Human Rights Visiting Fellows Program

Human Rights Visiting Fellows Program

Human Rights Visiting Fellows Program: Through its Visiting Fellows Program, the Human Rights Program seeks to give thoughtful individuals with a demonstrated commitment to human rights an opportunity to step back and conduct a serious inquiry in the human rights field.

Individuals who become fellows at the Program are usually scholars with a substantial background in human rights, or experienced activists.

On occasion, they have included young committed workers in the field with the capacity and interest to develop as teachers or activists.

A number of fellows have also come from the judiciary and other branches of government.

Typically, fellows come from outside the United States.

They spend from one semester to a full academic year (preference for candidates who can commit to a full academic year) in residence at the Law School and devote the majority of their time to research and writing on a specific human rights topic.

Applications for the year’s Visiting Fellowship Program are due on December 14.

Complete application materials should be mailed to:

Mindy Jane Roseman,

Academic Director,

Human Rights Program,

Pound Hall 401,

Harvard Law School,


MA 02138.

Phone: 617-495-6912.

Email: mroseman [at]

For more information see; Human Rights Visiting Fellows Program – College scholarships