Colt Foundation Fellowships

Colt Foundation Fellowships

Colt Foundation Fellowships: The Foundation awards Fellowships each year to persons who are qualified in science or medicine who are carrying out research within the area of occupational and environmental health, and applications are now invited from prospective students who are interested in further study in this area.

The Fellowship is normally for three years and the research is expected to lead to a PhD degree.

Prospective students should apply to Mrs Jackie Douglas, address below, and should include an outline of the proposed research, a CV, a detailed letter of support from the proposed supervisor and the contact details of two referees.

The application must be submitted by the student personally and not by their supervisor on their behalf.

Fellowships are awarded in competition, and the outline must therefore contain sufficient detail to enable the selection panel to determine that the work has been well-designed, the work is worthwhile and can be completed in the three-year period, and to enable the panel to decide which students should be interviewed.

The stipend rate for the first year is £12,000 (£13,000 inside London), rising with inflation for the following two years.

UK fees will be paid as incurred, together with a sum to cover research expenses. The grant does not attract any taxation.

Applications will need to be submitted to The Colt Foundation at the address shown below by 19th October.

Contact:Jackie Douglas, Tel: 023 9249 1400. Email: jackie.douglas [at] For more information and application, visit: Colt Foundation Fellowships

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