Uganda Coffee Development Authority Vacancies 2024-2025

Uganda Coffee Development Authority Vacancies 2024-2025

Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) was established by an Act of Parliament 1991 and amended in 1994, Cap. 325 under the laws of the Republic of Uganda. UCDA is established as a public Authority and its mandate is to promote and oversee the coffee industry by supporting research, promoting production, controlling the quality and improving the marketing of coffee in order to optimize foreign exchange earnings for the country and payments to the farmers. It is a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal and is capable of suing or being sued in its corporate name.
UCDA Core Values
In pursuit of its mission, UCDA will be guided by a commitment to team work, professionalism, and client focus while promoting integrity, accountability with foresighted leadership as central to its work.

Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) is established as a public Authority and its mandate is to promote and oversee the coffee industry by supporting research, promoting production, controlling the quality and improving the marketing of coffee in order to optimize foreign exchange earnings for the country and payments to the farmers.

Its Vision is ‘A sustainable coffee industry with high stakeholder value for social economic transformation’ and its Mission is “To facilitate increase in quality coffee production, productivity, and consumption”.

UCDA believes in and aspires for Leadership, Integrity, Teamwork, Client Focus, Accountability and Professionalism.

How to Apply for Uganda Coffee Development Authority Vacancies

Apply for Uganda Coffee Development Authority Vacancies

Contact Details

Coffee House,Plot 35 Jinja Road

P.O.Box 7267,Kampala, Uganda

Tel: (+256)-414-256940 / 312-260470Fax: +256-414-256994


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