. It has seven active clubs, which include:

»Koba YMCA Club
»Kakinzi YMCA Club
»Lugazi YMCA Club
»Katosi Woman Fishing Club
»Mukono YMCA Sports Club
»Kayanja Women & Agro farming
»Kiyindi YMCA club

List of Courses Offered at YMCA Uganda Mukono Branch

The Branch carries out edutional programmes in the following areas:

»Nursery Teacher Training.
»Secretarial Studies
»Computer studies.
»Hotel and Institutional catering
»Business Administration.
»Councelling and Guidance

Background of YMCA Uganda

YMCA Uganda Courses Offered

YMCA Uganda Application Form

YMCA Uganda Admissions

YMCA Uganda Fees structure

YMCA Uganda Contacts

YMCA Uganda Short Courses

YMCA Uganda Diploma courses

YMCA Branches in Uganda

YMCA Uganda Jinja

YMCA Uganda Kampala

YMCA Uganda Mbarara

YMCA Uganda Kasese

YMCA Kampala Admissions

YMCA Kampala courses

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