Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education Scholarships

Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education Scholarships

Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education Scholarships; Due to the important role research and innovation play for growth and sustainable development, fundamental transition processes are taking place in the systems of research, innovation and tertiary education in Europe as in other regions of the world.

These processes can be described as from regulation to deregulation and competition, from steering to market, from administration to management. Institutions involved as HE and research institutions are largely affected by these changes, gaining high autonomy for themselves.

Therefore, we need experts who are able to understand and analyse these new contexts (system knowledge combined with regional contexts), who could link system change with institutional change and who are able to develop management skills to deal with the changing environment inside HE and research institutions.

Partner Universities.


  • Danube University Krems / Austria
  • University of Tampere / Finland
  • University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück / Germany
  • Beijing Normal University / China Main Topics and Learning OutcomesIn the master course “Research and Innovation in Higher Education” (MARIHE), students will develop a sound understanding of the change processes and how these link to education systems and labour markets in general.

Thus, the curriculum reflects on three perspectives to the change logics involved: first, on “systems in transition” – focussing on general developments and regional contexts (i.e. Europe, Africa, Asia, globalization, regionalization), second, the perspective on interactions between “system – institution” (i.e. funding of research and innovation), and third, from the institutional perspective (i.e. “change management”).

Importance is also given to transferable skills (i.e. research methods, languages, leadership). Graduates will be able to understand the specialties of scientific institutions and to adapt marketization and deregulation instruments to the needs and the culture of the institutions.

They are competent in policy analysis and evaluation and will take the lead with their expertise in future developments in the management and development of research and innovation in higher education.


In terms of mobility, students will gain manifold perspectives and rich intercultural experience: During 4 semester (120 ECTS) they will study in at least 2 European countries (Danube University Krems/Austria, the University of Tampere/Finland, the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück/Germany) and Beijing Normal University/China.

After the 2nd semester students will get insight into fields of practice during an internship, provided by enterprises and organizations related to the topic of the course.

To mention some of them: OECD (IMHE programme, France), Austrian Research Promotion Agency (Austria), ESMU – European Centre for Strategic Management of Universities (Belgium), HIS – Higher Education Information Systems (Germany), Cerion Solutions LTD (Finland), CHE consult (Germany), Finpro (Finland).

Entrance Requirements, Course Language, and Degree

Applicants for MARIHE must hold a first university degree in a relevant field, have a good command of English and show a strong motivation and interest to learn and work in the field of research and innovation development and management in higher education.

Language of tuition is English. A joint degree will be awarded.

Higher Education Scholarships

Full Innovation in Higher Education Scholarships can be awarded to masters students who come from a country other than a European country and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, training or work) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of the European countries.


  • Scholarship candidates must have already obtained a first higher education or demonstrate a recognised equivalent level of learning according to national legislation and practices.
  • Individuals who have already benefited from an Erasmus Mundus scholarship are not eligible for a second scholarship in order to follow the same or another Erasmus Mundus Course.
  • Students benefiting from an Erasmus Mundus scholarship cannot benefit from another EU grant while pursuing their Erasmus Mundus masters studies.
  • Erasmus Mundus scholarships are awarded exclusively for a full-time enrolment in one of the course editions.

For more information and application, see: Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education Scholarships