PhD Fellowships in Public and Population Health

PhD Fellowships in Public and Population Health

PhD Fellowships: The Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) is an initiative of nine African universities. It aims to develop and deliver an innovative model for doctoral training in sub-Saharan Africa and to strengthen the capacity of participating institutions to conduct and lead internationally-competitive research.

Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) is currently offering a fully-funded, collaborative doctoral training program in public and population health.

Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) program is planning to offer up to 25 PhD fellowships.

The Fellowship, which is tenable at one of the participating African universities, will include modest monthly stipends; small grants for research activities, laptops and relevant software; funds for travel to conferences, as well as costs for participating in joint program activities. The fellowship will run for four years.

The program draws together disciplines required to address the complex processes that influence health including Epidemiology, Psychology, Biostatistics, Anthropology, Health Economics, Health Promotion; Demography, Sociology, Health Systems, Health Policy, Development Studies, and their interfaces with the biomedical sciences.

Scholarship Application Eligibility Criteria:


  • A Masters degree in a relevant field.
  • Must be teaching or research staff at one of the participating African institutions and should be committed to contributing towards building capacity at their institutions.
  • Prior admission into a PhD program is not required for application but awards are contingent on such admission being obtained at one of the participating African universities.
  • Applicants’ PhD research proposal must be related to public and population health or to sexuality studies.
  • Not yet registered for a PhD or are in the very early stages (first year) of the PhD program.
  • Applicants must commit to participation in all four annual residential Joint Advanced Seminars (JAS), and to engage in inter-seminar activities designed to keep fellows actively engaged and in continual communication with peers and mentors.
  • Male applicants must be under the age of 40 years and female applicants under the age 45 years.

For more scholarship information and application: PhD Fellowships in Public and Population Health