TWN Africa Internship Program

TWN Africa Internship Program

TWN-Africa maintains a limited internship program open to all interested peoples but particularly targetted at young intellectuals and activists who are nationals of developing countries, especially African.

To be eligible:


  • student candidates must have completed the first 2 years of study in a tertiary institution.
  • Non- student candidates must show relevance of internship for their current or future work or study, prior involvement and proven interest in TWN-Africa?s issues and agenda.
  • Prospective interns must be able to work in the English Language.
  • Prospective interns must be computer literate.Terms:
  • The internship program is offered between April and October each year and may last between 4 and 12 weeks.
  • Student interns from developing countries may receive a monthly allowance and enjoy limited medical support.
  • Interns are responsible for their own living accommodations.
  • All placements are located in Accra, Ghana.Candidates who wish to intern in a particular year are encouraged to submit their applications by end of February in the year in which they intend to undertake their internship.Applications must include:
  • Educational background.
  • Skills, achievements and work or involvement in activities especially related to or relevant to TWN-Africa’s work.
  • What motivates the interest in interning with TWN-Africa and preferred area of work.Decisions on applications for each year will generally be finalized in the first quarter of the year and successful candidates notified by the end of March.

For more information and application, see: TWN Africa Internship Program – Internship job – College Internship opportunity