Need a Data Entry / Management Job? Attend Training in Data Analysis using STATA

Need a Data Entry / Management Job? Attend Training in Data Analysis using STATA

Our website, UGFACTS.COM has advertised over 2200 data management jobs this year, 2017. Please have a look at the variety of jobs we have posted in these areas. Click Here. Data Capital International announces one day training in Data analysis.  Stata is one of the most popular data analysis software used in Uganda alongside SPSS and Excel. It is used widely in cutting edge research projects in all spheres from the NGO projects, medicinal studies and even in government for developing or modifying statistical procedures. Stata’s capabilities include data management, statistical analysis, graphics, simulations, regression, and custom programming. It’s much easier and better than SPSS for deeper analysis and presentation of results. Those involved or intending to do research should not miss out attending this STATA training session.  This training offers you an opportunity to master the skill of tools development, data collection, data analysis and reports writing.

Training Content

  • How to develop effective research tools
    ·        Skills of managing FGDs, KIIs and individual interviews
    ·         Skills of data editing, cleaning and coding questionnaires
    ·         Skill of developing a data entry template/screens
    ·         Mastering data entry in a given template and Merging datasets,
    ·         Univariate, Bivariate and Multivariate data analysis procedures
    ·         Interpretation of analysis package outputs
  •        Fundamentals of writing research reports

Who Should Attend? Students, those intending to do masters, Fresh Graduates, data collectors, M&E officers, planners, statisticians, Bankers and  those who have basic knowledge of analysis for example using SPSS. It is important to refresh and upgrade your status in data analysis and management.


Ø  Training is scheduled for Saturday 6th May 2017 from 8:30 AM-5:00 PM;

Ø  Training will take place at Makerere University Pharmacy Building Main Lecture Theatre;

Ø  Training costs only Ugshs 100,000/= for each Participant including a package software, lunch, breakfast and a training certificate;
Ø  Limited slots are remaining for participants and deadline for registration is Friday 5thMay 2017 at 2:00PM. We shall not consider those who will have not registered for training;
Ø  Please come with your own laptop and an extension cable where possible;
Ø  This training will offer you with hands-on skills and present you with an opportunity to interact with a range of participants for networking and leveraging Job opportunities;
Ø  Call Robert: 0782 552979 or Justine: 0704279568 for guidance and details;
Ø  You many also send all your E-mail inquiries to:

Deadline: 5th May, 2017 by 4:00pm 

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