Robert S. McNamara Fellowships

Robert S. McNamara Fellowships

Robert S McNamara Fellowships: The World Bank Robert S. McNamara Fellowship Program awards fellowships of up to $25,000 annually for developing country PhD candidates to conduct innovative, development-related, doctoral research under the supervision of a research advisor at a host institution abroad.

Candidates must be 35 years or younger, be enrolled in a PhD program, and have completed any coursework or exam requirements at the time of application. Lecturers or researchers working in an academic or research institution in their home, developing, countries are particularly encouraged to apply.

Research grants cover residence and research costs for a 6 to 10 month period in a host university or research center of the candidate’s choosing, outside of their home country.

Fellows are expected to advance their research work mainly by using the facilities and resources provided by the host institution and by interacting with peers.

Candidates who are selected from the call for applicationswill be expected to begin their fellowship between July and December (annual).

Candidates are requested to submit a budget for their fellowship, using the Robert S. McNamara budget templateprovided on the fellowship’s website, covering the costs related to their research program: tuition; living allowance; basic medical and/or accident insurance; travel; and an allowance for the cost of research, including books, research materials, software, local field trips (for data collection), research expenses, fees for host institution seminars/conferences, printing and other miscellaneous expenses.

Follow the links below for more information on eligibility, and instructions on how to prepare an application for the Robert S. McNamara Fellowship Program.

The grant amount to be awarded to each fellow will be decided by the Selection Committee. The maximum amount of the grant is US$ 25,000.

For more information and application see; Robert S McNamara Fellowships

List of International Scholarships