IOL Namibia Registration

IOL Namibia Registration

Institute For Open Learning Registration

The first semester begins on 1 December and ends at the end of April the following year and the second semester is from 1 May to the end of November.

Please indicate on the registration form (from the list provided), which ex- amination centre you wish to write examinations at. Your first examination opportunity will depend on when your registration is finalized. Please refer to the examinations section of this booklet for more information.

After registration is approved at IOL Head Office, you should receive your study materials. Compare the study materials you receive with the check list.

After registration

A 1st year student starts with study material for the 1st semester of year 1.

A 2nd year student starts with study material for the 1st semester of year 2.

A 3rd year student starts with study material for the 1st semester for year 3.

Address, examination venue, school, salary number, pay point.

It is your responsibility to notify IOL of any changes to your address, ex- amination venue, school, salary number or pay point. IOL cannot be held responsible for any damage that you may suffer if you had not submitted information as required by IOL.

Change of major subject(s)

The cost involved is as follows: Administration fees – N$300-00

Change of course

The cost involved is as follows: Administration fees – N$1000-00