Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Officer NGO Jobs – Youth Advocacy and Development Network (YADNET Uganda)

Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Officer NGO Jobs – Youth Advocacy and Development Network (YADNET Uganda)

Job Title:    Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Officer

Organisation: Youth Advocacy and Development Network (YADNET Uganda)


Duty Station: Kampala, Uganda

Reports to: Program Manager

About US:

Youth Advocacy and Development Network (YADNET Uganda) is an organization /coalition registered in Uganda with registration number INDR153454304NB that brings together partners/CSOs that work with and for young people on SRHR, Economic Empowerment and Environment. The membership organization has coordination structures of members in all regions of uganda with regional coordination offices in Arua, Lira, Mbale, Hoima, Mbarara, Kamuli and Moroto with National office in Najeera, Kampala.



She Leads is a programme developed for the Power of Voices Strategic Partnerships with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. The programme focuses on strengthening capacity of civil society organisations in the field of lobby and advocacy, with a specific focus on strengthening lobby capacity of young women and girls (GYW) and the civic space wherein they operate. Consortium partners are Terre de Hommes, Defence for Children-Ecpat and FEMNET. The number of targeted groups are; 28 girl – led groups, 35 CSOs. In total 3000 girls and young women will benefit. The districts to be covered are Kampala, Kamuli and Buyende. There will be many stakeholders in the project (Government, CSOs), in this regard Plan International Uganda mutually agrees with Youth advocacy and development network (YADNET) on how to collaborate in the implementation of the aforementioned project.

Key Duties and Responsibilities:  

  • The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officer will be responsible for the design, coordination and implementation of the monitoring and evaluation, research, and learning framework of the Project. He/she will develop a systematic monitoring framework to improve the qualitative and quantitative evidence gathered by the Project.
  • He/she will also provide technical assistance to the implementing agencies, particularly in relation to monitoring, reporting and governance issues.
  • Ensure an appropriate monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system is in place and is functioning satisfactorily. Periodically review and revise the system so that it is adapted appropriately to changing operating contexts.
  • Ensure relevant and timely M&E information is provided in user-friendly formats to key stakeholders, including beneficiary communities, CARE senior management and donors.
  • Act as a focal point to organize and manage monitoring reviews, evaluations and/or After-Action Reviews
  • Provide temporary support to the organization to establish baselines and set up M&E systems suited to the operating context.
  • Provide training and mentoring for the organization staff.
  • Participate in a monitoring review, and evaluation of the projects

Qualifications, Skills and Experience:

  • The applicant must hold a degree in Statistics, Economics, or other field relevant to Data Management or Monitoring and Evaluation from a recognized university/institution
  • Postgraduate studies in M & E shall be an added advantage
  • At least three years working experience in MEAL with community settings with proven success in designing, implementing and operating project systems from initiation to close out stages.
  • Experience in working with the stakeholders, partners and district teams and building the capacity in data collection, reporting and analysis.
  • Experience in data analysis, trend analysis and interpretations.
  • Experience in continuous quality improvement.
  • Previous experience with an NGO in similar program.
  • Strong facilitation skills, and strong understanding of how to safely and accurately collect feedback from all members of a community regardless of their age, gender, or other diversity factors
  • Computer literate in MS, internet, power point, etc

How to Apply:

All candidates should send their applications to:

Deadline: Friday 26th March 2021 at 17:00hours/5:00pm


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