Clive Menell Fellowships, South Africa

Clive Menell Fellowships, South Africa

Clive Menell Fellowships: This is a fellowship for mid-career or senior journalists.

It provides an opportunity for two South African journalists to participate in a three-week programme of discussion and study on international media issues.

The fellows join colleagues from major media in Europe and the United States (US) at Duke University’s DeWitt Wallace Center for Communication and Journalism in the US.

Applications must contain:

  • a detailed CV, giving educational and employment history, ID, and full contact details;
  • a one-page-only list of major stories/programmes produced by the applicant in the past three years, or an outline of their recent newsroom responsibilities;
  • a one-page justification setting out why the applicant feels he/she merits consideration for this fellowship, and how it would affect his/her career plans; and
  • a letter of support from your organisation, granting leave of absence for the duration of the fellowship should your application be successful.

Deadlines for applications are: August 31 for October/November fellowships. Contact: Executive Secretary, Institute for the Advancement of Journalism (IAJ), 9 Jubilee Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2193. Tel: 011 484 1765. Fax: 011 484 2282. E-mail: info [at] For further details, and application materials, contact: Clive Menell Fellowships, South Africa More: Journalists Fellowships » South African Fellowships » University Fellowships