Internships at the IAEA

Internships at the IAEA

In order to be eligible for the internship programme, applicants must be at least 18 years of age and have completed at least two years of full-time studies at a university or equivalent institution towards the completion of their first degree.

Individuals may apply up to two years after the completion of their bachelor´s, master´s, or doctorate degree.

The Agency provides medical insurance for the duration of each internship. Under certain conditions, the Agency may pay for an intern´s travel. Interns may receive a stipend to cover basic subsistence costs.

How to Apply:

Applications must be completed and submitted by post, fax or e-mail, accompanied by a cover letter, two signed letters of recommendation, and most recent academic transcript (optional), three to six months prior to the preferred start date of the internship.

For further details, see: Internships at the IAEA Website