IITA-Lukas Brader Agriculture Scholarships

IITA-Lukas Brader Agriculture Scholarships

IITA-Lukas Brader Agriculture Scholarships: IITA, in collaboration with Wageningen University through the IITA-LBSF Scholarship Program, provides IITA-Lukas Brader Agriculture Scholarships for outstanding students from sub-Saharan Africa to conduct research towards a PhD programin agriculture and related sciences.

The scholarship is offered once in every two years.

The scholarship covers three phases: six months of preparatory work at WU, followed by approximately three years of research at IITA and finally a period of six months at WU, completing the thesis.

The successful recipient will conduct research in areaspertinent to his/her country’s agricultural development interest and IITA’s research priorities—crop improvement (cassava, maize, plantain and banana, yam, cowpea, and soybean), plant health, and resource and crop management.

The scholarship provides financial support at WU and at IITA to cover costs of living, study, research, and transportation to and from WU and IITA.

The deadline for the submission for IITA-Lukas Brader Agriculture Scholarships is normally 28 February each year.

E-mail: e.oyewole [at] cgiar.org

For further details, and application materials, contact: IITA-Lukas Brader Agriculture Scholarships

List of International Scholarships 

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