MRU Uganda Department of Procurement, Marketing and Economics

MRU Uganda Department of Procurement, Marketing and Economics

Muteesa 1 Royal University School of Business Department of Procurement, Marketing and Economics


Program Description


The rapid growth of businesses and increasing transformations in the global economy has led no only to an increasing demand for specialists in various management areas. Besides all these there is also an increasing demand for Procurements Specialists who can help organizations strategies their procurement processes and thereby enable [hem function effectively. Today Procurement is no longer considered an after-thought function but “key to corporate efficiency” and effective governance. The program addresses this world wide growing demand for grandaunts with managerial capability in procurement and supply.
Aims and Objectives

 The Bachelors of Logistics and Procurement program is designed to equip young prospective managers with the knowledge and skills needed to manage procurement processes. The key objectives of the course are:

1.0     To train well-rounded and effective procurement specialists who are able to understand and respond to challenges within the procurement profession.

2.0     To impart manager knowledge and skills needed to manage the procurement processes

Target: The Course forgets among others the following:

  • Professionals from the private and public sectors (Businesses, NGQs and Government)
  • Fresh applicants seeking specialized procurement career



Distinctive features

 The BA Procurement and Logistics program incorporates the practical, theoretical and technical aspects of organizational studies. It entails the study of organizational behavior, operations management, information systems, operations management, marketing and corporate strategy as well as specialized procurement courses. The program is designed to respond directly to the needs of candidates who intend to follow career in procurement and Logistics management.


Admission Requirements

All candidates for admission must meet the School’s general requirements.
Students may enter the program through the following schemes:

1.0. Direct Entry Scheme: For admission under the Direct Entry scheme, a candidate must have the U.C.E (or equivalent) and obtained a certificate; and should have obtained at least 2 advanced level passes in economics and another subject at the same sitting of U.A.C.E or its equivalent.

  • Diploma Holders Scheme: A candidate must have: (a) at least one principal pass a A Level with a Diploma in Business Studies from MRU or any other recognized institution.

1.0   Mature Entry Scheme: A limited number of students may also be admitted to the program if they have sat and passed a Mature Entry Exam set by Mutesa 1 Royal University.

Degree Classification

The degree awarded shall be called bachelor Procurement and logistics management and its classification shall be based on CGPA as follows.


CLASS                                         CGPA


       First Class                                                4.49 – 5.00

Second Class        (Upper Division)         3.60 – 4.39

Second Class (Upper Division)               2.80 – 3.59

Pass                                                           2.00 – 2.79

Fail                                                            Less than 2.0


Mode of delivery

A wide variety of learning methods such as straight lectures, seminars, case studies, simulations, role-playing, student presentations and projects are used in conducting the courses.
Course Sessions

The Bachelors of Logistics and Procurement is a three year program and is conducted as:
(a) Full-time Day program for regular students;

(b) Evening program; and

(c) Weekend program for working professionals.