Uganda Communications Commission ( UCC )
Uganda Communication CommissionBackground of the Uganda Communications Commission
The UCC was established to implement the provisions of The UCC Act 2013 Laws of Uganda with a principal goal of developing a modern communications sub-sector and Infrastructure in Uganda, in conformity with the operationalization of the Telecommunications Policy.
The Mandate of UCC
The Commission is mandated to undertake a range of functions in the following areas:
- Licensing and standards;
- Spectrum management;
- Tariff regulation;
- Research and development;
- Consumer empowerment;
- Policy advice & implementation;
- Rural communications development; and
- Capacity building.
UCC is thus not only the regulator, but also a facilitator and promoter of coordinated and sustainable growth and development of Uganda’s communications sector.
Our Mission
To Drive The Development of a Robust Communications Sector in Uganda.
To Become a World Class Communications Regulator.Commissioners
The Board of Commissioners of UCC are responsible for policy formulation and guidance to the Management of UCC. The Commission is composed of six part-time commissioners and one full-time commissioner.
The Chairman is the head of Commission. The full-time commissioner is the Executive Director of UCC. The Executive Director is the head of the directorate that executes the routine tasks associated with the regulation of the Communications sector
Award Categories
Young ICT Innovators
Business Excellence
Service Excellence
ICT for Development
Digital Content
Special Award
Background of the Uganda Communications Commission
Organisation Structure
Ministry of Information and Communications Technology |
The Board of the Commission |
Executive Director |
Commission Secretary / Legal Affairs |
Industry Affairs and Content |
Engineering and Communications Infrastructure |
Rural Communications Development |
Corporate Affairs |
Human Resource and Administration |
Finance |
Internal audit |
Uganda Communications Commission
Plot 42 – 44, Spring road, Bugolobi
P.O. Box 7376 Kampala, Uganda
Tel: + 256 414 339000/ 312 339000
Toll Free: + 0800133911
Fax: + 256 414 348832
Uganda Capital City
Uganda Christian university
Uganda climate
Uganda Country Code
Uganda Cranes
Uganda Culture
Uganda Currency