Uganda Management Institute Dissertation

Uganda Management Institute Dissertation

At the end of the third year each student must submit a dissertation for assessment; which is examined and marked independently. It has a structure which helps students to present their studious inquiry in a chosen field.

These dissertations should conform to the following:

1.The text should be in Times New Roman, font size 12 and double spacing. It is only the abstract that is single spaced. All margins should be set at 2.45 cm (1 inch).

2.The dissertation should consist of a minimum of 50 pages 2000 words) excluding the preliminary pages, appendices and illustrations. This also applies to diagrams, tables, charts etc.

3.The citation or referencing should be the Harvard style 2010. All statements, opinions, conclusions, etc taken from another author or writer’s work should be acknowledged, whether the work is directly quoted, paraphrased or summarised. In the Harvard style, cited publications are referred to in a defined format.

4.The research topic should be business biased, should accurately reflect the scope and content of the study in not more than 20 words, which should be descriptive and distinct to the readers.

5.The University has zero tolerance for plagiarism in research dissertation.

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