Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship – Social Science Research Council

Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship – Social Science Research Council

The Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship (DPDF) is a strategic fellowship program designed to help graduate students in the humanities and social sciences formulate doctoral dissertation proposals that are intellectually pointed, amenable to completion in a reasonable time frame, and competitive in fellowship competitions.

The Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship (DPDF) is open to all students, regardless of their nationality, who are currently enrolled full-time in a doctoral degree-granting program at a U.S. institution.

In order to participate in the Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship (DPDF) program, students must have finished all incomplete course work and have removed any “incompletes” from their transcripts at the end of the academic year during which they are applying for a fellowship.

This is an open competition; students will apply directly to the SSRC with no campus nomination required (other than the standard letters of recommendation, transcripts, and essays).

If awarded a fellowship, your expenses (airfare, hotel, meals, ground transport) will be paid for by the Social Science Research Council.

Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship (DPDF) staff will either make arrangements or offer you a maximum sum with which to arrange your own needs.

Students enrolled in U.S.-accredited institutions outside the United States are not eligible to apply.

Fellows are eligible to apply for up to $5000 from SSRC to support predissertation research during the summer.

Incase you have any questions, please contact: dpdf [at] ssrc.org

Note: Application information can be found on the site given below.

Application deadline: January 28.

For more scholarship information and application: Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship Website

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