WTO Internships

WTO Internships

The WTO secretariat maintains a limited internship programme for post-graduate university students wishing to gain practical experience and deeper knowledge of the multilateral trading system.

Eligibility back:


  • Interns are recruited from among nationals of WTO Members and countries and customs territories engaged in accession negotiations.
  • Interns will have completed their undergraduate studies in a relevant discipline (e.g. economics, law, political science, international relations), and shall have completed at least one year of their postgraduate studies.
  • The minimum age for an intern shall be 21 years and the maximum age 30 years.
  • A roster of suitable candidates is maintained from which interns are selected.In addition to the regular internship programme, the need may also arise to recruit interns at short notice for particular tasks.These recruits will also be drawn from the roster. Names will not be maintained on the roster for longer than one year.

    Contractual Terms and Conditions back:

  • Paid interns receive a daily allowance of CHF 60 (including week-ends and official holidays falling within the selected period). No other remuneration of any kind shall be paid.
  • Internships take place in Geneva, Switzerland only. Travel expenses to and from Geneva cannot be paid by the WTO, and such travel is not covered by the Organization’s insurance. Interns are also responsible for their own insurance cover for illness and accidents while they are working at the WTO.
  • The WTO may also employ unpaid interns funded from external sources.
  • Internships are generally of a duration of up to 24 weeks, the length of the internship depending on the project the interns is requested to work on, and on the needs of each Division.
  • An internship can be terminated by the WTO Secretariat or by the intern with one week’s notice.

The WTO Internship Application Form must be completed and addressed to:


Human Resources Division,

World Trade Organization,

Centre William Rappard,

154 rue de Lausanne,

1211 Geneva 21,


Email: humanresources[at]wto.org

For more information see; WTO Internship Programme