Master of Nematology Scholarships

Master of Nematology Scholarships

Master of Nematology Scholarships: The Master course includes training and research. Emphasis is put on the acquisition of microscopy techniques and accurate identification skills aided by the availability of a virtually complete taxonomic library, crop protection, biocontrol, use of nematodes as bio-indicators for quality assessment of terrestrial soils and aquatic sediments, latest techniques for control of nematode pests, such as genetic manipulation.

The study programme lasts two years: the first year consists of several courses and practical exercises, the second consists of a few additional courses, networking and seminars, and the dissertation.

The programme offers compulsory courses, three elective modules (Nematology Applied to Agro-ecosystems, Nematology Applied to Natural Ecosystems, Nematode Systematics (Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Biodiversity) and additional elective courses.

Admission requirements:

Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree in Zoology, Botany, Biology, Agriculture or a closely related field. Each application file will be screened by the Nematology Educational Committee.

For more information and Scholarship application, see: Master of Nematology Scholarships

List of International Scholarships 

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