Africa Action Internship Opportunities

Africa Action Internship Opportunities

Africa Action offers academic semester and summer internships for International undergraduate and graduate students in Washington, DC.

Interns will develop a more comprehensive understanding of how an Africa advocacy organization utilizes policy analysis and organizing to affect national policy.

An internship at Africa Action will provide participants an opportunity to support the organization’s current work, focused on three primary campaigns to cancel Africa’s debt, end the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa, and stop genocide in Darfur, Sudan.

Interns will work primarily in either the Public Education and Mobilization Department (DPEM) or the Policy Analysis and Communications Department (DPAC), depending on their talents and interests.


Applicants should be organized, self-motivated and reliable, with a strong interest in Africa, human rights, and economic and social justice.

Relevant coursework is highly desirable. Computer/web literacy required.

To Apply:

Interested students should submit their resume, short writing sample (3-5 pages), references and cover letter to africaaction[at] or the address below.

Africa Action internships run in three sessions during the year:


  • Fall/Winter internships run from September through December,
  • Winter/Spring internships run from January/February through May,
  • Summer internships run from June through August.However, Africa Action is willing to be flexible to accommodate other academic schedules.

For further details, see: Africa Action Internship Opportunities Website