List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students

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1 List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students

Master scholarship for international students from developing countries. Find masters degree scholarships, MA scholarships, MSc scholarships, LLM scholarships. List of master’s scholarships. Masters scholarship positions. Mastersscholarships links. Master’s scholarships for international students.

1000s of Master scholarships for graduate students. Master grants/scholarships for women. College scholarships for master students worldwide.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students : A

100% Full Fee Trust Africa Scholarships

AACC International Scholarships (Scholarship Grants)

AAUW International Fellowships

ACCES scholarship program

Access to Learning Award – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

ACLS Fellowships for Africans

ACM International Collegiate Contest

Acumen Fund Fellows Program

Adam Smith Research Foundation Scholarships

ADB Internship Program

Adelaide Graduate Fee Scholarships, The University of Adelaide

Adelaide Scholarships International – Australia

Adelaide Postgraduate Coursework Scholarships (APCS), The University of Adelaide

Adrian Hastings Africa Scholarship – Theology Scholarships

Aerospace Russia Scholarships

Africa Educational Trust Undergraduate International Outreach Bursaries

Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund

Africa Initiative Graduate Research Grant

Africa LLM/MSc Tercentenary Scholarship

Africa London Nagasaki Scholarship – African Scholarships

Africa Nursing Scholarship

Africa Scholarship Scheme

Africa Scholarships at University of Edinburgh

Africa Scholarships Program – University of Bologna, Italy

African Scholarships Grants

African Scholarships at University of Edinburgh

Africa Study Scholarships

African Fellowship

African Fellowships on Neglected Tropical Diseases

African Fellows Programme (AFP) – Rothamsted International Fellowship Scheme

African Girls Congress Fellowship Awards

African Guest Writer Scholarship

African Guest Researcher Scholarship Programme

African Leadership Fellowships

Africa Scholarship Program, University of Steubenville

African Staff Exchange Programme

Africa Thesis Award

African Commonwealth Scholarships » Education for Sustainability

African Development Journalism Fellowships

African Economic Research Consortium Awards

African Fellows Programme

African Guest Researchers Scholarship Programme

African Guest Writer Scholarship

African Graduate Fellowship, American University in Cairo

African Graduate Scholarships

African Human Rights Fellowships

African Leadership Academy Scholarships

AfricaAdapt Knowledge Sharing Innovation Fund

African Peacebuilding Network Research Grants

African Union Research Grant

Africa Union Scientific Awards

African Scholarships for Undergraduate Women

African Studies Scholarships – University of Oxford

African Watt Club Scholarship

African Women Development Fund

African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) Fellowships

African Women Public Service Fellowship

Africa University Scholarships

Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Programme

Aga Khan University Scholarships

Agriculture Short Courses Scholarships

Agriculture PhD Scholarships

Agris Mundus Master in Sustainable Development – Agriculture Scholarships

AIDS International Conference Scholarships

Air Liquide International Scholarships in France

Airey Neave Trust

AIESEC International Internships

Aklilu Lemma Scholarship Awards (Ethiopia Scholarships)

Alfred Friendly Press Fellowships (AFPF)

Alfred University Presidential Scholarship

Alfred University Presidential Scholarship

ALGANT Master Scholarship

ALJ Scholarship

Allan & Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust

Al-Maktoum Foundation Bursaries

Al-Maktoum Foundation Scholarships

Alpha Delta Kappa Scholarship

Altrusa International Foundation Grants

Ambassadors Girls’ Scholarship Program

AMCT Bursary

Amelia Earhart Fellowship Program

American Jewish World Service – AJWS

American Speech Language Hearing Foundation Scholarships

Amy Rustomjee International Scholarship

Angus Sawise Scholarships for Women

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/ACLS Early Career Fellowships

Andrzejewski Memorial Fund

Anne van den Ban Fund Scholarships

Annual Fund MBA Scholarships – The London Business School

ANSTI Conference Grants

Anzisha Prize for Young African Entrepreneurs

Architecture Postgraduate Research Scholarships – University of Kent

ARRL International Humanitarian Award

Art Moves Africa Grants

Ashoka-Lemelson Fellowship Program

Asian Scholarship

Assistance for Women and Women Refugees

Associated Board International Scholarships

Atlas Service Corps Fellowship Opportunity

ATREE Small Grants Program

Aubrey Sheiham Public Health and Primary Care Scholarship

Audio Engineering Society Educational Foundation

Australia Scholarships for International Students

Australian Development Scholarships

Australian National University Undergraduate Scholarships

AVLM – Management, Production and Activities Training Grants

AW Howard Memorial Trust Travel Grant

AWAM – Association for Women in Aviation Maintenance Scholarships

Award for Best Practices in Sustainable Development of Human Settlements

Award for Human Rights Defenders

AWARD Scholarships for African Women

Awards Creative Women and Women’s Groups

Awards for Women And Children Rights

AWS Foundation Scholarships

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students B

BA and MA Scholarships for International Students in Denmark

Bachelor of Laws Scholarships by Distance Learning

Bank of Ireland Fellowship in Human Rights

Barakat Trust and Bakarat Foundation Scholarships

Barratt Rotary Award – South Africa

Bat Conservation International Scholarships

Batonga Foundation Girls Scholarships

Bavarian Undergraduate & Postgraduate Scholarships for Foreigners

BBC World Challenge Competition

BEE Living Allowance Scholarship

Bellagio Center Creative Arts Residencies

Beit Trust Scholarships for Postgraduate Studies

Bentley Cropping Systems Fellowship

Berlage Institute Scholarships

Bernardin Scholars Program

Biomedical Repair Training Program

Birmingham Law School Scholarships

Birmingham Law School Master’s in Law Scholarships

Birmingham Law School Research Scholarships – UK

Bloomsbury PhD Scholarships

Boehringer Foundation Travel Grants

Boehringer Ingelheim Fund PhD Scholarships

Boehringer Ingelheim Travel Grants

BPP LLM Scholarships

British Ecological Society Overseas Fellowship Scheme

British Ecological Society (BES) Overseas Bursaries

British Federation of Women Graduates Foundation Grants

British Institute in Eastern Africa Grants

Broadlands Home Trust – UK

BSc & MSc Scholarships for African Female Students

Building Capacity Fellowships

Bursaries for Overseas Undergraduate Students – University of Southampton

Business School Scholarships Competition

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students C


Call for Field Research Grants

Call for Proposals in Good Governance & Human Rights

Cambridge International Scholarships (CISS)

Campbell Fellowships for Women from Developing Nations

CANADA-HOPE Scholarship Program

Canadian Window on International Development Award

Canon Collins Scholarship Programme

Capacity Building Fellowships

Cape Peninsula University Research Fund

Career Development Grants

Carl Duisberg Medicine Scholarships

Cartier Women’s Initiative Award

Catherine B Reynolds Foundation Fellowship

Catholic Theological Union Scholarships

Carnegie Corporation Of New York-Grant

CCBI Postdoctoral Fellowship in Neurosemantics and Autism

CCMP Fellowships to the Climate Summit in South Africa

Centre Universitaire au Développement Scholarships

Centenary Masters Scholarships – University of London

Certificate in Conflict Resolution Skills Scholarships

Certificate, Diploma & MSc Water and Environmental Management Scholarships – Distance Learning Scholarships

CFC Stanbic Bank Education Fund Scholarship

Charlotte Conservation Fellows Program

Charlotte Conservation Fellowships

Charlotte W Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships

Charles Pick Fellowship

Chevening Scholarships

Chinese Government Scholarships

Christine Bolt Scholarship

Church Development Service Scholarships

Churches Commission on Overseas Students Hardship Fund

Cicops Scholarships – University of Pavia Italy

CIDA Conference Fund

CIME Fellowship Programs

Civil and Building Engineering PhD Research Studentships

Civil and Environmental Engineering PhD Scholarships

Clarendon Fund – Oxford University UK

Claude Ake Uppsala University Fellowships

Climate Change Conference Fellowships

Clive Menell Fellowships, South Africa

Clive West Travel Grants

Clutton-Brock Scholarship For Zimbabwe – Cambridge University, Magdalene College

CN Yang Scholars Programme

CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Awards

CODESRIA Research Grants

CODESRIA Small Grants for Thesis Writing

Collegiate Inventors Competition

Colt Foundation Fellowships

Commonwealth Foundation Grants

Commonwealth Foundation’s Civil Society Responsive Grants

Commonwealth-Grenada St. George’s University Scholarship Program

Commonwealth Scholarship

Commonwealth Scholarships

Commonwealth Scholarships in South Africa

Commonwealth Shared Scholarships Scheme

Competition for African Journalists

Computer Science and Information Technology Scholarships

Computer Simulations for Science and Engineering Scholarships

Computing And Informatics PhD Scholarship

Conchita Poncini Jimenez Human Rights Fellowships

Conference and International Meeting Scholarships

Conference Scholarship

Conservation Awards

Connect4Climate Competition for African Youth

Constance McCullough Award

Co-operative Bank Foundation Scholarships Kenya

Coral Reef Conservation Project (CRCP)

Courage in Journalism Awards

Coursework Masters Awards – University of Otago

Cranfield Scholarships

Crawford Fund Derek Tribe Award

Creative Writing Residency – National University of Singapore

Crisis-reporting Grant

Crisis-reporting Grant

C V Raman International Fellowship for African Researchers

Czech Republic Government Scholarships


List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students D

DAAD-NRF in-Country Scholarships

DAAD In-Country & In-Region Scholarships

DAAD Scholarships Programme

DAAD Scholarships for Artists

DAAD Study Scholarships for Foreign Students in USA

Dan David Scholarships

Danish Culture Fund

Danish Government Scholarships for International Students

Danish International Scholarships

Dairy Industry Scholarships

David C. Lincoln Fellowship

David Montefiore Trust Grants

Dean’s Prize Scholarships – USA

Dell Social Innovation Competition

Denis Burkitt Fellowship

Deutsche Bank Scholarships for Women at London Business School

Developing Country Literacy Project Support Fund

Developing Countries Partnership Scholarship

Developing Countries Scholarships – List of Full Scholarships for Developing Countries

Developing Countries Scholarships – CUD Scholarship Program

Developing Solutions Taught Masters Scholarships

DFID Shared Scholarship Scheme, Oxford University

Diageo African Business Reporting Awards

Diploma and First degree Commonwealth Scholarships

Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management Scholarships

Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Scholarships

Directorate General for Development Cooperation Scholarships

Disability Rights Scholarship

Dissertation and Young Investigator Grants

Dissertation Fellowship for African Students

Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship – Social Science Research Council

Dissertation Research Fellowships

Dissertation Writing Scholarships for Muslims

Distance Learning Masters Scholarships – MSc in International Animal Health

Distance Learning MBA Scholarships at Edinburgh Business School (EBS)

Distance Learning Scholarships for Construction Professionals – University of Bath

Drama for Life Undergraduate & Postgraduate Scholarships

DRD Scholarships for PhD and Master Studies in Africa

Doctoral Research Award – Canada

Doctoral Researcher and PhD in Business Administration

Doctoral Scholarships for Developing Countries – IRO Scholarships

Doctoral Scholarships in Law – Uppsala University

Doctoral Scholarships in West Africa

Doctoral Scholarships in Law Science and Technology

Doctoral Scholarships

Doctoral Fellowships – Pre, Doctoral & Post-doctoral Fellowships

Dr Wanjiru Kihoro Scholarships

DTC PhD Studentships

Du Bois-Mandela-Rodney Fellowship

Duke Law School Scholarships USA

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students E


e8 Sustainable Energy Development Scholarships

e8 Internship Programme

EABL Foundation Scholarships

EABL Pan Africa Graduate Programme

EABL Scholarships

EADB Graduate Scholarship in Development Studies

Early Career Scholars Program

Earth Science Masters Programme Scholarships

EARTH University Scholarships

East African Community LLM & PhD Scholarships

East Africa Scholarship Opportunity

East Anglia Scholarships – UK

Echoing Green Fellowship Program

Economics Management of Network Industries Scholarships

Ecosystem Approaches to Human Health Training Award

Educating Africa Pan-African Awards for Entrepreneurship in Education

Educating Africans for Christ Scholarships

Educational Grants for Female Students

Educational Pathways International Scholarship

Eiffel Scholarships, Masters and PhD

Eira Francis Davies Scholarship (Sponsors Undergrad & Postgrad Female Students in Developing Countries)

ELCA International Scholarships

Electric Power Engineering Scholarships – Chalmers University of Technology

Electronic and Computer Engineering Scholarships, Politecnico di Torino

Elimu Fund Scholarships for High School Students

Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship

Elizabeth Nuffield Educational Trust Grants

Elva Knight Research Grant (funding available to students in African universities)

EMBO Short Term Fellowships

Emergency Small Grants Programme – UK

Emerging Leaders International Fellows Program

Emerging Leaders Scholarship

Emile Boutmy Scholarship

Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarships

End Impunity Poster Contest

Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarships – University of Sydney

Endeavour Vocational Education & Training Awards

Engineering International Undergraduate Scholarship

ENS International Scholarships – France

ENS Lyon Master Program International Scholarships

Environment, Food, Health and Technology Scholarships

Environmental Management MBA Scholarships

Environmental Studies Commonwealth Scholarship, University of Oxford

Environomical Pathways for Sustainable Energy Systems Scholarships

Equitas International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) Grants

Equity and Merit Scholarships for Students from Developing Countries

Erasmus Mundus FUSION-EP Scholarships

Erasmus Mundus Masters Course in Applied Ethics Scholarships

Erasmus Mundus Master Scholarship in Geospatial Technologies

Erasmus Mundus Masters in Journalism and Media Scholarships

Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics Scholarships

Erasmus Mundus Master Scholarships in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for European Master in Industrial Management

Erasmus Mundus MA Audiovisual Translation Scholarships

Erasmus Mundus MSc in Photonics Scholarship

Erasmus Mundus Scholarship in International Masters in Economy, State and Society (IMESS)

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships Programme

Erasmus Mundus OpSciTech Scholarships

Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship

Ernst Mach Grants

ESA Foundation Computer & Video Game Scholarships

Esso International Postgraduate Scholarships – Nigeria

Esso National Postgraduate Scholarship Awards – Nigeria

Ethiopia Masters Scholarships in Ethiopia & Abroad

Ethiopia Postgraduate Scholarships

European Conference Travel Grants

European Grants for Masters Students in Advanced Robotics, Erasmus Mundus

European Masters in Clinical Linguistics Scholarships

European Masters in Informatics Scholarships

European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics Scholarships

European Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies Scholarship

European Master of Science in International Health

European Master of Science International Health Degree Programme

European Master in Vision and Robotics Scholarships

Evan Lewis-Thomas Law Scholarships

Ewha Global Partnership Program

Exeter International Masters Scholarships

Excellence Scholarships for International Students at University of Bern


List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students F


Fahamu Pan-African Fellowship (FPAF) Program

Faculty for the Future Fellowships

FAO International Arts Competition

Fashion Matters MA Scholarships

Fellowship for Human Rights Defenders

Fellowship Program for Media Professionals

Fellowships for Engineers and Transport Managers

Fellowships for enhancing capacity of African Institutions in Environmental Economics

Fellowships for People of African Descent

Fellowships in Public Health & Tropical Medicine

Fellowships to Promote Mental Health Journalism

Femmes Africa Solidarité Internships

Ferguson Trust Scholarships – Coventry University, UK

Film and Fiction Scholarships

Film Your Issue Global Competition

Financial Aid and Practical Training for MS in Computer Science

Financial Aid for Masters Students

Financial Assistance for Young Entrepreneurs

Fine arts and music school scholarships for Foreign Students

First Weir Scholarship for Africa

Fisheries Scholarships

FitzGerald Scholarship for African Journalists

Five College African Scholars Program

Flemish Government fellowships

Flying Scholarships for the Disabled

Fondation Rainbow Bridge Scholarship

Food and Nutrition Security Training Scholarships

Food Security Scholarships for Students from Developing Countries

Food Short Courses University Scholarship

Food Valley Ambassador Program

Foreign Correspondents´ Scholarship Programme

Forest and Society Fellowship

The Franklin Mosher Baldwin Fellowship Grants

Free Online Course in Science Journalism

Free Scholarship

Free Tour to USA for Artists, Musicians & Students

French Embassy Grants

French Embassy Scholarships Program

Friedrich Miescher Institute PhD Scholarships, Basel Switzerland

Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program (FLTA)

Fulbright Research Awards for African Scholars

Fulbright Scholarship Awards

Full CEU Doctoral Fellowship – Central European University (CEU)

Full International Media Studies Scholarships

Full International Sports Scholarships

Full LLM Scholarships – Queen Mary University, UK

Fyssen Foundation Post Doctoral Study Grants

Full MA & PhD Scholarships for Sub-Saharan African Students

Full MSc Water and Waste Engineering Scholarships – Distance Learning

Full PhD Scholarships in Italy

Full Scholarships for Dundee Research LLM Program

Fully Funded Distance Learning Scholarships

Fully Funded Short Course on Law, Human Rights and HIV /AIDS

Fully-Funded International Research Scholarships – University of Leeds, UK

Fully-funded Scholarships in Abu Dhabi

Fully-funded Scholarships in Abu Dhabi

Fully-Funded Sports Coaching Fellowship

Fund for Investigative Journalism

Funded Leadership Training in Sustainability Management

Funded Leadership Training on Global Trade

Funded Postgraduate Diploma Courses – University of Aberdeen

Funded Postgraduate Opportunities, Waterford Institute of Technology – Ireland

Funded Study Visits in Germany for Foreign Students

Funded Summer Courses offered in Germany for Foreign

Funded Training in Environment, Energy and Water Sectors

Funded Training on Human Resource Development

Funded Training on Local/Regional Economic Promotion and Trade

Funded Trips to Germany for Groups of Foreign Students

Funds for Women Graduates

Funding for MSc Community Eye Health

Funding for Training in Hospital Management

Future Agricultures Consortium: Early Career Fellowships

Funzo Medical Scholarship



List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students G

Gandhi Smarak Nidhi Fund Scholarship – University of Nairobi

Garnham Fellowship

Gates Cambridge Scholarship – Cambridge University

GCD Visiting Fellowship

Genesis Job & Internship Positions in South Africa

Georgia Rotary Student Program, USA

Georgina Sweet Fellowship

Geosciences Scholarship – Utrecht University Netherlands

German-African Scholarship Exchange Programme

German-Egyptian Scholarships

Germany Scholarships

“Get on the Bus” Scholarships

Ghent University Master Grants

Giulia Mereu LLM Scholarship

Global Contest for Secondary School Students

Global Development Masters Scholarship – University of Edinburgh

Global Development Awards and Medals Competition

Global Fund for Women Grants

Global Health Corps Fellowships

Global Health Research Fellowship

Global Health Scholarships

Global Journalism Scholarships, Sweden

Global LLM Study Bursaries

Global Social Entrepreneurship Competition

Global South Scholar Fellowships

Globe Business College Munich Scholarship Programme

Global Junior Challenge

Global South Scholar-In-Residence Programme

Goldman Sachs International Scholarship for MBAs

Google Australia Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship

Google Australia and New Zealand Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship

Google Canada Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship

Google EMEA Travel and Conference Grants

Google Europe Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship

Google European Doctoral Fellowships

Google ICT Scholarship

Google Internship Opportunities

Google Zawadi Africa Scholarship

Google Scholarships: Europe, Middle East and Africa

Gordon R McCulloch Scholarship

Government Scholarship

Government Scholarship for MBA in English for International Students

Graça Machel Scholarship Programme

Graça Machel Scholarship Programme for African Women

Graduate Institute Scholarships in Switzerland – Graduate Institute Geneva

Graduate Fellowships in Innovation Law and Policy

Graduate Scholarships in Reproductive Health Law

Graduate Scholarship for Non-Japanese Women to Study in Japan

Graduate Student Fellowship Program

Graduate Student Research Fellowship Awards

Graduate Women In Science Grants and Fellowships

Grandmothers for Peace International Scholarship

Grant for Biomarkers of Gastrointestinal Function and Health

Grant Competition for Peacebuilding Projects

Grants-in-Aid of Research Program (GIAR)

Grants for Computer Science Meetings in Africa

Grants For Health Development in Developing Countries

Grants for Masters and PhD Students

Grants for Health Projects

Grants for Youth-based Programs

Guaranteed Scholarships in Finance

Gut Function Biomarkers Grant Opportunity

Guru Nanak Interfaith Prize



List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students H


Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Grants

Harvard Law School LLM Scholarships – Scholarship grants

Hauser Global Scholars LLM Scholarships

Hayek Fund for Scholars

HEC – EGIDE / EIFFEL Scholarships (Hautes Études Commerciales)

Eira Francis Davies Scholarship (Sponsors Undergrad & Postgrad Female Students in Developing Countries)

HEC – Forté Foundation Scholarships

HEC – Leopold Senghor Scholarships

Hammett Grants for Activists & Writers

Harvard Fellowships in Sustainability Science

HEC MBA Scholarships for Excellence

Heinrich Boll Foundation Sponsorships

Helping Youth Through Educational Scholarships

Henigson Human Rights Fellowship

Hilde Back Education Fund Scholarships

Higher Education Masters Programme in Africa Scholarships

Highway Africa Awards

HIV/AIDS Communication Competition

HIV & Drug Use Fellowships

HIV Prevention Research Advocacy Fellowship

HIV Research Scholarships

HIV Research Trust Scholarships

HIV Young Leaders Fund

Hodgkinson Postgraduate Scholarship, Oxford Brookes University

Honjo International Scholarship Foundation

Holland Scholarships for International Students

HP EdTech Innovators Award

HTIR Internship Program – USA

Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program – USA

Hult MBA Scholarship for African Students – Hult International Business School

Human Rights Advocates Program – Columbia University

Human Rights Defenders Tulip Award

Human Rights Essay Award

Human Rights Essay Competition

Human Rights Law Scholarship – University of Melbourne

Human Rights Prize

Human Rights Summer Institute

Human Rights Visiting Fellows Program

Humane Studies Fellowships

Humboldt Research Fellowships – Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Germany

Humphrey Student Fellowships

Huygens Scholarship Programme, Netherlands

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students I

IAD Tuition Fellowship (Master’s Degree Scholarship at Cornell University,USA)

Ian Wark Research Institute Scholarships

IARC Fellowships for Cancer Research

IATEFL Africa Scholarship

Ibrahim Shihata Fellowships

ICARDA Internship

ICANN Fellowship

ICE WaRM Masters Scholarship Programme

ICCR Scholarships, Government of India

ICGEB Short term Fellowship Programmes

ICMR International Fellowship Programme

IDEP Internships

IDRC Doctoral Research Award – Canada

IDRC Evaluation Research Awards

IDRC Internship Award

IEC Xstrata Energy Leader Scholarships Australia

IEEE EDS Masters Student Fellowship

IFUW International Awards

IHS Journalism Internship

IIE Dissertation Fellowship

IJR Transitional Justice Fellowships

IMD MBA Scholarships

Indigenous & Traditional Communities Fellowships

Information Sciences and Geography Commonwealth Scholarships, Aberystwyth University

Innovational Research Incentives Scheme » Graduate Scholarships

INSEAD-Syngenta MBA Scholarships for Developing Country Leaders

INSEAD Nelson Mandela Endowed Scholarship

Institute for African Development Travel Grants

Institute for Humane Studies Scholarships

Intajour Fellowship Program

Intensive Language Course in Germany Scholarships

International Grant Competition

International Scholarship Program

Internships at International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Intellectual Property and Technology Law Scholarships (Distance Learning)

Intellectual Property MPhil/PhD Scholarships – Queen Mary University UK

Intermediate Fellowships for Researchers

International Climate Protection Fellowships

International Development Fellows Program

International Dissertation Research Fellowships

International Doctoral Program In Energy Science

International Engagement Awards – The Wellcome Trust

International Erotic Art Competition

International Essay Contest for Young People

International Fellowships Programme (IFP)

International Foundation for Science (IFS) Grants

International Health Policy and Management Scholarships

International Human Rights Internships

International Human Rights Scholarships

International Law Institute Internships

International Humanitarian Law Scholarships – University of Pretoria, South Africa

International Leader of Tomorrow Award, The University of British Columbia

International Master in Digital Library Learning Scholarships

International Master in Management of Information Technology Scholarships

International Master in Management of IT Scholarships

International Masters Programme in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science

International Master Scholarships in Early Childhood Education & Care

International Master Scholarships in Surface, Electro, Radiation & Photo-Chemist

International MSc of Rural Development

International Graduate Student Fellowship Program

International Policy Fellowships

International Postgraduate Research Scholarships, Australia

International Research Fellowships

International Student House Residential Scholarships

International Student Humanitarian Award, University of British Columbia

International Student Loan Program – USA

International Students Academic Merit Scholarship

International Students Scholarships Malaysia

International Training on Wetland Management Scholarships

International Training Programme in Food Safety, Quality Assurance Systems and Risk Analysis Grants

International Travel Grant Award Program

International Undergraduate Student Scholarships

International Young Eco Hero Award

Internship at African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights

Internship on Promoting Police Reform in Africa

Internships Available in Kenya, East Africa etc

IPC Global Citizen Scholarship

Ireland International Scholarship Programme

Irish Aid Fellowship Training Programme

IRRI Training Scholarships

Islamic Development Bank Scholarship Programme

Israel Association Of University women

ISM Scholarship Programme – Tanzania

Italian Government Scholarships

ITTO Fellowship Programme

IITA-Lukas Brader Agriculture Scholarships

IWMI PhD Scholarship Program

IOM Internships

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students J


Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Graduate Scholarship Program

Jamaica Commonwealth Scholarship

Japan-WCO Human Resource Development Scholarship

Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program

Japanese Association of University Women (JAUW)

Japanese Government Scholarships

JASSO International Student Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan

Jean Claude Reynal Scholarship

Jennings Randolph Peace Scholar Dissertation Fellowship

Jennings Randolph Senior Fellowships

J. Mayo Greenberg Scholarship Prize

JEMES – Joint European Master Programme in Environmental Studies Scholarships

John Bicknell Research Scholarship, Australia

John Henry Brookes International Scholarships

John S. Knight Fellowships for Journalists

John Templeton Fellowships Essay Contest

Joint European Master in Comparative Local Development Scholarships

Joint European Master in Space Science and Technology Scholarships

Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Scholarships

Jonathan Mann Award for Global Health and Human Rights

Josephine de Karman Fellowship Trust

Journalism Fellowships

Journalism and Mass Communication Scholarships

Junior Professional Fellows

Junior Professionals Program

Junior Research Fellowships – Trinity College – Cambridge

Junior Research Fellowship and Research Associateship for Foreign Nationals

Justice Initiative Fellows Program

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students K

Kala Fellowship Award

Kala Singh Memorial Fund Scholarship

KCSSP Grants Program

KAUST Fellowship

KAUST Discovery Scholarship

KenolKobil Education Scholarships

Kenya Community Development Foundation Scholarships

Kenya DAAD Postgraduate Training Scholarships

Kenya Masters Scholarships in Kenya & Abroad

Kenyan Government Scholarships

Kenya Schools Scholarship

Kenya Merit Undergraduate Scholarship – The University of Sheffield

Kenya Postgraduate Scholarships

Kenya University Chancellor’s Scholarship

Kent Doctoral Scholarships – University of Kent, UK.

Kenyatta University Scholarships

King Baudouin International Development Prize

King Faisal Foundation Scholarships

King Faisal International Prize

Kings College Commonwealth Scholarship

Knight International Journalism Fellowships

Knight-Mozilla Fellowships

Knight News Challenge Worldwide Competition

Knight Scholarships for Rhodes University’s Media Leadership Institute

Kofi Annan Fellowship for Outstanding Students from Developing Countries

Kofi Annan Scholarship

KOICA Scholarships in Korea

Korean Government Scholarships for International Students

Korean Government Scholarship Program

K.U.Leuven IRO Scholarship

Kulika Scholarship Programme

Kurt Schork Awards in International Journalism

Kwame Nkrumah Scientific Awards

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students L

La Caixa Scholarships for Developing Countries

La Trobe University Research Scholarships

Latin American School of Medical Sciences Scholarships

Latour Antarctica Fellowship

Law Graduate Teaching Assistantships

Law scholarships, Oxford University

Law Scholarship for Masters of Laws (LLM)

LAWA Leadership and Advocacy Scholarships for Women

LAWA Program LLM Scholarships

Leadership and Advocacy for Women in Africa (LAWA)

Lee Kong Chian Graduate Scholarships

Leeds Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme

Leeds University Business School MBA Scholarships

Leland International Hunger Fellowship

Leiden University Excellence Scholarships

Leiden University Scholarships

Leiden University Fund Scholarships

Leiden University MA Scholarships – The Netherlands

Legatum Africa Awards programme

Leslie Wilson Research Studentship – University of Cambridge

Leymah Gbowee Foundation Scholarships

Libertas Support Fund Scholarships

Lindbergh Foundation Grants Program

Long-Term Master Awards

LLM Scholarships at UCL

LLM in Human Rights Law Scholarships

LLM in Human Rights Law Scholarships – Sweden

LLM in Human Rights Law at the University of Ulster

LL.M Innovation, Technology and the Law Scholarships – The University of Edinburgh

LLM Scholarships

LLM Scholarship in Democratic Governance and Rule of Law – Ohio Northern University, USA

LLM Scholarships in Human Rights & Democratisation in Africa

LLM Scholarships in Mineral Law and Policy – University of Dundee

LLM scholarships at Kings College London

Loans and Grants for Small and Big Business

Louwes Water Scholarship – Oxford University Centre for the Environment

L’ORÉAL/UNESCO Regional Fellowships for Women in Science

L. S. B. Leakey Foundation Grants

LUMID International Master Programme in Development and Management Scholarships

Lindbergh Foundation Grants Program

Liverpool Law School LLM Bursaries

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students M

M.A. Economics of International Trade and European Integration Scholarship

MA Fellowship in Peace and Security

MA in African Studies Scholarships

MA in Development Management Scholarships

MA in European Public Health Scholarships

MA in Human Rights Practice Scholarships

MA in International Relations Scholarships

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships » MA in International Peace Studies Scholarships

MA Online Degree Scholarships – University of York , UK.

MA Scholarships in Peace and Conflict Studies

MA Scholarships in Social Work

MA Scholarships in Social Work

MA Scholarships in Qatar

MA Studentships at King’s College London

MacDowell Colony Grants

Macquarie University International Scholarship, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students, Australia

Madvani Uganda Scholarships

Malaysia Scholarships

Malaysian Commonwealth Scholarships

Malawi Scholarships at Chancellor College

Mama Cash Grants

Management and Engineering of Environment and Energy Scholarships

Management of Logistics and Transportation Scholarships

Mandela Magdalene College Scholarship

Mandela Scholarship Fund of Leiden University

Margaret Bennett Scholarship for North African Women – London School of Economics

Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund

Margaret McNamara Foundation Grants – University of Cape Town

Marine Science and Law of the Sea Scholarships

Maritime Law Scholarships – IMLI

Marjorie Dean Financial Journalism Foundation Studentships

Mary Isabel Sibley Fellowship

Master and Doctoral Scholarships at International R&D Academy, Korea Institute of Science and Technology

Master Degree Scholarships in Netherlands

Master Degree Scholarships in UK

Master in Applied Ecology Scholarships

Master in Insurance and Risk Management, MIB School of Management of Trieste, Italy

Master in International and Development Economics Scholarships

Masters in Sanitary Engineering Scholarships

Master of Aquaculture Scholarships

Master of Biostatistics Scholarships

Master of Development Evaluation and Management Scholarships

Master of Food Technology Scholarships

Master of Globalisation and Development Scholarships

Master of Governance and Development Scholarships

Master of Human Settlements Scholarships

Master of Integrated Water Management Scholarships – University of Queensland

Master of Molecular Biology Scholarships

Master of Nutrition and Rural Development Scholarships

Master in Law and Economics Scholarships

Master in Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion Scholarships

Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education Scholarships

Master of Law and Business Scholarships

Master of Laws Program Scholarships in Singapore and USA

Master of Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management (Ocean & Lakes) Scholarships

Master of Nematology Scholarships

Master of Nonprofit Organizations Scholarships (Mandel Scholarship, USA)

Master of Physical Land Resources Scholarships

Master of Science in Photonics Scholarships

Master of Science in Water Resources and Livelihood Security Scholarships

Master of Water Resources Engineering Scholarships

Master Peace and Conflict Studies Scholarship

Master/Phd Scholarships in Conflict Studies & Management

Master PhoenixEM Dynamics of Health and Welfare Scholarships

Master Scholarships for Foreign Students – Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Master Scholarships for Public Policy & Good Governance

Masters Scholarships in Aeromechanics

Master Scholarships in Agricultural, Food & Environmental Policy Analysis

MSc Scholarships in Animal Nutrition and Feeding

MSc Scholarships in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition

MSc Scholarships in Food Identity

Masters Scholarships in Astrophysics

Master Scholarships in Biomedical Engineering

Master Scholarships for Crossways in Cultural Narratives

Master Scholarships in Dance Knowledge

Master Scholarships in Documentary Filmdirecting

Master Scholarships in Distributed Computing

Master Scholarships in Economic Development and Growth

Master Scholarships in Global Studies

Master Scholarships in Information and Communication Technologies

Master Scholarships in Ireland

Master Scholarships KSOP

Master Scholarships in Quality in Analytical Laboratories

Master Scholarships in Service Engineering

Master Scholarships in Sustainable Territorial Development

Master Scholarships in Tourism Management

Master Scholarships in Transnational Trade Law and Finance

Master Scholarships in Transportation & Electrical Power Systems

Master Scholarships in Wind Energy

Masters and PhD Scholarships, Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD)

Masters and Doctoral Scholarships – Ritsumeikan University (Japan)

Masters Course in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management Scholarships (MESPOM)

Master’s Fellowships – USA

Masters Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine

Masters in Strategic Project Management Scholarships

Master’s in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics Scholarships – Italy

Master’s in Law scholarships at Kings College London

Masters in Microfinance Scholarships

Masters Degree in Women’s and Gender Studies Scholarships

Masters in Public Health Scholarships – University of Manchester

Masters in Quality Technology and Management Scholarships

Masters in Security and Mobile Computing Scholarships

Masters in Special Education Needs Scholarships

Masters Scholarships at The Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

Masters Scholarships in Development Management

Master Scholarships in Food Innovation and Product Design

Master Scholarships in Humanitarian Logistics and Management

Masters Scholarships in Intellectual Property (Distance Learning)

Masters Scholarships in Law, Arts and Social Sciences

Masters Scholarships in Optics

Master Scholarships in Migration and Intercultural Relations

Masters Scholarships in Sport and Exercise Psychology

Master Scholarship in Sustainable Management of Food Quality

Masters Scholarships in Systems Biology

Master Scholarships in System Dynamics

Mauritius Commonwealth Scholarship

MBA Internship and Software Development Intership

MBA Scholarships

MBA Scholarships at Tilburg University – Netherlands

MBA Scholarships at University of Exeter

MBA Scholarships – Richard Metzler and Roland Berger AMCF Scholarships

MBA and MPA Scholarship by Management – Institute of Canada

Master & PhD Scholarships in Energy Science

McAfee School of Theology International Tuition Grants

Mechanical Engineering Scholarships

MediaTek International Student Fellowship

Media For Liberty Award

Melbourne International Research Scholarships

Mesothelioma Memorial Scholarships

Microsoft PhD Scholarships

MIT Fellowships

MIWFT Scholarships

MJ Bear Fellowships for Emerging Digital Journalists

MMMF Educational Grants

Mohamedali Karimjee Trust

Mo Ibrahim Foundation PhD Scholarships

Mo Ibrahim Foundation Scholarships – London Business School

Moi University Masters Scholarships

Monash Graduate Scholarship (MGS) – Australia

MPhil in Conservation Leadership Scholarships – University of Cambridge

MS and MBA Scholarships

MSc and Diploma Bursaries, Cancer Research, UK

MSc and MPH Public Health scholarships

MSc and PhD Scholarships in Water Technologies

MSc Agricultural Sciences Scholarships – AgEcon Program

MSC Atomic Scale Modelling of Physical, Chemical and Biomolecular Systems

MSc Forestry Distance Learning Scholarships – Bangor University, UK

MSc Gerontology Scholarships – University of Southampton, UK.

MSc Scholarships in BioHealth Computing

MSc Community Eye Health & MSc Control of Infectious Diseases Scholarships

MSc Computer & Engineering Scholarships

MSc Corona Fellowships

MSc Clinical Trials by Distance Learning Scholarships

MSc Environmental Policy and Management Scholarship

MSc in Computational Logic Scholarships

MSc in Environmental Engineering Scholarships

MSc in Management Scholarships

MSc in Environmental Sanitation Scholarships – Ghent University Belgium

MSc European Forestry Scholarships (MSc EF)

MSc Fellowships at UNESCO – IHE Delft

MSc Food for Life Scholarships

MSc Graduate Research Grants

MSc Health Care Scholarships

MSc in Biostatistics Scholarship in Belgium

MSc International Development Scholarships

MSc in Material Engineering Scholarships

MSc in Medical Statistics Scholarships

MSc in Public Health Scholarships

MSc in Water Science, Policy and Management Scholarship

MSc NGO and Development Management Scholarships

MSc Public Health Scholarships, MSc Tourism Management Scholarships & MA World Heritage Resource Management Scholarships – Bournemouth University

MSc Scholarships at Strathclyde University

MSc Scholarships for Public Health in Disasters

MSc Scholarships at University of Bath

MSc Scholarships in Animal Breeding and Genetics

MSc Scholarships in Animal Nutrition and Feeding

MSc Scholarships in Chemical Innovation and Regulation

MSc Scholarships in Dependable Software Systems

MSc Scholarships in Ecohydrology

MSc Scholarships in Geospatial Technologies

MSc Scholarships in Global Innovation Management

MSc Scholarships in Global and International Health

MSc Scholarships in Information Technologies for Business Intelligence

MSc Scholarships in International Humanitarian Affairs

MSc Scholarships in Nematology

MSc Scholarship in Science and Technology (Scholarshipsand Grants in Technology)

MSc Scholarships in Sustainable Forest and Nature Management

MSc Scholarships in Social Protection Financing

MSc Scholarships in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling

MSc Scholarships in Water Resources Management

MSc Structural Molecular Biology Commonwealth Scholarships (Distance Learning)

MSc Studentships in Epidemiology – London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

MSc Studentships in Public Health

MSc Sustainability Scholarships

MSc Water and Environmental Management Scholarships – Distance Learning Scholarships

MTN Scholarships for South African Students

Mo Ibrahim Foundation Fellowships in Africa

Mobil National Undergraduate Scholarship Awards – Nigeria

Monbukagakusho Scholarship – Japanese MEXT Scholarships

Mundo Scholarship – Maastricht University

Murtala Muhammed Scholarship for Nigerians

Music Scholarships at City University London

Music Scholarships for African Students

Munster Musical Trust Awards

Museveni Scholarship

Mustard Seed Harvey Fellowship for Christians

Mwalimu Nyerere African Union Scholarship

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students N

National Geographic Society Grants – Research and Exploration Grants

National Water Research Institute Fellowships – USA

Nelson Mandela Scholarships

Netherlands Scholarships

Nestle Foundation International Fellowship

Nestle Nutrition International Scholarship

Networking Conference Scholarships

New Zealand Commonwealth Scholarships

New Zealand Development Scholarships

Newby Trust

Newton International Fellowships

NGO Grants for Developing Countries

Nicholas Hans Comparative Education Scholarship

Nieman Fellowships

Niger Delta Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme

Nigeria Masters Scholarships in Nigeria & Abroad

Nigeria University Scholarship Scheme

Nigeria Scholarship: Scholarships for Study in Nigerian Universities

Nigerian Women Association of Georgia Scholarship

Nile Basin Initiative Scholarships

NNIA Scholarship Program

NOHA Joint European Master’s in International Humanitarian Action Scholarships

Nora Henry Trust Grants

Norad’s Programme for Master Studies (NOMA) Scholarship

Norwegian Federation of University Women, Ellen Gleditsch’s Stipendiefond

The Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund

North-South-Dialogue Scholarship Programme

Novartis Foundation Bursaries

Nuffic Scholarship – NFP Fellowships

Nursing Scholarships

Nursing Scholarships in Kidney Related Study

Nyenrode Scholarship Initiative, MSc and MBA Scholarships


List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students O

Oak Foundation Grants

Oak International Human Rights Fellowship

O’Brien Fellowships for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism

Occupational Health and Safety Scholarships

Ochberg Fellowship Program

OHCHR Internships

OHCHR’s Indigenous Fellowship Programme

Oikos UNDP Young Scholars Grants

Olive Stone Law School Scholarships

Olive W Garvey Fellowship

Onassis Foundation Scholarships

ONE Africa Award

One World Scholarship Programme (EWS) – Austria

Online Degree Scholarships in Public Health – University of Liverpool

Online Distance Learning Master’s Scholarships – University of Edinburgh

Online MA in Peacebuilding Scholarships

OPEC Fund Scholarship Award

Open Society Fellowship

Open Society Foundation Grants

Opportunity Grants for US Education

Orphans of Rwanda

ORS Awards for Mphil/PhD students

Oslo Peace Scholarship

Oshwal Aid Scholarships

Otago Doctoral Scholarship

Otago International Masters Award, The University of Otago, New Zealand

Otago International Masters Scholarship

Otto Bayer Scholarships

Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme at Newcastle University

Overseas Students Hardship Fund

Oxford Commonwealth Shared Scholarships

Oxford Brookes MBA Scholarships

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students P

The Oxford Nigeria Scholarship in African Studies

Paid Training in the US

Palmhouse Foundation Scholarships

P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship Fund

Peace and Security Fellowships for Africans

Peace and Security Fellowships for African Women

Peace Revolution Fellowship Program

Perdita Huston Human Rights Award

PhD and Masters Scholarships in Korea – Kyungpook National University

PhD and Post-Doctoral Scholarships

PhD Fellowship in Amsterdam

PhD Fellowships in Public and Population Health

PhD Plant Breeding Scholarships

Phd and Postdoctoral Fellowship at the INRS-EMT

PhD Fellowships in Development Health & Disease – University of Cologne

PhD Research Studentship Hydrodynamics

PHD Scholarship in Environmental Economics

PhD Scholarship in International Conflict

PhD scholarships – Ghent University Belgium

PhD Scholarships at University of Copenhagen

PhD Scholarships in Holland

President’s Entrance Scholarship, The University of British Columbia

PhD scholarships for candidates from developing countries

PhD Scholarships for Developing Countries in Switzerland – ETH Zürich, North-South Centre

PhD Scholarships in Agriculture

Africa PhD Scholarships in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science

PPhD Scholarships in Climate Change & Agriculture

PhD Scholarships in Democratic Theory & Practice

PhD Scholarships in Denmark

PhD Scholarships in Finance

PhD Scholarships in Globalization

PhD Scholarships in Industrial Management

PhD Scholarships in International Health

PhD Scholarships in International Studies – University of Trento, Italy

PhD Scholarships in Materials Science and Engineering

PhD Scholarships in Social and Agricultural Sciences

PhD Scholarships in Social Sciences

PhD Scholarships, University of Roma La Sapienza, Rome, Italy

PhD Stipends in African/Colonial History

PhD Studentship in Structural Engineering, Loughborough University, UK

PhD Studentships at University of Bremen – Germany

PhD Studentships in Citizenship & Rule of Law – University of Aberdeen

PhD Thesis – Grants to Help Pay the Costs

Phenomena Academy Writing Scholarship

Pilot International Foundation Scholarships

Policy and Management Scholarships

Postdoc fellowships to non-EU researchers – Belgium

Post-doctoral Fellowships at National Institute for Agricultural Research

Postgraduate Commonwealth Scholarships at University of Brighton, UK

Postgraduate Diploma and Masters Scholarships in Peace and Conflict Studies

Post Graduate Fellowships for Sub-Saharan Africa Nationals

Postgraduate Research Scholarships in Italy, Università degli Studi di Torino

Postgraduate Research Studentship Opportunities at University of Liverpool

Postgraduate Funded Studentship

Postgraduate Scholarships for Developing Countries

Postgraduate Scholarships For Students From Developing Countries

Postgraduate Scholarships in France

Postgraduate Training Fellowships for Women Scientists

Publication Workshop Scholarships

PPGF Fellowship Programme

Print and Graphics Scholarship Foundation

PRIO Student Scholarships

Prize for Women’s Creativity in Rural Life

Procter and Gamble Fellowship for Doctoral Research

Project grant

Project Inspire seeking Life-changing Ideas

Premio Daniel Carasso Prize


List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students Q

Queen’s Entrepreneurs’ Competition – Open to Undergraduates Worldwide

Quota Scheme Funding

Quota Scholarship Scheme for Developing Countries

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students R

Rattansi Education Fund

Reach Oxford Scholarships

Reach Undergraduate Scholarships – Oxford University

Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship Program

Red Cross Volunteers

Reebok Human Rights Award

Reham al-Farra International Scholarship in Journalism

Refugee Academic Grants

Refugee and Asylum Seeker Scholarships

RResearch and Conservation Grants

Research Fellowship in Oral History

Research Fellowships in Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources

Research Grants for Doctoral Candidates and Young Scientists and Academics

Research Grants for PhD Students & Young Academics

Research in Education Fellowship

Research Postgraduate Scholarships, University of Leeds

Research Scientists, Nairobi – Kenya

Research Scholarship – Practice-led PhD in the Arts

Research Scholarships for Lawyers from Developing Countries and Countries in Economic Transition

Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists

Researcher Exchange Programme

Residential Fellowships for Scholars and Writers

Rhodes Scholarships

Rights & Democracy Award

Rights and Voice Initiative Grants

Right Livelihood Award

Roger N. Baldwin Medal of Liberty Award

Roothbert Fund Scholarships

Robert S. McNamara Fellowships

Rosalind Franklin Fellowships at University of Groningen – Germany

Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarships

Rotary World Peace Fellowship

Royal Society Joint Project Grants

Rubicon Grants for Postgraduates

Rubicon Programme Scholarships – NWO

Rufford Small Grant For Nature Conservation

Rule of Law Masters Scholarships

Russia Government Scholarships

Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students S

SAB Graduate Trainee Program

SAFe Think Programme Bursaries

Samsung Global Scholarship Program – Seoul National University

Sarojini Naidu Memorial Scholarship

Sasakawa International Scholarship – Gallaudet University

Sasakawa Scholarships for the Deaf – Rochester Institute of Technology

Satter Human Rights Fellowships

Sauve Scholars, McGill University, Montreal Canada.

SAWISE Hope Scholarship

Scarce Skills Scholarship Programme

Schlumberger Scholarships for Students from Developing Countries

Scholar Rescue Fund Fellowships

Scholarship Application

Scholarship for Master in Water Resources Management – ICE WaRM, Australia

Scholarships and Awards for International Undergraduate Students at Trent University Canada

Scholarships for PhD students in Geospatial Information

School for Field Studies Scholarships

Scottish International Scholarship Programme

SCRIPT Scholarships – Distance Learning

Scholarship for study in Finland

Scholarships for African Students in India

Scholarships for Developing Commonwealth Countries

Scholarships for Music

Scholarships for Research Students

Scholarships for study in Holland

Scholarships for the Blind

Scholarships for Professional Master on Technologies for E Government, University of Trento, Italy

Scholarships for Physicians in Developing Countries

Scholarships in Canada for International Students

Scholarships in Sustainable Regional Health Systems

Scholarships in Rehabilitation and Related Research for Graduate Students with Disabilities

Scholarships to attend the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights

Scholarships to Developing Commonwealth Countries – Applying through Universities in Developing Countries

Scholarships to study in Greece

Scholarship Opportunities for Undergraduate Students in Africa

Science – Leuven Scholarship – Netherlands

Scrymgeour LLM Scholarships

SeaWorld and Busch Gardens Conservation Fund

Short Course Awards for Africa

Secondary School Scholarships for Girls – CHES

Selby Travelling Fellowship

Sexualities Research Grant Program

Sexuality Leadership Development Fellowship

Shanghai Government Scholarships

Shariah Research Grant

Sheikh Kamal Adham Fellowship

Shell Centenary Scholarships, UK and Netherlands

Shell Nigeria Secondary School Scholarship Scheme

Shell Nigeria University Scholarship Awards

Shell Postgraduate Student Internships

Short Courses and Postgraduate Scholarships

Short Courses Scholarships

Short Stay Scholarships for Young Africans

Shuttleworth Foundation Fellowships in Education and Technology

SIDA Call for Proposals


Singapore International Graduate Award

Sir Ernest Cassel Educational Trust Commonwealth Students Grants

Sir Richard Stapley Educational Trust Scholarships

Sixth Continent Initiative Fellowships

Sloan African Scholarship

Small Grant Awards for Female Scientists

Small Grants and Fellowships

Social Sciences in Africa Fellowships

Social Work Scholarship

Sofja Kovalevskaja Award

South African Association of Women Graduates (SAAWG)

Sonke Health & Human Rights Fellowship

Special Scholarship Program

Student Credit Cards

Strathclyde Commonwealth Shared Scholarship

Special Overseas Student Scholarship, Australia

Special PhD Scholarships for Developing Countries

Special Scholarships in Engineering

Spencer Dissertation Fellowships for Research Related to Education

Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowships

Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowships

Sponsored International Leadership Summit

Sri Lanka Government Scholarships

SSI/ISID Infectious Diseases Research Fellowship

St Antony’s College and ENI Scholarship

STARS Impact Awards for NGOs

Steve Huckvale Scholarships for African Students – University of Bath

STINT Scholarship for Academic Excellence

Stockholm Challenge

STRI Short-Term Fellowship Program

Student Loans Available – Strathmore University Kenya

Student Research Grants

Student Writing Competition

Studentships for MPhil and PhD Studies at The University of Hong Kong

Study in Norway Scholarship

Swedish Institute Study Scholarships

Support for Young African Women Leaders

SURVIVE-MIVA Grants for the Developing World

Sustainable Design Postgraduate Scholarships

Sustainable Housing Scholarships

Sustainable Tropical Forestry Erasmus Mundus Masters Course Scholarships

Swedish Institute Masters Scholarships

Swinburne University Vice Chancellor’s Research Scholarship

Swiss Association of University Women Fellowship

Swiss Government Scholarships

Swiss Re International ReSource Award

Swiss Management Center Master and Doctoral Scholarships

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students O

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students O

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students O

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students O

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students O

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students O

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students O

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students O

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students O

List of Masters Scholarships for Ugandans and International Students O





These Master Scholarships cover all fields of study e.g. Travel/Tourism, Theology/Religon, Sustainable Development, Social Sciences, Sciences, Psychology, Programming, Political Science, Plant Sciences, Peace and Conflict Studies, Nursing, Natural Resources, Music.

Master scholarships: Also cover Microbiology, Mathematics, Marine Biology Master scholarship, Library Sciences/Librarianship Master scholarship, Liberal Arts/Humanities Master scholarship, Law/Criminal Justice Master scholarship, Languages / Linguistics Master scholarship, International Relations Master scholarship, Humanities Master scholarship, History, Filmmaking Master scholarship, Ethnic Studies Master scholarship, Environmental Management Master scholarship, English Language and Literature Master scholarship.In addition, you can study, Education/Counseling, Economics Master scholarship, Creative Writing Master scholarship, Conservation and Preservation Master scholarship, Computer Sciences / IT Master scholarship, Communications Master scholarship, Classics Master scholarship, Chemistry Master scholarship, Business Management / Finance Master scholarship, Biology Master scholarship, Asian and Asian American Studies Master scholarship, Arts/Art History, Area/Ethnic Studies, Architecture and Design, Applied Science, Anthropology, Actuarial Science and Accounting Master scholarship.Master scholarship: The Master scholarships are for people from developing countries. They cover scholarships for Africa and scholarships and grants for graduate students from Africa as well as scholarships for international students.