Internship Positions at the European Centre for Minority Issues – Flensburg, Germany

Internship Positions at the European Centre for Minority Issues – Flensburg, Germany

he European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) in Flensburg, Germany, solicits applications for internship positions open to graduate or recent graduate students.

It is possible to negotiate other time slots upon request, especially to accomodate the different university terms in Europe and overseas. Please specify this in your application.

The Positions:

The internship positions are unpaid (ECMI is not in a position to cover travel or any other costs related to the internship) and usually last three months.

They will be based at ECMI headquarters in Flensburg or at the local offices in Tblisi, Pristina and Skopje.

You will participate in research and administration of ongoing ECMI projects, under the direction of the responsible ECMI researcher.

Depending on your profile, you can work in the following areas:

Action-oriented projects:

Your profile: Internships in ECMI’s action-oriented projects are aimed at graduate or recent graduate students who have a particular interest in the Balkans, the Western CIS countries (Moldova / Ukraine) or the Caucasus.

We expect a certain flexibility and ability to assist with a variety of tasks based on the needs of the Centre or Regional Office at the time of the internship.

Activities: Your tasks may include conducting targeted background research, tracking media coverage, assisting in the organization of training events and contributing to general office support duties, including updating of databases.

There will of course be some overlap of duties, combining research and administrative tasks.

The working language of ECMI is English; for our Regional Offices, knowledge of local language skills is a plus but not a necessity.

The possibility of also undertaking independent research leading to a paper of publishable quality may be discussed on an individual basis.

If you wish to apply, please specify in your covering letter your availability and regional/functional area of interest.

How to apply:

Application BY ELECTRONIC MAIL ONLY; no phone calls please.

A letter of application with the reference “Internship programme”, accompanied by a curriculum vitae, the names, contact details (including e-mail addresses) of three references, and an unedited writing sample in English (an extract of maximum 5 pages from a research paper not edited by someone else).

Please specify when you would be available and the area you are interested in.

Incomplete applications are not taken into consideration.

You will be contacted after an initial review and asked to provide academic/professional references in case you have been shortlisted.

Send to: Maj-Britt Risbjerg Hansen, hansen[at]

For more information see; Internship Positions at The European Centre for Minority Issues – Germany