Internship at African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights

Internship at African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights

Internship at African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights: The purpose of the Internship is to support the work of the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders at the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR).

It is a 12 month position based in Banjul, the Gambia.

Candidates should be able to work in English and French. Front Line will prioritise the recruitment of interns who have experience as a human rights defender in Africa.

Basic terms of reference:


  • Gather information on the situation of human rights defenders in Africa (with a particular focus on themes of concern identified bythe SR);
  • In coordination with other thematic mechanisms and with geographic desk officers, draft urgent appeals and communications to Governments concerning human rights violations against human rights defenders;
  • Support follow-up of cases;
  • Analyse replies received from Governments and prepare summaries for inclusion in the annual report;
  • Assist in the preparation of background materials for official missions by the Special Rapporteur;
  • Assist in liasing with non-governmental organizations for the smooth implementation of the mandate, as needed.Honorarium: 850USD per month.Applications comprising a cover letter and CV should be sent to Tara Madden, Program Manager.

Applications can be sent by email to: recruit [at] or by post to: Front Line 81 Main St. Blackrock Co. Dublin Ireland by 15th October for internships starting in January the following year.

For further details, and application materials, contact: Internship at African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights