C V Raman International Fellowship for African Researchers

C V Raman International Fellowship for African Researchers

Visit Scholarships for Namibians to study Abroad for more details

C V Raman International Fellowship for African Researchers: The Fellowship provides opportunities for African researchers to conduct collaborative research/training for 1 to 12 months duration at universities and research institutions in India.

Fellowship Features

Supporting upto one year of research work in India in area of science & technology

  • Monthly sustenance allowances
  • Additional contingency grant
  • To and fro air fare by economy class
  • Total of 8 fellowships per country

    Each African country will have 8 slots of Fellowship under this programme.

  • Post Doctoral Fellowship: Duration 6 months. Maximum 2 fellowships of 6 months duration each or one fellowship thereof subject to total 12 man-months.
  • Visiting Fellowship: Duration 3 months. Maximum 3 fellowships.
  • Senior Fellowship: Duration 1 month. Maximum 3 fellowships.

    The applicant should be actively engaged in research at a university or research institution in the African country and should meet the following eligibility criteria for each of the three categories:

  • Post Doctoral Fellowship: PhD
  • Visiting Fellowship: PhD/M.Tech/M.Sc. (Engg/Technical) or 6 to 10 years working experience
  • Senior Fellowship: Senior Experts/Scientists/Professors

Application Deadline: July 31st.

For more information and application, see: C V Raman International Fellowship for African Researchers